Want to know everything 1992 № 208

Film-document №37374 1 part, Duration: 0:10:01 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:01

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Director: M.Tavrog

Operators: T.Fedotov, Yu.Klishev, E.Korchak, V.Ropejko


1. "Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh, his teachings" 2. "Melodies of 4 notes" 3. "Polyvinyl chloride and derived therefrom erasers" 4. "Kinematic Theatre" Jukebox "

Reel №1

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In newsreel stories included:

1st plot.

Russian miracle worker.

In the story tells of Sergius of Radonezh.

In the story the following filming:

General view of the book "Life of St.

Sergius of Radonezh."

Panorama of the picture M.Nesterova "Phenomenon Young Bartholomew.

Countryside of Radonezh.

General view of the icons of St.

Sergius of Radonezh and a monument to him in Radonezh.

Interior view of one of the temples.

2nd story.

Once there was a shepherdess.

The theme is the music.

In the story tells of how the alternation of only four notes in an endless variety of sound combinations.

In the story the following filming:

Young musicians - violinist and flutist while playing musical instruments (sinhr.).

Man playing the piano (sinhr.).

Man changes the musical notation.

Record spinning on the player.

Third plot.

Serious product.

In the story told about the production of erasers.

In the story the following filming:

Manufacturing process drawing erasers at "Alfaplastik" - a general view of the line for the manufacture of erasers.

New color eraser in the hands of the schoolboy.

Baby wipes eraser drawing.

General view of erasers with different patterns.

4th story.

Theater "Jukebox".

The plot tells the story of the St.

Petersburg artist Edward Bersudskom and its kinematic theater "Jukebox".

In the story the following filming:

Spectators occupy seats in the theater; general view of kinematic moving sculptures that are involved in the presentation: monkey grinder wheel clowns, the bell ringer, etc.

E.L.Bersudsky artist at work in his studio.

Children looking at the composition of the artist.

Key words

Landscapes. Christianity. Music. Production of cultural goods. Sculpture. Theatre.