space environment 2018 № 211 21.11.2018

Film-document №101063 1 part, Duration: 0:11:19 to collection Price category V4
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:11:20

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Producer Studio Roscosmos

Reel №1

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The crew of the Soyuz MS-11 at Baikonur, the beginning of preparations for the flight.

The ISS anniversary is 20 years old.

The first successful activation of the MGNS spectrometer on board the BepiColombo probe.

The New Horizons probe is approaching the dwarf planet Ultima Thule.

One line:

- Asteroid Bennu in the lens of NASA's Osiris-Rex probe;

- ESA has published a video of the ISS's complete revolution around the Earth;

- Astronomers have discovered a star system on the verge of explosion.

Astrophoto of the week: the Tarantula nebula, a "small planet" on a lake in Sweden, the brightest comet 46P/Virtanen.


Kononenko O.D. - test cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation, Hero of Turkmenistan.
E.S. McClain is an American test pilot, NASA astronaut.
Saint-Jacques D. is a Canadian doctor, pilot, astrophysicist, astronaut of the Canadian Space Agency.
D.O. Rogozin is a statesman, diplomat, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (2011-2018), Director General of Roscosmos (since 2018).
Krikalev S.K. is an aviation athlete, cosmonaut, development engineer, candidate of Psychological Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E.Tsiolkovsky.
Gerstenmaier W.H. -- Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering, Master of Mechanical Engineering, Deputy Head of NASA.
Yurchikhin F.N. -- pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation.
Kotov O.V. - test doctor of the Gagarin CPC, cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation, Deputy head of the Gagarin CPC Research Institute.
Nevis R. is an American reporter, an official representative of the leadership of the NASA Media Relations Department.
Werner J.-D. - German engineer, Professor, lecturer, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the German Aerospace Center, Director General of the European Space Agency (2015-2021).
Malakhov A.V. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Nuclear Planetology of the ICI RAS.
Mitrofanov I.G. - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Department of Nuclear Planetology of the Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Popov S.B. is an astrophysicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a leading researcher at the P.K. Sternberg State Astronomical Institute.

Space; Space programs