Safety of construction work at height. (1984)

Film-document №39528 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:48 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:39

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Features of labor protection in industrial construction. Necessary means of protection. Features of the behavior of employees in oaps zones.


Sectors of the economy

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Alternating frames with high-rise objects in construction.

Transfer of metal structures in industrial construction.

Installation of building structures at height.

Welding works at height.

Builders are considering a construction project.

Concrete works at height.

Workers on wooden scaffolding.

Different types of scaffolding, cradles, towers, scaffolding.

Collapse of poorly secured scaffolding.


The victim is taken to the hospital.

A cartoon telling about the technology of installing scaffolding.

Surface preparation for the installation of scaffolding racks.

The places and methods of attaching scaffolding to a building or structure are specified in the work project.

Wooden forests are built only from dry coniferous wood not lower than the second grade with straight fibers.

Only metal fasteners should be used for such scaffolding.

Installation of wooden scaffolding.

On unfinished scaffolding, it is necessary to work with a safety belt.

The edge of the flooring does not allow various objects to fall out of the flooring, protects from falling if the worker slips.

The fence is made 3-element and must withstand a lateral load of at least 70 kg.

The steps of the stairs.

Fire-fighting equipment - sand and fire extinguishers on the scaffolding site.

If the work is carried out at a height of more than 6 meters, a second flooring is made - protective.

In places of passages, protective visors are made with a solid side covering, they must protrude beyond the scaffolding at least 1.5 meters and have a slope of 20 degrees towards the wall.

The height of the passage is at least 1.8 meters.

All protruding fasteners are removed.

Technological equipment should not itself be a source of danger, the decking should be smooth, the handrails smoothly planed.

Declaration of a dangerous zone.

Metal and wooden scaffolding must have lightning protection.

Installation of lightning protection, ground check.

Forests of more than 4 meters are accepted by a commission appointed by the head of the construction and installation organization.

The work of the commission.

Acceptance of forests is formalized by an act.

Conducting instruction on working on scaffolding, the need to wear helmets when carrying out work.

It is necessary to regularly, but at least once every 10 days, check the condition of the forests, inspect the fasteners, decking.

It is impossible to allow accumulation of construction waste on forests.

After a rain or thaw in winter, it is necessary to inspect the base of the racks, they may shift due to soil deformation.

Scaffolding decking should not serve as a gathering place for workers.

A cartoon explaining the overload of forests.

Key words

Labor protection.



Construction; Animation
Sectors of the economy; Culture and Arts

Reel №2

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Temporary fences are installed to protect workers working on floors and staircases.

The requirements for them are the same as for the fencing of forests.

They consist of collapsible elements and can be easily adapted for horizontal floors and inclined staircases.

Nets made of metal and polymer materials are used as protective fences.

During welding, polymer meshes lose their strength.

The appearance of workers in casual clothes is not allowed.

Using anything that comes to hand as a scaffold is dangerous.

The collapse of the scaffolding.

Scaffolding is a portable device used within one floor.

Like any other devices for working at height, they cannot be made of random materials.

Samples of scaffolding.

You can not use random stairs for work.

The length of the ladders should not exceed 5 meters.

The stairs run into the support beams and are fastened with tie bolts after two meters.

The ladder must have a device that prevents its arbitrary sliding, for example, hooks on the top and pointed conical stops at the bottom or a rubber-covered base for working on a flat surface.

You can't climb the stairs with a load.

It is allowed to carry out work unrelated to the stop on the ladder and use a safety mounting belt.

The observer should make sure that someone does not accidentally push the base of the stairs.

If there is no observer, you need to use signal fences.

On vertical ladders and ladder brackets, starting from a height of 5 meters, safety arcs are placed.

Falling from a random ladder.

When working at heights where it is impossible or unprofitable to use scaffolding, cradles, towers of various systems mounted on cars, tractors and special platforms are used.

Car tower.

A tower mounted on a loader.

Alternating frames with different cradles and towers.

Works carried out without protective devices in places where there is a danger of falling, starting from a height of 1.3 meters, are considered works at height.

Works carried out at a height of more than 5 meters are considered top-climbing.

Footage of climbing works.

People at least 18 years old who have passed a medical examination and have a category not lower than the third are involved in climbing work.

A team of climbers.

Workers who have started work for the first time must work for at least a year under the guidance of experienced climbers.

The foreman checks the equipment of the climbers.

Workers work in safety belts.

The mounting points of the carbines are indicated by the master or foreman before starting work.

Belts conforming to the standard are used.

They need to be tested every six months.

The elements of the belt must not have defects and damage.

The safety rope and carbine are also tested.

In some jobs, strap belts are used.

If the site at a height is located within the danger zone, it is necessary to exclude the action of dangerous factors for the duration of the work or provide workers with protective equipment.

If the work is carried out near a height difference of more than 1.3 meters, it is necessary to use a safety belt or fencing of workplaces.

The tool is carried only in a bag.

If the work is carried out at a height of more than 25 meters, workers are delivered to the workplace by a special elevator.

The work of a climber suggests that the very path to the workplace is associated with increased risk.

Devices should be provided to facilitate this road.

In bad weather conditions, outdoor climbing is prohibited.

The climber-installer works at a height.

Welding works at height.

Installation of industrial structures at height.

Victims of safety violations.

Industrial landscape.

Key words

Labor protection. Work at height.



Sectors of the economy