Heroes and traitors. (1991)

Film-document №37282 9 parts, Duration: 1:26:03 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:29

Availability of videosources

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;

Needs clarification of possibility of digitizing.

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Director: Sakanyan E.

Script writers: Sakanyan E.

Operators: M. Alexanian, R. Voronov, Uralskaya I.


The third movie in the trilogy of the greatest biologists of the 20th century NV Timofeev-Resovsky.

Figures of science | Science


Reel №1

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Portrait of Timofeev-Resovsky N. V.

View of the wall of a residential building in Obninsk.

Photo of Timofeev-Resovsky in his apartment.

Sculpture of a woman's head on the table.

Photos of Timofeev-Resovsky are placed on the table in turn.

One of the last photos of Timofeev-Resovsky.

Panorama of the winter park, view of the hospital building.

Photo of Timofeev-Resovsky in his youth, in the village.

Winter rural landscape.

Panorama of the winter park, view of the hospital building.

Photos of Timofeev-Resovsky in his youth.

The text of the notification of the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office of February 26, 1988 on the additional investigation in the Timofeev-Resovsky case.

View of the Christmas market in Germany.

A brass band plays, a panorama of the wall of the building, a metro train passes.

Academician Rompe R. gives an interview (synchronously).

Photo of Timofeev-Resovsky in the 1930s.

Newsreel of the 1930s: a cart loaded with things passes along the street of one of the European cities, a view of a building and a windmill.

Trams pass by old buildings.

Photo of a meeting of genetic scientists at a table on the balcony of an old castle.

Timofeev-Resovsky talks about biophysics (synchronously).

Newsreel of the 1930s: a fish market on the street of one of the European cities.

The merchant offers the product to the buyer.

The face of a fishmonger.

The merchant serves the buyer.

Basket of live eels.

Photo of Timofeev-Resovsky among young scientists.

Photo of physicists Bohr N. and Gazenberg E.

Photo of Timofeev-Resovsky, his memories of theoretical physicists sound synchronously.

On the TV screens, photos and footage of the chronicle are shown.

Professor Weishop gives an interview (synchronously).

Newsreel of the 1930s: theoretical physicists discuss a scientific problem (poor image quality).

Professor Weishop gives an interview (synchronously).

Photos of theoretical physicists during the symposia.

Newsreel of the 1930s: athletes swim on a raft to the water descent.

The raft with people rushes down the water slope.

The text of the "Green Pamphlet" published in foreign newspapers by Timofeev-Resovsky.

Photo by the writer Schrodinger.

Photo of a car lying on its side.


Timofeev Resovskii Nikolay Vladimirovich - biology, genetics




Western Europe



Towns and countries; Trade; Sport
Geography and Nature; Sectors of the economy

Reel №2

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Kind of an old building on the street of one of the European cities, synchronous sound Timofeev-memories.

Photo Timofeev-among foreign colleagues.

TV screens with pictures and chronicle.

Newsreel 1930: high-speed water rafting.

Torchlight procession on the streets of a town in Germany.

Photos of scientists Heisenberg E. and M. Planck Newsreel mid-1930s, people run to meet Hitler.

People raise their hands in a Nazi salute.

Hitler welcomes people from the balcony of the building.

Photo of people standing with his back to the fence.

Portrait of Heisenberg.

Torchlight procession.

View anthill.

The sculptural decoration of the building.

Pieces of timber in the water flow.

Photos Timofeev-his son and wife.

The younger son Andrey Timofeev-view the document sitting at table.

German rural landscape.

Timofeev AN Resovskii coming to the house, knocking on the door.

The dog barks.

The door opens Frau Palm, the former secretary of Timofeev-.

Out of the car Chrome N., a former employee of Timofeev-.

Chrome and Palm hug.

Photo Timofeev-AV his older brother as a child.

Timofeev Resovskii, Palm and Chrome talk to each other, looking photos.

Persons Chrome and palm trees.

Sheets album with photographs of Timofeev-and his loved ones.

Palm And besides recall Timofeev-(synchronously).

Photo Timofeev-son.

Newsreel 1941: general view of the hall of the Nazi meeting.

People on the streets listening to Hitler's speech.

People are standing in the town square.

People on the streets greet Hitler.

Hitler passes through the city streets in an open car.

Types of streets suburb of Munich.

Professor Riehl gives interviews (synchronously).

Photos Riehl and Timofeev-.

Riehl gives interviews (synchronously).

Photos Riehl Timofeev-to.

Riehl gives interviews (synchronously).


Adolf Hitler - a German statesman and political figure


1930s 1941





Political figures; Sport
Biography; Policy

Reel №3

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Professor Riehl holding a portrait of a man and gives interviews (synchronously).

Passing subway train.

Portrait of Dmitri (Thomas) Timofeev-.

Journalist Bogachev KP He comes into the room at the studio.

Bogachev gives interviews (synchronously).

Texts of the articles of the "Berlin Committee of the CPSU (b) in the Soviet and foreign newspapers.

Bogachev holding a photograph of the Berlin underground and gives interviews (synchronously).

Photos of Russian participants of the Berlin underground.

Bogachev gives interviews (synchronously).

View of the interior at the studio.

Newsreel 1943-44 years: General Vlasov AA passes

Soldiers of the 1st Division Russian Liberation Army in the ranks.

Vlasov goes down the line and welcomes soldiers.

Former POW Numerov N. looks newsreels.

Newsreel 1944: Vlasov speaking at a meeting.

Face of the former POW Curly B.

Face writer Granina DA

Curly unfolds a poster.

Newsreel, 1941: Panorama of the temporary camp for Soviet prisoners of war.

Ciphers gives interviews (synchronously), sitting next Granik.

Newsreel 1941: the Red Army, was captured, go to the column through the field.

Photo Bushmanova underground worker in the hands of Numerova.

Ciphers gives interviews (synchronously).

Photos and underground Rybal'chenko Bushmanova.

Ciphers gives interviews (synchronously).

Photo of the former underground.

Granik Curly asks questions, the answers (synchronously).

Photo House, where there was a safe house.

Granik asks questions to former members of the underground, one of them is responsible (synchronously).

Photo Timofeev-DN with members of the Berlin underground.

Photos Timofeev-DN in childhood and adolescence.


Andrei Vlasov - military commander, politician


1941 1943-1944





World War II

Reel №4

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Postwar Photo Bushmanova underground worker.

Photos Timofeev-DN (Thomas) with members of the youth underground groups.

Photo bride Timofeev-DN Lyudmila.

Letters Timofeev-DN parents of the Gestapo.

Photos academician Rompe.

Rumpe gives interviews (synchronously).

Panorama of the memorial complex in the camp of Mauthausen.

French physicist S. Peru enters the room, sits down at the desk.

Peru gives interviews (synchronously).

Photos Timofeev-1940s with the rescued them prisoners of war.

Peru talking on the phone with his wife (synchronous sound transfer).

Peru shows the members of the crew bubble chamber.

Peru for driving a motor vehicle.

Photographs and newsreels on video monitors in the studio.

Peru looks interview with the youngest son of Timofeev-.

Peru's face during a meeting with members of the crew.

Those spouses Peru.

Peru gives interviews (synchronously).

Photo POW Panshina, Peru gives interviews (synchronously).

Photo Panshina Norilsk.

Landing aircraft.

Newsreel 1941: a plaque with the inscription "Vyazma".

Germans escorting Soviet prisoners.

Country house.

Passengers leave the plane.

Newsreel autumn of 1941: on the road is a column of Soviet POWs.

Panshin goes on the airfield.

Panshin sitting at a table in the studio.

Photo Panshina father.

Panshin is preparing for an interview.

Photos of the bride Panshin.

Newsreel, 1941: people climb into the back of a truck for shipment to Germany.

People go to the back of a truck.

Register arriving in Germany.

Panshin gives interviews (synchronously).




Moscow region



World War II

Reel №5

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Photos Panshin.

Panshin gives interviews (synchronously).

Pera gives interviews (synchronously).

The face of his wife in Peru.

Peru gives interviews (synchronously).

Newsreel 1945: Soviet planes dropped bombs.

Bomb explosions on the ground.

Peru gives interviews (synchronously).

Newsreel 1945: fighting Soviet troops.

Panshin gives interviews (synchronously).

Photo of Soviet soldiers in the suburbs of Berlin.

Peru gives interviews (synchronously).

Photo Timofeev-1945.

Cars go through the tunnel.

The road to Germany.

Riehl gives interviews (synchronously).

View of the anthill.

Riehl gives interviews (synchronously), Timofeev-picture on the TV screen.

Riehl gives interviews (synchronously).

Barbed wire on the bank of the canal.

View of the anthill.

View of the automatic machine for the manufacture of barbed wire.

Winding barbed wire on the shaft.

Finished rolls of barbed wire.

View of the ant in an ant hill is Timofeev-picture.

Photo Timofeev-and Solzhenitsyn AI

The trees on the riverbank.

Types of residential country house.

View of the country house, rising around birch.

People sit at the table.

Amateur Newsreel beginning of the 1960s: Timofeev Resovskii at the table talking with the guests.

Timofeev Resovskii utters a toast speech.

Timofeev Resovskii during a scientific meeting.

Timofeev Resovskii accompanies leaving students and young colleagues.


Timofeev Resovskii Nikolay Vladimirovich - biology, genetics


1945 1960-1964


Chelyabinsk region



World War II

Reel №6

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View of the country house at night.

Forest landscape at night.

Professor Shnol gives interviews (synchronously), with people sitting around the campfire.

Photo Timofeev-NV in the 1960s.

Photos Timofeev-young.

Photo Building a Berlin prison.

Letter son Timofeev-parents from prison.

Photo Timofeev-wife Elena Alexandrovna.

Letter son Timofeev-parents from prison.

Inside view of a prison cell.

Photo Timofeev-NV People are talking, sitting on the porch of a country house.

Photo Timofeev-EA Former graduate student Timofeev-Kuznetsova E. gives interviews (synchronously).

Photo Timofeev-EA

E. Kuznetsova gives interviews (synchronously).

Son Andrew Timofeev-answers the questions the authors of the film (synchronously).

Photo Timofeev-NV

Academician G. Stubbe gives interviews (synchronously).

Photo Timofeev-son Dmitry (St.

Thomas), who died in Mauthausen concentration camp.

Former guard Hook VA gives interviews (synchronously).

View of the building on Lubyanka Square.


Form of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office.

View of the building of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office.

The text of the response on the impossibility of rehabilitation Timofeev-1989.

Tomsk University Professor Johansen BG gives interviews (synchronously).

Academician NP Dubinin giving an interview to television journalists (synchronously).

Writer Vladimir Bondarenko gives interviews (synchronously).

Winter rural landscape.

Tracks cemetery covered with snow, grave Timofeev-NV View of a wooden Orthodox church, the priest Alexander Men 'gives interviews (synchronously).

Issue of the journal "contemporary" with the article on Timofeev-his photograph.

Reel №7

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The streets of one of the German cities outside of the car.

Panorama of the building.

Professor G. Bene gives interviews (synchronously).

People listen to Ben.

Bene gives interviews (synchronously).

Face historian Professor Trepotski.

Trepotski gives interviews (synchronously).

Ben answers the questions the authors of the film on the work of Timofeev-in Nazi Germany (synchronously).

Portrait of A. Einstein on the wall, Ben reads document Main Military Prosecutor of Timofeev-continues to answer questions (synchronously).

View of the building of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office.

An article in the magazine "Our Contemporary" Timofeev-on.

Caricature of Hitler and Stalin.

Fragments of text articles and caricatures of Hitler and Stalin.

View of the stone blocks of the Berlin Wall and a fragment of the wall.

People split the Berlin wall with hammers and chisels.

A man looks through a hole in the wall, view through the hole.

View of the building of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR.

Academician Rompe gives interviews (synchronously), the cover of the magazine "Our Contemporary".

Those scientists.

Professor SP Kapitsa gives interviews (synchronously).

Newsreel, 1930: Nazi activity in Germany, the noise on the screen, picture Timofeev-NV

Rompe gives interviews (synchronously).

Photo N. Bohr atomic bomb.

Professor Riehl gives interviews (synchronously), shows awards and letters he received from the Soviet government.

Gold Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor, presented Riehl.

Diploma winner of the Stalin Prize and the Order of Lenin.

Riehl answers the questions the authors of the film (synchronously).

Newsreel 1950: Beria LP vote at the polling station.

Riehl gives interviews (synchronously).

Riehl says goodbye to the authors of the film, gets up and leaves.


Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria - statesman and political figure







Political figures
Biography; Policy

Reel №8

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Electronic scoreboard clock.

The demonstration in East Berlin.

Professor Rompe person.

The demonstration in East Berlin.

Those demonstrators.

The slogan in German.

Rompe gives interviews (synchronously).

Peru is a motor vehicle.

Peru reads the text of your certificate of Timofeev-(synchronously).

The text of the certificate.

People stand with candles in their hands around the KGB building on Lubyanka Square.

View of the building All-Union Institute for Nature Conservation.

The painting on the ceiling of the hall of the Institute, a general view of the hall.

A former employee of the military prosecutor's office gives interviews (synchronously).

The head of a bison on the wall.

A former employee of the military prosecutor's office Kulagin gives interviews (synchronously).

Apprentice Timofeev-soil scientist Teryukanov Kulagin and poured vodka into glasses and Timofeev-commemorated.

People stand at the temple, where he served as A. Men's funeral I was.

People bid farewell to the body of me.

The man's face.

People at the portrait of me at the funeral.

People stand with candles, gravediggers bury the coffin with me.

The image of the Savior at the entrance to the temple.

View anthill.

The demonstration passes by the KGB building on Lubyanka square with a view of the monument to Dzerzhinsky FE Moves demonstration.

Those demonstrators.

The demonstrators bears a portrait of Timofeev-NV

Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life

Reel №9

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Those demonstrators on Lubyanka Square in memory of the victims of communist terror.

Portrait of Academician N. Vavilov in the hands of participants in the demonstration.

General view of the KGB building, people are standing with candles in their hands.

Slogans in the hands of the demonstrators.

The rite of consecration of the memorial stone on Lubyanka Square.

People's faces.

Kind of a memorial stone.

People's faces.

Banners with icons in the hands of the people.

People dismantled flyers.

People with candles in their hands.

The woman's face.

Portrait of Timofeev-NV in the hands of one of the demonstrators.

Portrait physicist M. Planck

Fireworks in the sky over Berlin.

General view of the solemn manifestation at the Brandenburg Gate in honor of the unification of Germany.

Portraits of great people of different ages on a background of burning candles.

Portraits Timofeev-NV and Vernadsky VI People sit around a campfire.

Those people (synchronous voice of Timofeev-).


Timofeev Resovskii gives an interview in 1980 (synchronously).

Kind of a pagan idol.

Timofeev Resovskii gives interviews (synchronously).

Portraits Timofeev-parents.

Women wash the floor in the Orthodox church.

View of the building of the Institute of Medical Radiology in Obninsk.

Bison stands among birches.

Type of apartment buildings from the windows of the apartment.

Type of transition between the buildings of the Institute of Medical Radiology.

Bison go on snow-covered meadow.


Timofeev Resovskii NV - Biology, genetics




Kaluga region