Sending Belgians to work in Nazi Germany. (1940 - 1944)

Film-document №38817 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:07 to collection Price category B
  • Footages
  • 1
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Scene 1 0:01:08

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Scene №1 Sending Belgians to work in Nazi Germany

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Room with a portrait of Hitler and the slogan "Labour is the bread", "Labour is the prosperity."

German general and civilians.

A man signs a document, the German general shakes his hand.

Views over Antwerp.

German soldiers and civilians on the platform.

German General congratulates Belgian.

Belgian given a set of clothes, a bottle of wine and other gifts.

Women with smiles look out of the train window.

Belgian part of the car.

People look out of the windows of the train.

Belgian waves.

The train departs.





World War II