Stalin / film documents /.. (1949)

Film-document №48355 4 parts, Duration: 0:35:48 to collection Price category A
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:46

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)


Reel №1

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Red Army held on Red Square during a military parade Nov. 7, 1922.

Playing a military band.

The troops are on the Red Square.

People welcome the Red Army.

Stalin IV on the platform of the mausoleum during the parade.

On Red Square go carts, goes the cavalry.

People stand near the Kremlin wall and watching the parade.

Stalin stands at the entrance of the Grand Kremlin Palace before a meeting of the 12th Congress of the RCP (b) in 1923.

Stalin and GK Ordzhonikidze talking, standing at the entrance of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Stalin speaks from the podium at the 13 Congress of the RCP (B) in 1924.

The congress delegates applauded Stalin.

Stalin speaks from the podium with a report on the 15 Congress of the CPSU (b) in 1927.

Stalin has a talk with commanders and sailors during visits to the Black Sea Fleet cruiser "Red Ukraine" in 1929.

Sailors on the deck of the cruiser.

Stalin leaves an entry in the logbook of the cruiser.

The crew of the Black Sea Fleet warship, built alongside.

KE Voroshilov, Stalin, MI Kalinin, SM Kirov, VV Kuibyshev, LM Kaganovich, Ordzhonikidze in the Kremlin on the 50th anniversary of Stalin.

Kalinin congratulates Stalin.

General view of Moscow Kremlin from the Moskva River in 1932.

Stalin comes out of the side door of the Grand Kremlin Palace and runs along the wall.

View of the Kremlin from the Moskva River.

Stalin says, sitting at a desk in his office in the Kremlin.

Stalin standing at the side of the ship during a trip to the White Sea-Baltic Canal in 1933, gets out of the hatch Voroshilov.

Stalin climbs the ladder to the upper deck.

General view of the gateway.

Kirov, Stalin and Voroshilov on the deck.

Voroshilov, standing on the upper deck, Stalin shows up on the shore.

Stalin and the Kirov pass through the deck.

Stalin, Voroshilov and Kirov watching from the deck of a submarine at the pier.

General view of the submarine.

Stalin, Kirov, Voroshilov rise to the submarine.

Boat crew welcomes guests shouted "Hurrah."

Stalin and Poskrebyshev a break in the meeting of 14 Congress of the CPSU (b) in February 1934.

Congress delegates in the meeting room.

Stalin and Voroshilov sitting in the Presidium, Stalin smokes a cigarette.

Delegates to the conference room.

Voroshilov and Kaganovich to Stalin presented to congress delegates rifle with telescopic sight, sitting right Ulyanov MI

Stalin raises his rifle, looks through the scope, puts the rifle.

The delegates in the hall applauded.

Stalin and Kaganovich applauding, standing on the podium.

Stalin, Kaganovich, Ordzhonikidze on the platform of the mausoleum on the day of his return to Moscow Chelyuskinites in 1934.

Stalin and Gorky AM go past the mausoleum before the parade of athletes at the Red Square.

Participants in the parade in the ranks of the Red Square.

Voroshilov, Gorky, Stalin, Kalinin are on the platform of the mausoleum during sports parade.

Parade participants are red flags and portraits of Stalin.

General view of the Kremlin.

The delegates of the 2nd All-Union Congress of Collective Farmers in the boardroom.

Stalin and Voroshilov applauding, standing on the podium.

The delegates applauded.

Stalin speaks to delegates.

Women outline the performance of Stalin.

Stalin continues to act.

One delegate asked Stalin.

Stalin listens delegate.

Persons delegates.

A woman is like Stalin, who sits at the table of the presidium and asks Stalin talks with her.

Women's faces.

General view of the courtroom.

Stalin among the delegates to the Congress, gets to photograph.

Kaganovich, SM Budyonny, Stalin among the delegates to the Congress of Collective Farmers.

Stalin's face.

Stalin was sitting next to a collective farmer-delegates.

Stalin, Kalinin among delegates.

Stalin was lighting his pipe.

Stalin talks with delegates of the Congress, shakes hands with them.

Stalin has an interview with one of the delegates.

Tanks go to Red Square to take part in the parade May 1, 1935.

Voroshilov and Stalin on the platform of the mausoleum.

May Day demonstration on Red Square.

Voroshilov and Stalin welcomed the demonstrators.

Demonstrators carry a portrait of Stalin.

Stalin and Voroshilov rise to the control tower Tushino airfield before the air show in 1935.

In the sky flying aircraft disclosed canopy.

Kaganovich, AA Andreev Stalin, Voroshilov watching skydivers jumping.

Planes in the sky over the Tushino airfield.

Voroshilov, Stalin, Andreev, NS Khrushchev, among pilots and parachutists participating air show.

Voroshilov and Stalin among skydivers.

Stalin says goodbye to the participants of the festival, sits in the car.

Paratroopers stand in formation on the rack "quietly".

Stalin's car leaving from the airport.

Key words

Armed forces. Communist Party. River transport. Science. Expedition. Air Force. International relations. Electoral system. City transport.


Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin - statesman and political figure
Grigory Ordzhonikidze - statesman and political figure
Kliment Voroshilov - statesman and politician, military leader
Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin - statesman and political figure
Sergei Kirov Myronovych - statesman and political figure
Valerian Kuibyshev Vladimirovich - statesman and political figure
Lazar Kaganovich - statesman and political figure
Poskrebyshev Alexander - statesman and political figure
Maria Ulyanov Ilinichna - revolutionary, statesman and political figure
Gorky Gorky - writer
Budyonny Semyon Mikhailovich - commander
Andrey Andreev - statesman and political figure
Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev - statesman and political figure







Stalin's era; History; Political figures; Congress of the CPSU; Demonstrations; Parade on Red Square
Biography; Policy; CPSU activity; Domestic policy; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life; World War II

Reel №2

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Participants of the meeting devoted to the launch of the Moscow Metro in 1935 Stalin welcome.

Stalin speaks from the podium (synchronously).

The meeting participants applauded Stalin.

Voroshilov, Stalin and Molotov applauding, standing on the podium of the meeting.

Kaganovich and Voroshilov applauding, standing on the podium.

Stalin welcomes metrostroevtsev standing on the podium, sitting next to Molotov and Voroshilov.

Stalin has an interview with an agronomist MS Demchenko during a reception in the Kremlin kolkhoz-shock troopers beet fields in 1935, stands behind Voroshilov.

Demchenko talks with Stalin.

Ordzhonikidze, Mikoyan AI, Molotov, Kaganovich, Stalin and listen to the conversation Demchenko.

Stalin talks with Demchenko.

View of the Moscow Kremlin in 1935-1936 years.

Molotov, Stalin, Kalinin talk before the reception of the Armenian delegation and Azebaydzhana.

Stalin shaking hands with members of delegations, standing next to Mikoyan.

Stalin applauds.

Stalin hugging woman from the Azerbaijani delegation.

The woman's face.

Stalin and Mikoyan, welcomed the delegates.

Female delegate welcomes and embraces Stalin, Mikoyan applauds.

Faces of members of the Buryat-Mongolian delegation.

Voroshilov and Stalin donated them to the Mongolian gowns.

Voroshilov, Stalin, Ordzhonikidze, Mikoyan, Kaganovich sitting at the table during the reception of the Georgian delegation.

Stalin has an interview with LP Beria, Molotov, Voroshilov.

Georgian schoolgirl welcomes Stalin.

Molotov, Voroshilov, Stalin listen to the greeting of the Georgian delegation.

Kaganovich, Mikoyan, Ordzhonikidze, Stalin applauded in response to the greeting.

Stalin applauds.

The Georgian delegation presents gifts to members of the Politburo of the CPSU (b), Stalin, Ordzhonikidze, Mikoyan, Kaganovich applauded in return.

Molotov applauds.

Stalin girls Udarnitsa Nakhangova M. and Ene Geldyeva while receiving delegations of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

The text of the inscription thanksgiving Stalin Geldyeva up the good work.

Stalin presents a portrait with his signature and signed portrait Geldyeva for Nakhangova.

Nakhangova face.

Stalin Nakhangova presents a portrait of a signature.

Members of delegations applauded.

Stalin had given him trying robe and skullcap.

Members of delegations applauded.

Stalin, GM Dimitrov on the platform of the mausoleum during the All-Union parade of athletes in the summer of 1936.

Parade participants welcomed Stalin.

Stalin and Dimitrov, welcomed the participants of the parade.

Stalin's face.

Stalin delivers a report on the draft Constitution of the Union 8 Extraordinary Congress of Soviets (synchronously).

Kalinin and Voroshilov, sitting on the podium, listening to the Stalin.

The congress delegates listen to a speech of Stalin.

Stalin continued his speech (synchronously).

The congress delegates applauded Stalin.

Stalin took his place on the podium, Molotov, Kaganovich, Voroshilov, Andreev applauded.

The congress delegates applauded standing.

Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov applauding, standing on the podium.

The delegates applauded.

General view of the hall of the Bolshoi Theater during the election meeting Stalin Electoral District of Moscow in 1937.

Stalin delivers a speech from the podium (synchronously).

General view of the hall of the Bolshoi Theater.

Stalin finishes his speech.

Participants in the meeting applauded Stalin.

Key words



Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin - statesman and political figure
Kliment Voroshilov - statesman and politician, military leader
Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov - statesman and political figure
Lazar Kaganovich - statesman and political figure
Grigory Ordzhonikidze - statesman and political figure
Mikoyan Anastas Ivanovich - statesman and political figure
Lawrence P. Beria - statesman and political figure
Georgy Dimitrov - Bulgarian state and political figure
Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin - statesman and political figure
Andrey Andreev - statesman and political figure







Stalin's era; Political figures; Holidays; Authorities and management
History; Biography; Policy; Social life; State institutions

Reel №3

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Newsreel, 1937: poster with a call to go to the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Surname IV Stalin in the voter list of the Leninsky district of Moscow.

IV Stalin and VM Molotov get on the site ballots.

Stalin comes to the voting booth, and goes down the ballot in the ballot box.

LM Kaganovich, Voroshilov KE, Molotov, Stalin and Mikoyan AI vote at the polling station on election day in 1938.

Delegates 18th Congress of the CPSU (b) a standing ovation, Voroshilov, Stalin in the presidium of the congress, in March 1939.

Pioneers are holding gifts congress delegates.

Molotov, Kaganovich, Voroshilov, Stalin applauding, standing on the podium, Stalin raises schoolgirls on their hands and puts them on the table, delegates applauded.

Congress Bureau members exhibit presents delegations, a general view of the presidium.

General view of the hall subway station "Mayakovskaya" November 6, 1941 during the commemoration of the 24 anniversary of the October Revolution, the presidium go Shcherbakov AS, Stalin, Molotov, Malenkov, GM, SM Budyonny, LP Beria, the participants of the meeting to welcome them.

Stalin speaks from the podium (synchronously), the meeting of the presidium members and listen to his speech, applauded.

Part of the Red Army on the Red Square parade of November 7, 1941.

Stalin delivers a speech from the rostrum of the Mausoleum (synchronously).

Stalin completes it, the troops shouted "Hurrah!".

Stalin in the Kremlin of the floor at the solemn meeting devoted to the 25th anniversary of the October Revolution (synchronously), the meeting listened to his speech, applauded.


Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich - a state and political figure
Vyacheslav Molotov - state and political figure
Kaganovich Lazar - state and political figure
Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan - state and political figure
Kliment Voroshilov - statesman and political leader, military leader
Alexander Shcherbakov - state and political figure
Georgy Malenkov Maksimilianovich - state and political figure
Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria - a state and political figure
Budyonny Semyon Mikhailovich - commander


1937 1938 03.1939 06/11/1941 07/11/1941 06/11/1942





Political figures; History; World War II; Congress of the CPSU; Authorities and management; Parade on Red Square; Stalin's era
Biography; Policy; CPSU activity; Domestic policy; State institutions

Reel №4

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Newsreel 1943: IV Stalin in the Kremlin of the floor at the solemn meeting on 6 November 1943, dedicated to the 26th anniversary of the October Revolution (synchronously), the participants applaud.

Stalin during the presentation of his 1944 medal "For Defense of Moscow".

Kind of medals and certificates to it.

Awarding medals to Stalin.

IV Stalin in the Kremlin of the floor at the solemn meeting on 6 November 1944, dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the October Revolution (synchronously), the meeting applauded during his speech.

Stalin was applauded in return.

MI Kalinin Stalin in the Kremlin presents the Order of the "Victory" in 1944, a general view of the Order.

Soldiers Battalion captured flags sneaked banners parts of the Wehrmacht on Red Square during the Victory Parade June 24, 1945, and throw them to the foot of the mausoleum, Stalin and Budenny on the rostrum of the Mausoleum.

People applaud at the guest bleachers.

Captured Nazi banners lie at the foot of the mausoleum.

Stalin enters the hall to take photos with the marshals, generals and admirals - deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, military applauding Stalin sits in the first row.

Marshals SM Budenny, KK Rokossovsky, Konev IS, AM Vasilevsky, GK Zhukov, Stalin IV, KE Voroshilov, NA Bulganin sitting in the front row of Stalin sitting Eremenko AI, AI Antonov


Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich - a state and political figure
Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin - state and political figure
Kliment Voroshilov - statesman and political leader, military leader
Nikolai Bulganin - state and political figure
Budyonny Semyon Mikhailovich - commander
Konstantin Rokossovsky - commander
Konev Ivan Stepanovich - commander
Alexander Vasilevsky - commander
Georgy Zhukov - commander
Eremenko Andrei Ivanovich - commander
Antonov Antonov - commander


06/11/1943 06/11/1944 1944-1945 06/24/1945





Political figures; History; Generals and war heroes; Victory Parade; Holidays
Biography; Policy; World War II; Social life