Soviet Sport 1977 № 6 Do athletes BAM. Champion horse changes. Bogatyr from South Ossetia. Anniversary cycling.

Film-document №13265 1 part, Duration: 0:09:31, Black-white to collection Price category A
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Part 1 0:09:32

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Krichevskiy A.

Operators: Zababurin V., Lebedev A., Guluev V., Sher B.


1. Sports facilities in the village of the builders of BAM. 2. E. master of equestrian sport Petushkova. 3. World champion in freestyle wrestling C. Andiev. 4. 30th Anniversary Race around the world.

Temporary description

1syuzh. - Sports Palace in the village Urgal-2 in the eastern section of BAM. Training and competitions: volleyball, boom. 2syuzh. - Statement by the master of sports riding E. Petushkova at the USSR championship for equestrian sport in Vilnius. 3syuzh. -Training and performances of world champion in freestyle wrestling C. Andiev and his brothers. 4syuzh. - XXX Peace Race, the history of these events, especially distance.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1. Settlement Urgal-2 in the eastern sector of BAM.

Fitter AN Dorofeev and a group of builders working on building a house.

The driver Yu Lemeshko in the truck.

Construction of the pool.

Building a sports complex settlement.

In the gym trained athletes.

Yu Lemeshko conducts classes in the struggle.

Trained weight lifters, among them - AN Dorofeev.

Train volleyball players.

2. E. master of equestrian sport Petushkova speaker at international competitions on horseback Ashes.

Applauding audience.

E. Petushkova presenting the award.

E. Petushkova with her new horse Abakan.

E. Lada Petushkova with his daughter riding on the Abakan.

E. Petushkova and coach Vladimir Vasiliev train Abakan.

Rides riders - members of the national championship equestrian.

Viewing audience, shoot reporters.

Speech by E. Petushkova to Abakan.

E. Petushkova rides Abakan in the park in Sokolniki.

3. 1975 - World Championship Wrestling in Minsk:

Held competitors; rewarding Soviet athlete S. Andieva.

Applauding the fans.

Awards S. Andieva.

S. Andiev with his wife decorate a Christmas tree.

S. Andiev in training with his coaches - his elder brother Gennady and Sergeev Andievymi.

S. Andiev trains at the gym.

Exercise bout.

Brothers Andievy ride in the car.

4. Participants of the Cycling world at a distance, leading athletes of the Soviet team - different plans.

A. Pikuus national champion at the distance.

Newsreel footage:

The first cycling world - the athletes on the course, pass the border post; cheerleader athlete presented with flowers, kisses the hand of a girl athlete, it is snowing, cyclists on the course, an accident on the track, athletes change their bikes, are members of the Soviet team with laurel wreaths.

Participants will finish the 30th cycling.

At the podium - A. Pikuus, B. and T. Osokin Mytnik.

Rides the Soviet team riders.

They run the fans.