Want to know everything 1993 № 222

Film-document №37390 1 part, Duration: 0:09:52 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:53

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Director: K.Rovnin (rezhissyor vipuska), B.Slomyanskij, V.Toropov

Operators: L.Belyakov, V.Suprun, A.Rajh


1. Describes the model of the Triumph Pillar, which Peter I wanted to put in St. Petersburg in memory of the Northern War. Chaliapin. 4. A story about a tree frog-Quaksa. The magazine leads the Frog doll.

Reel №1

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Newsreel consists of 4 plots.

1.Syuzhet talks about working on the layout triumphal pillar (in honor of Peter I and victory in the Northern War).




Monument to Peter I in front of the Engineers (Mikhailovsky) Castle.

View of the city.

Portrait of a mechanic and inventor, Peter the Great A.K.Nartova turner.

Machines manufactured A.K.Nartovym, in the hall of the Hermitage.

Model triumphal pillar depicting battles of the Northern War and the sculpture of Peter I on top.

2. Plot of unusual robot capable of moving on a steep wall.

Robot fly moves on a steep wall. "Paws" robot.

Robot welds steel sheets, paints the wall.

Designer around the robot.

3. Plot tells about the artist's work on the portrait B.Kustodiev Chaliapin.

BMKustodiev workshop (photo).

Paintings B.M.Kustodieva "Merchant's Wife at a tea party", "Chaliapin" and others.

4. Plot of tree frogs (tree frogs).

Tree frog on a tree.

Frog jumping on the leaves, eat the worm.

View of Lake Forest.

Key words

Cities, towns, villages. Sculpture. Technical Physics and Applied Mechanics. Painting. Wildlife. Zoology.