Want to know everything 1994 № 230

Film-document №37398 1 part, Duration: 0:09:11 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:12

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Director: S.Rajtburg

Script writers: N.Kaspe, N.Kononnova

Operators: V.Slomyanskij, A.Romanov, V.Kolyushev


1. "Dinosaurs in Moscow." About the Moscow Dolphinarium, where they prepare for the performance of sea lions. 4. "Clock-temple." About the miracle-clock "Temple of Glory", worked by Russian masters about a hundred years ago to the glory of the Empress Catherine II.

Reel №1

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1. Roaring dinosaur.

The exposition of the Museum: grazing apatozavra.


Three-horned lizard.

Predatory lizard.

The layout , which shows the device of a lizard.

Children control a giant lizard.


Mountain landscape.

Hall of the mineralogical Museum.

Minerals on display in the Museum.

Pure phosphorus in the laboratory.

Experiments with phosphorus: Gorenje phosphor.

Red phosphorus.

When heated, red phosphorus turns to white (and Vice versa).

When strongly heated, white phosphorus turns into a gas.

The gas burns with a cold flame that does not burn paper.


Swimming pool of the Moscow Dolphinarium.

Dolphins jumping through the rings and the bar.

Close-up: sea lion.

Sea lion in the rack.

The sea lion applauds itself.

Sea lion swims with a ball on the nose.

The sea lion twists the Hoop around his neck.

An adult sea lion holds six cylinders and a ball in motion.


Bas-reliefs on the clock.

Clock "Temple of glory".

Doors open.

The play begins on a glittering stage.




The exhibition "dinosaur Park"