The Russians 1994 № 4

Film-document №4125 1 part, Duration: 0:09:59 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:59

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About shamanism - one of the oldest religions based on the communication of a shaman with spirits in a trance state. The film uses fragments of the performance of the Tuvan theater "Kuzel".

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

M. B. Kenin-Lopsan (synchronously) about shamans..

Shaman Kuzhuget B. L. kamlaet in a forest clearing (synchronously).

Children pass each other a bowl with a drink.

M. Kenin-Lopsan about the human soul (synchronously).

Fragment of the play " Shaman "of the Kuzel Theater (Honored Artist of the Republic of Tuva Salchak A. S.)

Blooming bird cherry.


A girl cradles a child in her arms.

Sheep in the pens.

Shaman kamlaet.

Actors of the theater "Kuzel" perform a fragment from the play "Shaman".

Director of the theater "Kuzel" Meloyan V. Sh.

The shaman Kuular Makur-ool Seveenovich performs some kind of ritual near the stalls with sheep.

The building of the society of shamans of Dungur.

A shaman performs a ritual over the body of a man.

People are sitting on the street, waiting for a reception at the shaman.

Shaman Elena Chembievna Mongush.

Key words



Kenin-Lopsan M.B. -uchenij-etnograf,narodnij pisatelj Respubliki Tuva


Republic of Tyva

National culture; Traditions and customs
Culture and Arts