Hunting the Bison. (1990)

Film-document №36894 6 parts, Duration: 0:59:02 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:11

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

1 2 3 4 5 6

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Director: Sakanyan E.

Script writers: Sakanyan E.

Operators: Voronov, R., Moskaliev S., Aleksanyan M.


The second film of the "Trilogy of the Bison" - "Hunting the Bison" tells about the life and work of biology, genetics, one of the founders of population genetics and radiation-NWTimofeeff Ressovsky. The film director E.S.Sakanyan, setting themselves the task to rehabilitate the scientist during the film spends a detailed investigation of all the circumstances connected with the activity-NWTimofeeff Ressovsky in Nazi Germany, and exposes the libel that struck scientist in the postwar years. Different opinions about the scientific activity Timofeev-Resovskii and the scale of his personality expressed members deployed in a studio discussion: literary critic, author of a critical article about the novel Daniil Granin "Bison" Bondarenko and colleagues, and students-NWTimofeeff Ressovsky. The film involved Soviet, German and American scientists.

Reel №1 Hunting the Bison

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Bison running through the woods ( h / b, Rapid).

German historian and a young woman in the park to discuss a film about NWTimofeeff - Resovsky (synchronously in German lang. ) .

Cover of the book "Outline of the doctrine of the population ," one of whose authors is N.V.Timofeev - Resovskii .

Colleague NWTimofeeff -Ressovsky talks about his research activities , reading a favorite poem NWTimofeeff -Ressovsky GRDerzhavin poet - " river of time in his quest ... " (synchronous) .

N.V.Timofeev - Resovskii on deck of the ship and around the house with his wife ( b / amateur / second) .

Book cover of the novel D.A.Granina "Bison" dedicated NWTimofeeff - Resovskii .

Negative response of the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office of the USSR to the statement of the studio staff " Tsentrnauchfilm " and the group of scientific staff on rehabilitation NWTimofeeff -Ressovsky .

Entrance to the building of the Supreme Court of the USSR .

The house in which the family lived NWTimofeeff -Ressovsky in Moscow.

Charred walls and window frames after a fire in an apartment Timofeev-Resovskii .

Building the Main Military Prosecutor of the USSR. The film's director E.S.Sakanyan enters the building of military prosecutors. E.S.Sakanyan talks about passing things on rehabilitation NWTimofeeff -Ressovsky ( behind the scenes) .

Bison in the winter forest .

Academician T.A.Zavginidze talks about the circumstances surrounding the start - NWTimofeeff Ressovsky at the Institute of Medical Radiology for the post of Head of the Laboratory of Radiobiology in 1956 ( synchronously).

Photoportrait NWTimofeeff -Ressovsky .

Photo V.N.Timofeeva -Ressovsky with his wife .

Group laboratory staff Radiobiology Institute of Medical Radiology includes the lab.

Laboratory employee tells portraits hanging on the wall in the laboratory NWTimofeeff -Ressovsky . (Synchronously). N.V.Timofeev - Resovskii speaks about the importance of educational activities ( synchronously over) .

Travel along the electric train platform.

Residential four-storey house in Obninsk .

Photos NWTimofeeff -Ressovsky on which he was captured during the festive demonstration .

Cover of "Spark" from March 14, 1968 with photographic portraits NWTimofeeff -Ressovsky .

Key words

Genetics. Biology. Zoology. Wildlife. Trains. Print. City. Germany. Socialist competition. Science. The Second World War. Baby fascist organizations.



Science; Defense and internal security

Reel №2

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Fragment discussions with geneticists and literary critic Viktor Bondarenko - author of a critical article about the novel Daniil Granin "Bison" in the magazine "Moscow» № 12 for 1987 text Bondarenko critical article in the magazine "Moscow".

N.V.Timofeev-Ressovsky in the audience giving a lecture, which has been critical of eugenics (b / w, to amateur / s synchronous and behind the scenes).

Newsreels (1950th years): The scenario of the experiment biologist D.K.Belyaeva domestication of foxes, in which a scientist makes a selection of animal behavior; D.K.Belyaeva interview (synchronously).

Academician T.A.Zavginidze tells dismissal NWTimofeeff-Ressovsky Institute of deceitful denunciation in 1968 (synchronously).

N.V.Timofeev Resovskii-dancing with a girl in the room (h / b amateur k / s).

Deputy Chairman of the USSR Supreme Soviet on Ecology AVYablokov tells libel

around scientific activities Timofeev-Resovskii (synchronously).

N.V.Timofeev Ressovsky-dancing with a girl in the room, talking with friends, among them - AVYablokov (b \ w, amateur / second).

Colleagues NWTimofeeff-Ressovskogo tell us about changes in science laboratory Radiobiology after-care NWTimofeeff Ressovsky (synchronously).

The film's director E.S.Sakanyan interviews NWTimofeeff-Ressovsky in which he talks about the evolution of the (synchronous).

Fragment discussions with geneticists and literary critic Viktor Bondarenko.

During the debate colleague NWTimofeeff-Ressovskogo accuses author Bondarenko political denunciation NWTimofeeff-Ressovsky and requires a public apology (synchronously).

Reel №3

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Continuation of the discussion with the participation of geneticists and literary critic V. Bondarenko (synchronously).

In the course of the polemic, the participants discuss the conflict between geneticists and representatives of the" school " of T. D. Lysenko.

Cover of the book " A brief outline of the theory of evolution "(authors N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky, N. N. Vorontsov, A.V. Yablokov).

Newsreel footage(1950-1960-ies): academician T. D. Lysenko in the office, T. D. Lysenko in the meeting room.

Genetic Congress, October 1987 Participants of the congress in the meeting room.

The speaker on the podium says that "the modern composition of the VASKhNIL has condemned and rejected everything connected with the Lysenkoism" (synchronously).

The participants of the congress in the lobby give interviews to the director of the film E. S. Sakanyan, in which they talk about the scale of the personality of Timofeev-Resovsky, about his scientific activities, that they do not believe any rumors (synchronously).

Photojournalists in the lobby.

Academician N. P. Dubinin puts his signature under the Appeal for the rehabilitation of N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky. E. S. Sakanyan interviews N. P. Dubinin, in which he says, referring to the book "Viral Wing", that V. N. Timofeev-Resovsky, working in Germany during the war, probably collaborated with the War Ministry (synchronously).

N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky in the lobby during a break between meetings.

Continuation of the discussion with the participation of geneticists and literary critic V. Bondarenko (synchronously).

Participants watch a video recording of an interview with N. P. Dubinin (synchronously).

The director of the Institute of Medical Genetics V. I. Ivanov takes part in the discussion.

Interview with geneticist N. A. Lipunova, in which she criticizes N. P. Dubinin.

A film about Academician N. P. Dubinin: academician N. P. Dubinin in the laboratory (1960), V. I. Lenin in the car: a boy stands next to him-N. Dubinin (May 1, 1919).

A photograph showing the mother of N. P. Dubinin, N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky, N. P. Dubinin during the arrival of N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky in 1956 after his imprisonment.

N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky dancing with a girl (amateur k/s (1950-160-ies).

Director of the Institute of Medical Genetics V. I. Ivanov in the laboratory shows the book by D. Irving "Virus Wing" and comments on this source, which is referred to by the accusers of N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky, proving that there is nothing there that indicates that N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky collaborated with Nazi Germany (synchronously).

Critic V. Bondarenko says that after his publication, he received a lot of feedback, in particular, Professor Sereda, the winner of the State Prize, also questions the activities of N. V. Timofeev-Ressovsky in Germany during the war (synchronously, with video).

G. A. Sereda in the home environment comments on the statements of Bondarenko, claiming that he did not write anything, and at the lecture he said that when conducting experiments to study the effect of radium on the body, people were injected with radium above the permissible norm, suggesting that these experiments were conducted on prisoners of war (synchronously).

Sereda made these conclusions after reading an article by N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky, published before the war

Newsreel footage (1942-1945): a column of Soviet prisoners of war.

Reel №4

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Bison in a snow-covered forest.

Newsreel footage: [Soviet and German military leaders take part in a parade in Brest-Litovsk (1939)], the German military at the railway station pull the hoses to the tanks.

GDR, Berlin.

The electric train is moving on the bridge.

A sign with the inscription: "Berlin-Buch".

Professor Jung, who was an expert at the Nuremberg trial on the sterilization of the Slavic population, talks at home with the son of Timofeev-Ressovsky-Andrey Nikolaevich.

Jung during the conversation, answering the question of Andrey Nikolaevich about the possible involvement of his father in those who conducted experiments on people, says that after studying all the documents, he did not find any about the Kaiser Institute, where Timofeev-Resovsky worked, and even more so nothing about his father's participation (synchronously in German).

Interview with Academician Rompe, who worked with Timofeev-Resovsky until the end of the war.

Rampe says that Timofeev-Resovsky was a religious man and his research has nothing to do with racism in Germany (synchronously in German).

Newsreel footage (1930s-1940s): the Hitler Youth raise the flag on the ruler, the Hitler Youth in the field collect potatoes; A. Hitler talks with the Hitler Youth; G. Himmler on parade; a crowd of mentally ill people enters the [gas chamber].

Interview with the German geneticist prof. B. Hill, in which he says that in all his research related to the crimes of science under Nazism, the name of Mr.

Timofeev-Resovsky has never been encountered (synchronously, in German, with a video).

The building of the Brain Institute in Berlin-Buch, where since 1937 N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky headed the Department of Genetics.

Newsreel footage (1930-1940): mentally ill people and nurses in the park.

Directed by E.Sakanyan talks about the activities of the Brain Institute (behind the scenes).

The building of the City Committee of the CPSU in Obninsk.

The director of the film E. Sakanyan tells about the persecution of the freedom-loving scientific community of Obninsk in the 1960s (behind the scenes).

The grave of the physicist, author of the book "Physicists joke" V. Pavlinchuk at the cemetery of Obninsk.

The inscription on the monument: "V.Pavlinchuk. 1937-1965».

N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky and A. I. Solzhenitsyn (photo).

Reel №5

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Group of people around the campfire listening to record lectures NWTimofeeff-Ressovsky in which he speaks of Marxism, of Khrushchev.

Wife NWTimofeeff-Ressovsky (photo).

Letter-wife NWTimofeeff Ressovsky in which she writes about leaving her husband from the institute.

Photo eldest son Timofeev-Resovskii.

Motor ship sails on the river.

Fragment discussion of geneticists and literary critic Viktor Bondarenko, during which Bondarenko said that it is necessary to answer the question whether N.V.Timofeev-Resovskii collaborator (synchronously).

N.V.Timofeev-Resovskii tells of a biophysical approach to the analysis of biological phenomena (synchronously, b / w).

Film director E.Sakanyan says that all the articles and documents NWTimofeeff-Ressovsky during the investigation were handed over to the experts - Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Dr.

EL Feinberg Medical Sciences S.M.Yarmolniku (VO ).

Experts say about scientific activity NV Timofeev-Resovskii (synchronously).

Employee A.P.Biryukov radioisotope diagnosis in the laboratory method tells Timofeev-Resovskii tracer radioactive tracers for different purposes of biology and medicine and the importance of this method (synchronously).

Director of the Institute of Medical Genetics V.I.Ivanov gives interviews, in which he said that the one who first claimed the experiments on humans - a slanderer or ignorant and unscrupulous man (synchronously).

N.V.Timofeev Resovskii-dancing with a girl in the room (amateur / second).

Cover of the magazine "Our Contemporary» № 1 for 1989, which published the article "On the historical truth" Doctor of Science, Head of the Department of the Institute of Atomic Energy G.A.Seredy.

In the article he writes that according to his calculations when determining the flow velocity in the 1941 radium doses several times higher than the threshold of death,

The building of the Institute of Atomic Energy.

Students leaving the building of the Institute.

G.A.Sereda at home gives an interview to the director E.Sakanyan (synchronously).

Reel №6

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Bison runs through snowy woods.

Hall of Fame winners of socialist competition in the square Obninsk.

N.V.Timofeev-Resovskii and writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn on the balcony of the house (photo).

Scientists and N.G.Kartushin N.G.Shishkanov, verify the calculations G.A.Seredy, talk about that in the calculations G.A.Seredy they found a bug - overdose of radium in 30 times (synchronously).

Interview university professor g.

Bostone (USA) D.Poll, studied the history of genetics, in particular documents she studied various archives in Germany to identify documents on scientific activities NWTimofeeff-Ressovsky in Nazi Germany (simultaneously in English). .

In an interview she said that she had no evidence that Timofeev-Resovskii participated in any studies related to uranium projects, or chemical weapons.

Building magazine "Our Contemporary".

Plaque with the inscription: "Our Contemporary".

Building family home Timofeev-Resovskii in Moscow.

Continued D.Poll interview, in which she says that she knows many people who talked about the scale of the individual NWTimofeeff-Resovsky that he dominated his personality in any company (simultaneously in English.

Lang .).

Furthermore, D.Poll says that shortly before the release of the novel Daniil Granin "Bison" in the United States published a book about NWTimofeeff-Resovsky written E.Vent (ELLY WELT).

Text of letter E.Vent in which she writes about N.V.Timofeev-Resovskii P.Velfa saved her husband and many other Jews in Nazi Germany.

P.Velf and N.V.Timofeev-Resovskii (photo).

Bison in a cage behind bars.

Zoologist tells bison (synchronously).