Want to know everything 1981 № 142

Film-document №37327 1 part, Duration: 0:09:00 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:00

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Director: Antonov D., Pokrovskij E., Saranduk A., Taravkova E., Babashkin O.

Script writers: Antonov D., Pokrovskij E., Goncharov M., Glusskij M.

Editor: Zlotov V.

Operators: V.Tazetdinov, Pokrovskij E., Fedotov O.,Tartakov P., Yurushkina N.

Recordist: Romanov A.


1. "The radio telescope in orbit" 2. "The simplest education - slime molds of the genus of fungi" 3. "What preceded electric welding" 4. "Ant herd relationships between insects"

Reel №1

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Starry sky.

Cosmonauts Lyakhov and Ryumin in the spacecraft.

Preparation for sending a radio telescope into Space.

Academician A. P. Alexandrov.

Start of the Progress-7 automatic cargo ship.

Control center .

On the Progress-7 screen near the Salyut-6 station.

Astronauts mount equipment.

The radio telescope antenna is open.

Earth radio telescope.


Mushrooms in the forest.

Slime mold - the microscopic fungi organisms.

Pulsation of myxomycete cells.

When you touch the mushrooms, the spores fly away in a light cloud.

When exposed to a wet environment, the spore turns into a cell.

Growth of micromycete cells.


Burning candle.

Gorenje electric candles Yablochkov.

Dramatization: the office of N. Benardos.

N. Benardos (actor) is watching a burning candle Yablochkov.

The scheme of welding with carbon electrodes, was developed by Benardos.

The first electric welding machine - Electroheart.

A single-electrode welding machine.

Portrait Of N. Benardos.


A small anthill among the grass.

Marching ants on the trunk of a birch.

A branch of a tree where aphids graze.

The ant "milks" the aphid.

Ants protect aphids from ladybirds.

The babbling fly.

Caterpillar murmur on a leaf.

Ants fight with caterpillars.

