Soviet Sport 1978 № 6 Hello, sporting summer. Graces challenge prizes. Veteran boxing. At the European Championships. Swim - before going ...

Film-document №13397 1 part, Duration: 0:09:46, Black-white to collection Price category A
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:47

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Bessarabov I.

Operators: Guluev S., Leongardt U., Serov G., Averbukh M.


1. Competitions in slalom in North Ossetia. Club hang gliders suburbs. 2. 30th USSR championship in rhythmic gymnastics. 3. 70 th anniversary of the boxer VP Mikhailov. 4. European Championships in sports acrobatics in Riga. 5. Learning to swim infants.

Temporary description

1syuzh. - Athletes in a boat floating on a stormy river. Flying hang gliders. 2syuzh. - Odessa. On the dais are the gym I. Deryugin, G. Shugurova, J. Devin. 3syuzh. - Boxer Mikhailov award prizes. Mikhailov home. Boxing poedinoy Mikhailova in 1936. Mikhailov, the judges' table. 4syuzh. - Riga. Athletes at the stadium. International competition in sports acrobatics. 5syuzh. - Small children are taught gymnastics and swimming. Pool for children.

Reel №1

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1. Central Caucasus Mountains.

Mountain landscape with a river.

Athletes are the boat to the river.

Kayak paddlers trying to overcome 750-meter track with 24 gates - different plans.

Athlete has glider, wear a helmet.

Starts, flying and landing athletes hang-gliders.

2. Port of Odessa, Odessa Street, transport.

The audience applauded.

G.Shugurova are gymnasts, and I.Deryugina I.Devina - winners of the championship.

Speech I.Deryuginoy with ribbon and ball.

G.Shugurova playing with clubs and rope.

Exercises with tape does I.Devina.

G.Shugurova I.Deryugina and with gold medals on the podium.

3. On the day of the 70th anniversary of the veteran sports V.P.Mihaylovu awarded the prize "Crystal glove", and flowers.

V.P.Mihaylova congratulate colleagues on sport.

V.P.Mihaylov at home at his desk looking at pictures.

Newsreel 1936:

The Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

Fragments of a boxing match for the title between the USSR and N. Queen V.Mihaylovym.

Mikhailov with a prize.

Mikhailov trains young boxers Moscow "Dynamo".

Mikhailov in the panel of judges during the competition.

4. People on the streets of Riga.

Competitors in the stadium.

Playing a pair of acrobats from Bulgaria and Poland.

Playing Soviet acrobats, world champions and T.Krivtsova Kuznetsov.

The judge.

Performance of the group of acrobats from Poland.

Speech champions N.Tischenko M.Kuharenko and in women's doubles exercises.

Paired performances - Bulgarian acrobats and D.Rusanova P.Petkova; Soviet acrobats V.Alimanova and V. Nazarov.

Watch the judge.

Perform complex jumps: E.Kshenkovska (Poland) and L.Tsygankova V.Chuhareva (USSR) E.Farli (UK) A.Mareydo (USSR), P.Evtimov (Bulgaria).

Performs a triple somersault champion V.Bindler (USSR).

V.Bindleru P.Evtimovu and awarded medals.

V.Chuhareva on a pedestal.

Rewarding athletes.

5. Pass young women with infants in strollers.

A woman carries a child in her arms.

Prams outside clinics.

Babies do gymnastics.

Babies with mothers in the pool, children are taught to swim.

Swim babies - different plans.