Soviet warrior 1985 № 12 Fulfilling an international duty.

Film-document №14378 1 part, Duration: 0:10:06 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:57

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: V. Shorohov

Operators: K. Durnov, V. Frolenko

Other authors: G. Lisoj


The issue is dedicated to the daily life and combat everyday life of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan.

The War in Afghanistan | Army | Armed conflicts | Wars, conflicts and disasters | International cooperation | Defense and internal security

War | Space

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Afghan mountain landscapes.

View of a part of Kabul (from above).

People and vehicles on the streets of Kabul.

The faces of passers-by, women in burqas, a greengrocer pushing a cart with goods.

An Afghan soldier with a machine gun on the street of Kabul.

Checking documents with one of the drivers.

Panorama of the school building blown up by the Mujahideen.

Destroyed school premises.

A pole with broken telephone wires.

Women and children walk along the side of the road.

The body of a woman killed by dushmans.

The skeleton of a burnt-out truck by the side of the road.

The destroyed bridge.

The text of the appeal of the Afghan government, published in the newspaper.

Soldiers of one of the military units stationed in Afghanistan are marching in formation on the territory of the military camp.

Physical training class on the sports campus.

Signalmen in the classroom during a radio class.

Hand-to-hand combat training.

Soldiers in the barracks during rest.

The soldier plays the guitar, sings, his comrades listen to him.

Interior view of the Lenin room.

Soldiers issue a Combat Leaflet.

Stands of visual propaganda with photos and information about the actions of Soviet troops in Afghanistan on the wall of the Lenin Room.

Soldiers are playing chess.

Private A. Nikulichev talks about the reasons for the presence of Soviet troops on the territory of Afghanistan, about helping the Afghan people (synchronously and behind the scenes).

Soviet soldiers during a meeting with soldiers of the People's Army of Afghanistan.

Major R. Aushev talks about the tasks of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan (synchronously and behind the scenes).

A machine-gun point covering the highway, soldiers are monitoring.

Observation post on the top of the cliff.

Sending an alarm signal by a flare.

The machine gunner fills the tape with cartridges.

Panorama of the location of one of the Soviet units before going on a combat operation.

The commanders of the Soviet and Afghan units, Lieutenant Colonel M. Fedoraev and Captain M. Nader, clarify the details of the upcoming joint operation.

The units are starting to move.

Boarding of personnel in a helicopter.

Helicopters take off with troops on board.

Pilots in the cockpit of a helicopter.

Mountain landscape (top).

The landing of the scouts from the helicopter.

Sappers with probes check the road for the presence of mines.

Mine detection and neutralization.

Mine extraction.

Mines of various modifications discovered and neutralized by Soviet sappers.

A unit of the Soviet Army is moving to the foothills.

Platoon at the starting position.

Fighting in the mountains.

A camouflaged machine-gun point Dushmanov is firing.

The squad commander sets a task to a subordinate.

The soldier rushes and zigzags to the specified position.

Machine gunners are firing, covering their comrades.

Caves in the rock.

Explosion on a rock.

View of the outskirts of the village.

Captured dushmans.

The faces of captured mercenaries.

The prisoners are sitting on the ground.

Analysis of captured weapons and ammunition.

Small arms and mortars taken as a trophy.

Soviet soldiers carry captured weapons in raincoat tents.

Women and children come out of the cave, taken by the Dushmans as hostages and released by Soviet soldiers.

A Soviet soldier leads children by the hand.

Soviet and Afghan soldiers distribute essential goods to the civilian population.

Providing medical care to Afghan children.

Soviet soldiers are talking to Afghan peasants.

Casings on the stones.

View of the field, a peasant plowing the land on oxen.

The faces of Soviet soldiers standing at an armored personnel carrier with visual propaganda on board.

Panorama of the construction of the buildings of the orphanage.

Soviet soldiers help in the construction of an orphanage on the Day of Voluntary Labor.

Carrying bricks on a stretcher.

Soviet soldiers retiring to the reserve play with Afghan children on the playground.

Panorama of a part of the territory of the military camp.

A monument in honor of the internationalist soldiers erected in Kabul.


Aushev Ruslan Sultanovich -- military, political, state and public figure







Towns and countries; Life and leisure; War; Armament; Construction; Childhood and youth; Agriculture
Geography and Nature; Social life; Wars, conflicts and disasters; Defense and internal security; Sectors of the economy