Kremlin. (1982)

Film-document №38767 3 parts, Duration: 0:30:01 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:59

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Director: V. Marinova

Script writers: N. Baburina

Operators: V. Ropejko

Recordist: Shutova L.

Other authors: G. Desenko


Cinema trip to the Moscow Kremlin - history of its creation, historical and architectural monuments, restoration work.

Moscow | History | Architecture | Religion | Culture and Arts | National culture | Russian cities and regions

Towns and countries | Geography and Nature | Social life

Reel №1 Kremlin

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Festive fireworks in the sky over Moscow.

Fireworks over the Moscow Kremlin, people on Red Square, people's faces.

View of the Moscow Kremlin and the Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge (from above).

Deputy Chairman of the All-Union Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments V. N. Ivanov tells about the history of the Moscow Kremlin (synchronously and behind the scenes), a panorama of the Moscow Kremlin.

View of the Moscow Kremlin and St.

Basil's Cathedral.

The building of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The building where the Council of Ministers of the USSR is located.

The arrival of the motorcade of one of the foreign ambassadors.

A meeting of diplomats from an African country in the Kremlin.

Employees of the government apparatus are walking through the territory of the Kremlin.

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Brezhnev L. I. goes to the hall before the award ceremony.

Brezhnev reads the text of the speech.

Brezhnev is awarding cosmonaut V. A. Dzhanibekov, next to him is the first Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR V. V. Kuznetsov.

Mongolian cosmonaut Gurragcha Zh. and Dzhanibekov V. A. stand next to Brezhnev after the award ceremony.

Delegates of the 19th Congress of the Komsomol go down the main staircase of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

Views of the hall of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses during the meeting of the 19th Congress of the Komsomol.

The faces of the delegates of the congress.

Delegates in the foyer of the palace during the break of the meeting.

Avnov walks along the alley along the Kremlin Wall.

Pages of one of the ancient chronicles, texts and illustrations of the chronicle.

Map of the first wooden Kremlin.

The Kremlin on the old map of Moscow.

A painting depicting the white stone walls of the Moscow Kremlin.

Corridors of the Kremlin museums.

Archaeological finds in the museum's exposition, the remains of an ancient wooden log house.

Helmets, chain mail, coins and other exhibits are on display in the museum.

A painting depicting the Moscow Kremlin made of red brick.

Kremlin cathedrals in the picture.

View of a part of the Moscow Kremlin (from above).

Types of sections of the walls and towers of the Kremlin.

Battlements with loopholes on the Kremlin walls.

Types of Kremlin towers.

View of the Taynitskaya Tower.

The upper part of the Royal Tower.

Views of the Vodovzvodnaya tower of the Moscow Kremlin with a five-pointed star on the spire.

The Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin, people on Red Square.

Fragments of the tower's decorations.

The entrance to the Kremlin from the Kutafya Tower.

Tourists go to see the Kremlin.

Tourist groups on the Cathedral Square in front of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Ivanov tells about the history of the Cathedral Square (synchronously and behind the scenes).

Panorama of the square and the Kremlin cathedrals.

Ivanov talks about the Assumption Cathedral (synchronously and behind the scenes), a view of the cathedral building.

Domes of the Assumption Cathedral.

Images of the Assumption Cathedral on ancient frescoes.

Book reproductions of frescoes with images of ceremonies and services held in the cathedral.

An engraving depicting the coronation of Catherine II.

View of the part of the iconostasis of the cathedral.

Wall paintings and ancient icons of the cathedral.

The faces of saints on icons.

The face of St.

George on the icon of the 12th century.

A half-restored icon.

Icon of the Mother of God.

Icons "Saved the Golden Hair" and "Saved the Ardent Eye", located in the Assumption Cathedral.

Domes of the Assumption Cathedral.


Brezhnev Leonid Iljich -- statesman and politician
Kuznecov Vasilij Vasiljevich -- statesman and politician
Ivanov Vladimir Nikolaevich -- art critic, historian, museum worker
Dzhanibekov Vladimir Aleksandrovich -- pilot-cosmonaut
Gurragcha Zhugderdemidijn -- Mongolian pilot-cosmonaut, statesman and military figure







Political figures; Figures of science; Heroes of Space; Visual Arts
Biography; Policy; Science; Space; Culture and Arts

Reel №2

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V. N. Ivanov walks along the Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin, stops in front of the entrance to the Annunciation Cathedral.

View of the building of the Annunciation Cathedral.

The latticed gate opens, a view of the part of the iconostasis of the cathedral.

Murals of the cathedral walls, icons on the walls.

Frescoes depicting saints.

One of the frescoes damaged by time.

Restorers restore ancient icons.

The process of restoring an icon fragment.

The face of the restorer.

The icon of the "Don Mother of God", created by Theophan the Greek.

The icon "Assumption of the Virgin" on the back.

Panorama of the iconostasis of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin (from bottom to top), the entrance to the altar.

Panorama of the icons of the third tier of the iconostasis, created by Andrey Rublev.

Panorama of a number of icons by Theophanes the Greek.

Fragments of icons, the faces of saints on icons.

A four-part icon and its fragments.

An icon of the Mother of God in a frame of female portraits.

The icon "The Savior Not Made with Hands" by Simon Ushakov, located at the entrance to the temple.

Jewelry made of gold and copper in the Northern portal of the Annunciation Cathedral.

Images of the Kremlin in the 16th century.

Fragments of the painting of the construction of the Archangel Cathedral.

Ivanov talks about the architecture of the Archangel Cathedral (synchronously and behind the scenes), a view of the building of the Archangel Cathedral (from bottom to top).

The building of the Archangel Cathedral.

Interior paintings on the walls of the cathedral, reflecting various events in the life of the Moscow state in the 16th century.

The Old Russian necropolis in the Archangel Cathedral.

Tombs of Moscow princes and tsars.

Inscriptions on stone sarcophagi.

Portraits of the Grand Dukes of Moscow over the sarcophagi.

Panorama of the portrait gallery.

the iconostasis of the Archangel Cathedral.

View of the Archangel Cathedral and part of the Cathedral Square (from above).

View of the building of the Faceted Chamber.

An engraving depicting the reception of foreign ambassadors in the 17th century.

Internal view of the Faceted Chamber (panorama).

Fragments of the restored painting of the Faceted Chamber, the image of the sons of Vladimir Monomakh and himself.

The image of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich.

Paintings of the vaults of the Faceted Chamber.

Panorama of the upper part of the building of the Faceted Chamber and the domes of the house churches in the Terem Palace.

View of the Terem Palace.

The grand staircase of the terem palace.

Fragments of painted vaults and walls, elements of decorations.

Panorama and interiors of the Cross Chamber.

Painting of the ceiling of the Cross Chamber.

Panorama of tiled stoves.

Tile decorations of one of the stoves.

panorama and interiors of the Patronal Chamber.

The royal throne in the corner of the chamber, the painting of the walls and ceiling above the throne.

Paintings and decorations of the royal bedroom.

Openwork gates.

A fragment of the metal decoration of the openwork gate.

View of the Moscow Kremlin.

Types of the bell tower of Ivan the Great.

Panorama of the central part of Moscow from the bell tower of Ivan the Great.

View of the part of the Cathedral Square with tourist groups (from above).

Foreign tourists listen to the guide's story.

View of the bell tower of Ivan the Great.

The bells on the bell tower.

A bas-relief on one of the bells.


Ivanov Vladimir Nikolaevich -- art critic, historian, museum worker







Visual Arts; Figures of science
Culture and Arts; Biography; Science

Reel №3

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View of the Tsar Bell on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin (from above), tourists stand around the bell.

The upper part and decorations of the Tsar-bell.

The tsar is a bell on a pedestal with a chipped part installed next to it.

Tsar Bell on the territory of the Kremlin.

View of the Tsar Cannon (from above).

Tourists, standing at the Tsar Cannon, listen to the guide.

The faces of the guide and foreign tourists, the view of the mouth of the Tsar Cannon.

Elements of decorations of the barrel and carriage of the Tsar cannon.

Tsar cannon on the territory of the Kremlin.

Old artillery pieces near the wall of the Kremlin Arsenal.

V. N. Ivanov tells about the history of the Arsenal (synchronously and behind the scenes).

Entrance to the Arsenal.

Barrels and cannonballs of different calibers, collected at the walls of the Arsenal.

Cannons mounted on carriages with carved decorations.

Tourists are taking photos and filming.

Panorama of a part of the territory of the Moscow Kremlin.

Newsreel of 1919: the scattering of leaflets from cars passing under the Iversky Gate on the day of the Vsevobuch holiday on May 25, 1919.

The texts of the Decrees on Peace and on earth.

Rallies and demonstrations on the streets and squares of Moscow.

Lenin V. I. in the car before leaving Red Square on May 1, 1919, next to him-Krupskaya N. K.

Panorama of a part of Red Square during the May Day demonstration.

Ivanov tells about the placement of the Soviet government in the Kremlin in the Senate building in March 1981 (synchronously and behind the scenes), a view of the Senate building.

A memorial plaque in honor of Lenin V. I. at the entrance to the building.

Lenin Memorial Office in the Kremlin.

Conducting a tour of Lenin's office.

Ivanov tells foreign tourists about Lenin.

Phones on Lenin's desk.

The wicker chair that Lenin used.

Photo of Lenin reading the newspaper Pravda at the table in 1918.

The interior of Lenin's office.

View from the office window.

Newsreel of 1918: Lenin V. I. and the managing director of the Council of People's Commissars Bonch-Bruevich V. D. during a walk in the Kremlin, after Lenin's recovery after being wounded on October 16, 1918.

Lenin and Bonch-Bruevich are talking to each other.

Lenin on the territory of the Kremlin.

Lenin and Bonch-Bruevich leave in the direction of the Nikolskaya Tower, surrounded by scaffolding.

View of the upper part of the Spasskaya Tower, the clock shows 12.00, the chimes are striking.

View of Red Square (from above).

View of the Moscow Kremlin and the building of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

The main staircase of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Foreign tourists in the St.

George's Hall of the palace, a panorama of the hall.

Stucco decorations and statues installed in the St.

George's Hall.

The image of the Order of St.

George on the ceiling of the hall.

Elements of the hall decorations.

The chandelier of St.

George's Hall.

Panorama of the hall.

V. N. Ivanov tells about the history of the Grand Kremlin Palace (synchronously and behind the scenes), a panorama of the building of the State Armory Chamber.

Elements of carved stone decorations of the Armory building.

Exhibits in the halls of the Armory.

Fragments of the collection of weapons of Russian soldiers.

Household items decorated with jewelry are in the collection of the Armory Chamber.

The gospel is in a precious salary.

Monomakh's hat, stored in the Armory.

Gifts of foreign ambassadors to Russian tsars from the collection of the Armory Chamber.

Royal carriages and carriages in one of the halls of the Armory Chamber.

Jewels and jewelry stored in the collections of the Diamond Fund of the USSR.

A large imperial crown decorated with diamonds and made for the coronation of Catherine II.

Russian imperial regalia, stored in the Diamond Fund.

V. N. Ivanov talks about the Kremlin Palace of Congresses (synchronously and behind the scenes), a view of the palace building.

The coat of arms of the USSR over the entrance to the palace.

Views of the territory of the Moscow Kremlin, flowers in flower beds.

Ivanov is walking through the territory of the Kremlin.

View of the Moscow Kremlin.


Vladimir Lenin -- statesman and politician
Ivanov Vladimir Nikolaevich -- art critic, historian, museum worker
Krupskaya Nadezhda Konstantinovna -- revolutionary, public and political figure
Bonch-Bruevich Vladimir Dmitrievich -- statesman and politician


16.10.1918 01.05.1919 25.05.1919 1982





Rallies; Political figures; Demonstrations; May 1; Holidays; Museums and exhibitions
Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life; Biography; Policy; Culture and Arts