Want to know everything 1992 № 213

Film-document №37379 1 part, Duration: 0:09:37 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:37

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Director: M.Tavrog

Operators: L.Belyakov, E.Korshak, D.Masurenkov


3. On the home collection of cacti and natural relatives of these plants. 4. Shooted on the shore of the White Sea and tells about the natural phenomenon - the ebb and flow.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame


Hand painting on paper "the Golden fish".

The fish in the aquarium.

Aquarist A. I. Nanov.

"Goldfish" among the plants in the aquarium.

Photos of different types of fish.

Fish in the pond (photo).

Plate with the image of "goldfish".

Portrait Of Marco Polo.

Black fish in a bowl of water.


Hand draws a ring.

The interiors of the apartment of Pushkin on the Moika.

Ink device on the table.

The poet's office.

Portrait Of Pushkin.

Close - up: Pushkin's hand in the portrait with rings.

Close-up: ring.

Drawing: Pushkin is carried by a servant after a duel.

Portrait Of N. N. Goncharova.

Portrait of Pushkin's friend V. Dahl.

Portrait of V. Dahl in old age.

Two rings of Pushkin in the exhibition of the Museum-apartment.

Close-up: a ring with a carnelian.

Pattern: high society salon.

Portrait Of M. Volkonskaya.

Drawing of a settlement in Siberia.

Interiors of the Pushkin Museum-apartment


The hand drew a blooming cactus.

Different types of cacti.

Photo: cacti in the Mexican desert.

Cacti on the table in the apartment of A. Kudinov.

A. Kudinov examines one of the copies of his collection.

Transplants one of the cacti.

Panorama of the cactus collection.

The girl sprays water on the cacti from a spray bottle.


The hand drew waves.

A device that shows the movement of planets.

Animation: movement of the moon and ocean water .

Low tide on the White sea.

The man gets out of the boat, puts it at anchor.

Animation : tide.

Seaweed at the bottom of the sea.

High tide on the White sea.


St. Petersburg
Arkhangelsk region