Forward, Soviet!. (1926)

Film-document №30673 7 parts, Duration: 0:52:10 to collection Price category A
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:07:23

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

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Director: Dziga Vertov

Operators: I. Belyakov, I. Kopalin

Other authors: E. Svilova


The documentary about the revival of the Soviet-ravaged country of foreign military intervention and civil war and on the everyday work of the Moscow Council.

Authorities and management | History | Moscow

State institutions | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Reel №1 Forward, Soviet!

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The view of Tverskaya street with the tram line (top).

View of the facade of the building of the Column hall of House of unions.

The meeting in the hall of columns, the view of the hall.

Works steam hammer in the forge plant.

The manufacturing process at a textile factory.

Working wheel rotates the Dynamo.

Hand turning an electric switch.

Man reading a book by electric light.

Hand opens a water tap.

Sink bowl.

Hands on the battery of steam heating.

The view of the working parts of the machine.

Interior view of the factory floor, idle machines.

People stand in line for food during the civil war.

Stopped the tram cars.

The soldiers climb into the back of the truck, the truck leaves.

The crew on the sidewalk.

Bandaging the wounded in the head soldier.

A search of the officer on the street.

Decayed and blackened corpses.

Through field rides a truck with a machine gun in the back.

Face red commander, give a command, flamethrower calculation during the exercise.

Jet fire from the flamethrower, the smoke from the fire.

The peasants during the famine in the Volga region in 1921-1922, are the settlers, farmers face.

A hungry child.

Woman collecting quinoa.

Emaciated horse eating grass from under snow.

People collect grass and remains of bread on the field.

The hand opens the tap, water is not flowing.

The woman with the buckets go down the street.

The hands of the person tearing the book for kindling.

The man puts the leaves of the books in the makeshift stove.

Stove pipe sticking out of the vents.

The fading light bulb.

Lies fallen from hunger horse.

The head of the dying camel, windswept snow.

People with swollen from hunger and blackened feet sitting on the front porch.

Victims of starvation.

Miners go on shift.

Threshing Xena directly in the field.

Is a division of the red army during the civil war, the falling factory chimney, destroyed the equipment of the plant.

Children, covered with snow, lying on the ground.

Frozen children carry in the sleigh.

Typhoid louse.

Dirty hands.

Typhoid germs under a microscope.

The convoy of refugees fleeing from hunger.

Street children on a wagon train eat leftovers.

People are leaving the area, fleeing from cholera.

The bodies of people killed in battle or died of starvation.

The parade of one of the parts of the red army.

People work at a volunteer unloading the firewood.

Chopping wood.

Distribution to the starving of the soup from the field kitchen, people with pots stand in queue.

The participants of the demonstration in honor of the anniversary of the October revolution on the streets of Moscow.


1919-1922 1926





Industry; Transportation; Agriculture; Russian civil war; Defense and internal security; Social life
Sectors of the economy; History

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Types of destroyed railway bridge.

Working in a burning overturned locomotive.

The faces of the participants of the meeting listening to the speaker.

Gun turret of a warship.

The explosions of shells.

The landing of units of the red army on the Bank of the Volga in 1918.

Fighting the red army.

Face Red commanders, and the parade of the red army and Krasnoflotskaya parts.

The types of the train derailed, overturned wagons and a locomotive.

The wheel of the car that derailed.

People have destroyed the railway.

The red army pass the House of unions.

Repair of the locomotive depot Moscow.

Builders tying reinforcing bars for concrete.

Interior view of the factory floor during the repair.

The linoleum flooring.

Trams depart from the Park on the line.

A lesson in one of the new schools.

The faces of the children and the teacher.

View of the destroyed building.

New house, built for the workers.

New two-storey home in one of the towns, a dog on a chain.

The faces of the children.

Pig on the street.

View of part of the camp.

Tilted on the side of the tram.

Wiring a new tram line on the red square, view of the Moscow Kremlin.

The tram at one of the Moscow suburbs.

Trade the cigarettes from the tray.

The bread quarters on the scales.

A loaf of black bread consists of small pieces, the counter is filled with loaves (animation).

View set table in the dining room, working lunch, handing out the first course.

Types of destroyed industrial enterprises.

Smoke smokestacks.

Passing the composition of coal trolleys.

Interior view of the foundry, the working face.

The production process in the foundry, Smoking pipes, spilling the melted steel.

View of the industrial enterprise.

Human hand, lighting a candle and revealing book.

Installation of electric lines on poles in one of the suburbs of Moscow, view of industrial enterprises, the electrician on the pole.

Final work on the plant.

Electric lamp in a village house.

Portrait Of V. I. Lenin.


1918 1926


Moscow region



Russian civil war; Construction; Traction; Industry
History; Sectors of the economy; Transportation

Reel №3

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Work for the festive decoration of the building.

Demonstrators on the streets of Moscow.

The panorama of the red square before and during the may day parade (above).

Units of cavalry held on red square, ke Voroshilov, sitting on horseback, greets them.

Horse artillery at the trot is on the red square.

He speaks at the rally view of the rally, people applaud.

The types of construction of residential buildings in Moscow.

Builders of different specialties at work.

The face of the carpenter.

Transportation of lumber.

Painters carry on a stretcher a barrel of lime.

Delivery of bricks to the construction site with the help of winches.

Stone polishers, painters at work.

View of the construction of a house.

Students of one of the new schools during the laboratory work in chemistry.

Panorama of the labour Exchanges.

The employee enters the data of candidates in the files, view alphabetical filing.

Unemployed waiting for their turn.

Registration of the unemployed.

A sign with the name of the labor collective of the unemployed "Red peddler".

The staff of the "red peddler" at work.

Prostitutes working at a garment factory, women's faces.

Factory workers during lunch in the dining room.

Occupation health education of citizens, the face of the doctor lectured.

An injection into a vein, the patient's face.

The face of the doctor.

Sign venereal clinic.

Women with children wait.

The doctor fills the card.

Watering machine on the streets of Moscow.

Fingerprinting in the police, the face of the detainee.

Card is removed from the fingerprint.

The operational group goes to the crime scene.


Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich -- statesman and politician, military leader







Holidays; May 1; Army; Political figures; Industry; Medicine
Social life; Defense and internal security; Biography; Policy; Sectors of the economy; Science

Reel №4

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The counting of money.

A sign of the Financial Department of the Moscow Soviet.

View of the building of the former Moscow city Duma.

Signs with the names of the divisions of the Finance Department.

Issuance of money orders.

Buyer tries on clothes at the store "Partnership Working credit."

Panorama of "Mostorg".

Trying shoes.

The settlers loaded the furniture on a sled, carrying things from the old house.

Unloading firewood from the shed.

Things intended to be transported.

Transportation of furniture and firewood on a sled, the woman's face and a child.

View of the entrance of a new residential house.

Settlers in the new apartment, the interior of the room.

The man rules the razor, looking at his watch, the dial of the wall clock.

The faces of the woman and child, the statue weights under the clocks-clocks.

Workers during political meetings.

People during the physical examination, temperature measurement.

A doctor examines a pregnant woman touches her belly.

Bathing the baby.

A mother feeds her baby breast in the nursing home.

The doctor examines the newborn.

Pupils of the younger group of the children's home during the game, the faces of the children.

Children draw and sew.

Children - members of the sanitary Commission distributing their comrades bibs before dinner.

View set table, the children have lunch.

The distribution of the first course.

Lesson in a high school, the face of the teacher.

The disciples of factory school working in the workshops.

Teenagers learn to operate the machine.

One of the disciples draws a sketch of the details.







Trade; Social life; Medicine; Education
Sectors of the economy; Science

Reel №5

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The repair of roads and bridges in rural road works.

The types of the suburban village from a train window.

Sign and view Ostrovskaya reading rooms.

People collect water from the new well.

Earthwork reclamation work in Moscow province.

Loading of soil into carts, the construction of irrigation systems.

A series of goals piles.

Posters calling to buy products in a cooperative, people come into the cooperative.

View of the village street.

The winnowing seed grain, filling in bags.

Sacks of seed grain, to be sent to the village.

The peasants at the railway station to receive agricultural implements.

The sledge convoy of farm implements sent to the village.

A breeding stallion is removed from the stables.

A herd of breeding pigs.

A herd of cows.

View of the Central HOMESTEAD of one of the suburban state farms (above).

Harvesting hay at the farm.

State farm herd pig with piglets.

Spinning the wheel of the locomobile.

Farm workers in the processing of feed, a herd of horses.

View of the new dam on the river.

View of the building under the wooden bridge, women threshed grain with flails.

The cars of a passing train (above).

View of one of the streets of Moscow (top).

Sign workshop the deaf in Moscow.

Women deaf working in a sewing workshop.

Woman talking with alphabet for the deaf.

The co-op workers for the blind manufactures brushes, weave baskets.

Homeless at the entrance.

Former stray learn to read.

Math lesson, the person of the teacher.

The student inscribes his notebook.

Ice drift on the river.

Training former street kids shoemaking, joinery, driving of ice on river.

Agriculture; Trade; Education
Sectors of the economy; Social life

Reel №6

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People's faces, the wheel of the car.

A passenger bus heading to the square PED of the Moscow Council.

Buses in front of the Moscow Council.

The loudspeaker on the pole.

Hand the driver presses the horn, trumpet horn, dashboard of the bus.

The loudspeaker on the pole, the front end and headlight of one of the buses, the wheel.

Fragments of building and carpentry work, rifle pyramid.

Kind of a passing of the train (above).

Types of destroyed factories and workshops stopped.

Types of reconstruction of industrial plants and operating plants.

The production process on the factory floor, working machines, working person.

Manufacturer of crankshafts.

Steam train after a train crash.

Refurbished locomotive out of the depot.

The car pulled out of the mud with horses.

The construction of a new highway, the laying of asphalt.

Gun crew of the armored train firing during the civil war.

Surveyors at work.

Plowing mnogolemeshny plow.

Tractor plowing.

The loudspeaker on the pole.

The wheel and the front of the bus "Reno" of the cab and controls.

The engine running.

The machine is running.

Trucks off the Assembly line of the plant "AMO", go out of the shop and from the factory gate, the manufacturing process at a textile factory.

The front of the truck with the logo "AMO" controls.

Buses are leaving from the square.

The view from the front window of the bus, directing traffic at intersections.







Traction; Automobile transport; Rallies; Industry; Agriculture; Construction
Transportation; Sectors of the economy; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life

Reel №7

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View of a Moscow space (top), urban transport and pedestrians in the area.

Is the priest.

The bell in the bell tower.

The lesson at the evening school teacher at the blackboard, face students.

People come to the club.

People playing chess in the club.

Visitor beer drinking beer.

Examination of patients in night clinic.

Ermakovskaya occupant of the rooming house.

The faces of the inhabitants ermakovskogo lane.

The faces of the inhabitants of Moscow from different segments of the population.

The game of Billiards.

The Assembly of the gun.

Visitors night restaurant closing curtain.

The lesson in the dance circle.

A man and a woman skate, Telegraph operator at work.

The faces of the people.

Controller on the street, passing by the car.

The seller's evening Newspapers.

Evening leisure of inhabitants of Moscow (combined frame).

Automobile and horse-drawn carts on the streets the evening in Moscow.

People dancing in the restaurant, spinning disc phonograph.

Persons of delinquents, prostitutes and drunks.

Collective exercise.

Orphans do morning exercises.

Skiing downhill with a jump from the snow, shooting in reverse order.

Visitors in the reading room, the announcement of benefits for workers.

Person an employee of the library.

Agitation stand library.

Books on the shelves.

Visitors choose a book.

The sign of the reading room.

Visitors read books, sitting at the big table.

People in the bedroom the night sanatorium, open window, carrying out massage.

The procedure for the treatment of electricity, the faces of patients.

The game of checkers, the players ' faces.

People listen to radio in the night sanatorium.

The faces of the meeting participants in the workers ' club, stands next speaker.

Light up light bulbs.

The inscription "Lenin" light bulbs on the building of the Moscow Council, the faces of meeting participants.

The soldier in the guard at the tomb of Lenin in January 1924.

Lenin, in his coffin in the hall of columns.

Krupskaya N. To. at the tomb of Lenin.

The funeral of the delegation sent to the columned hall to bid farewell to the body of Lenin.

The cameraman is shooting during the farewell with the body of Lenin.

Lenin, in his coffin.

The faces of the participants.

City lighting at night.

Working tools and machines.

Meeting of the Moscow Soviet, the face of the speaker.

The running machine.

Cars with headlights on a night highway.

Face the speaker, view of the courtroom, the production process in a factory, city traffic, electric lighting of the hall of Columns.

View of night Moscow.

VI Lenin stands on red square on the day of the funeral Sverdlov March 18, 1919.

Spinning wheel of a car at one of the Moscow factories.


Vladimir Lenin -- state and political figure


18.03.1919 1924 1926





Social life; Life and leisure; Political figures; Medicine; Traction; Industry
Biography; Policy; Science; Transportation; Sectors of the economy