Unforgettable Years. (1957)

Film-document №4861 8 parts, Duration: 1:14:57, Black-white to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 0:08:51

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Kopalin I.

Script writers: Agapov B., Gorelik I.

Composers: Peyko N.

Anouncers: Khmara L.


Film dedicated to the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Great October Revolution tells the history of the country in the period from 1917 to the present day.


Temporary description

A film that is based on the documentary film that is stored in the Russian State Film and Photo Archive, reflects the major events of Russian history from 1917 to 1957. The building of the Winter Palace, the royal emblem of the deposed government. The funeral of the victims of the October events in Moscow. Members of the Russian and German delegations arriving in Brest-Litovsk to sign the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty. Foreign intervention against Russia, the Germans at St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, the British ships in the ports of Archangel and Murmansk, American, Japanese ships in the port of Vladivostok. Speech by Lenin in Moscow before leaving the soldiers to the front. Fighting the Red Army in the Civil War. Unemployed at the Labour Exchange. Children - homeless. Soviet diplomats VV Vorovskii, Chicherin, Litvinov, who arrived in Genoa at the international conference. Lenin's funeral, the funeral procession in Red Square. Courtroom 13th Party Congress. On the podium of Stalin. The book "The Plan." Construction of the Dnieper, the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine, the Gorky Automobile Plant, the Turkestan-Siberian Railway. Farmers vote for entry to the farm. The first tractor off the assembly line of the Stalingrad tractor factory. Innovators: A. Stakhanov, A. Bulgakov, M. Mazzei, P. Krivonos; foremost agriculture: M. Demchenko AP Angelina. Soviet scientists Timiryazev, Bekhterev, AN Bach, V. Michurin, Schmidt. Chelyuskinites return to Moscow. Soviet pilots VP Chkalov, G. Bajdukov, Belyakov in America after the non-stop flight. First All-Union Congress of Writers and delivers Gorky. Construction of the Moscow Metro. The war in Spain, in Abyssinia, in Poland. Fighting Soviet troops in the Great Patriotic War. Victory Day parade on Red Square on June 24, 1945. The meeting room XX Congress of the CPSU. Acts Khrushchev. Power plants: Kakhovskaya, Bratsk, Kuibyshev. Uralmashzavod, Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, the oil fields in Baku and other industrial plants.

Reel №1

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Portrait views of laborers of the Soviet country.

Workshops of plants.

Virgin lands.

Works on virgin lands.


Vacationists on a beach of the Black sea.

“Mirny” village.

A synchrophasotron.

D. F. Oistrakh is giving a concert in Japan.

I. Moiseev’s ensemble is giving a concert in Paris.

An Ukrainian dance is being performed.

G. Ulanova’s performance in the Kremlin.

Shakhinshakh of Iran Muhammed Reza Pehlevu and his wife Soreya are having look at the Dneproges [the Hydroelectric Power Station upon the Dnieper river].

Mister U Nu is at a production site in Baku.

Javakharlal Neru at a plant in Rustavi.


Residents are greeting Ho Chi Mihn, K. E. Voroshilov.

Khruschov, Mikoyan are responding to greetings from residents of Berlin.

Serafima Kotova is passing along machines.

Viktor Shumikhin at a machine.

Terenty Maltsev is taking a look at wheat ears.

Academician Semenov is working in the laboratory.

A newsreel of 1917-1920.

Vladimir Lenin.


The Smolny in the period of revolutionary events.

Emblems of tsarism torn out.

Sailors at the Smolny.


Streets and buildings of Moscow in October 1917.

Funeral of victims of the October events.

Fragments displaying fights on fronts of the world war.


Delegations, which participated in peace negotiation with Germany, are passing by.

The White Guard troops.

General Kornilov, admiral Kolchak, general Yudenich.

White Guard troops are marching.


German interventionists are walking.

The building of commandant's office.

Reel №2

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Newsreel of the 1917-1920's.

Foreign intervention.

Murmansk: British invaders.

Far East: American invaders.

Japanese intervention.

Brothers Merkulov.

Unloading ships Wrangel in the Crimea.

Menshevik Georgia, among them N. Jordania.


Acts sailor Dybenko - Chairman Centrobalt.

Chairperson of the Military Revolutionary Committee Podvoisky.

Acts Antonov.

Listen to the soldiers and sailors.

JM serves Sverdlov.

Playing with the campaign train MI Kalinin.

MI Kalinin among peasants.

Krupskaya - MS.

Poet Demian poor among the peasants.

Mayakovsky at your desk, reading his poems.

Soldiers and sailors go to the front.

VI Lenin delivers a speech to the soldiers and commanders, is sent to the front.

Stalin, Ordzhonikidze, Kirov, Voroshilov, Frunze - MS.

VI Lenin in Red Square.

Pass the red fighters.

SM Budyonny and KE Voroshilov in the First Cavalry - LS.

VI Chapaev - CU.

Demonstration under the slogan "Hands off Russia" - on the streets of London, in China, in Berlin.

Workers' demonstrations in Germany, Austria and Hungary.

United States, the Statue of Liberty.


J. Reid at the rally.

First Cavalry Army in the campaign.

MI Kalinin presents white flag - a sign of surrender of the White forces.

Red Army crossing the Siwash.

MV Frunze bypasses troops.

Red cavalry in the campaign.

Invaders leave Crimea, the Far East.

Reel №3

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A newsreel of 1917-1920.

A bridge is being broken, damaged carriages.


Funeral of 26 Baku commissars.

Queues for bread.

A labour exchange.

Receiving coupons for the right for tray trade.

Crowds of the unemployed.

The starving, the homeless on railway stations.

Unshipping products.

Workers at Saturday litter pick.

First repaired steamtrains.

Workers are going to a plant.

G. M. Krzhizhanovsky is speaking.

The Shaturskaya hydroelectric power plant.

The turbine room.

Extraction of peat with a hydraulic hammer.

A dam of the Kuibyshevskaya hydroelectric power station.

Traders on a market.

Consumers at windows of a state-owned shop.

Private shops.

Money exchange.

Bank employees at work.


Soviet diplomats arrived at an international conference.

Foreign diplomats are arriving, Lloyd George is among them.

Welcoming of foreign ambassadors in Moscow.

Chicherin, Kalinin, Litvinov, Vorovsky are among the welcomers.

Demonstrations with a protest against of provocations of English imperialists.

The I All-Union Assembly of Soviets.

Delegates of the assembly.

Construction of new houses.

Construction in the South-West of Moscow.

Students in lecture-rooms, in the laboratory.

A newsreel of 1917-1920.

F. E. Dzerzhinsky is speaking.

The homeless at work.

Reel №4

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A newsreel of 1920-1930.

A resort in Livadia.

Workers are resting in the resort.

Editions of newspapers with the announcement of Vladimir Lenin’s death.

Farewell of workers with Vladimir Lenin’s ashes.

Kirov, Dzerzhinsky, Krupskaya at the leader’s coffin.

XIII assembly of the RCP(b) [Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks – Lenin Fraction of the Party)]

Among the delegates there are: Em.

Yaroslavsky, Nadezhda Krupskaya.

Joseph Stalin at the tribune.

Geologists at the Magnitnaya mountain.

Geologists in Kazakhstan’s steppes.

Village Monastyrka (near Nizhny Novgorod), where an Automotive plant will be built.

Dnieper roads.

Industrial landscapes.

Construction works.

Workers are arriving at construction sites.

Construction works.

A building area in winter.

Construction of a blast furnace.

Working students at classes.

Assemblage of machines in plants.

Peasants in fields.

A house of a “Kulak” (sl. “A reach peasant”).


Kulaks agricultural machines.

A meeting of peasants.

A vote regarding to entering a collective farm.

Fires in the village.

Funerals of the killed collective farm activists.

The first tractor in the village; peasants and children are chasing the tractor.

The tractor is ploughing in the field, peasants are looking at the tractor's work with admiration and surprise.

Reel №5

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Newsreel of 1920-1930:

Workers are joining collective farm work.

Seeing-off workers leaving for villages.

Peasants are gladly welcoming the newcomers.

First collective farm wagon trains with grain are running.

The meeting on the occasion of the release of the first tractor in Volgograd Tractor Plant.

A tractor in the plant’s yard.

The first harvesting machine of Zaporozhye plant “Kommunar” is running along the Red Square.

An industrial landscape: Magnitogorsk Plant.

Steel workers when working.

The construction of Turksib [Turkmenian-Siberian trunk].

S. M. Kirov among construction workers.

A train is moving.

Plants of Zaporozhye.

The meeting on the occation of the opening of Dneproges.

Alexei Stakhanov at work.

Miners are greeting Alexei Stakhanov.

Alexander Busygin is working in a forge shop.

Makar Mazai at an open-hearth furnace.

Petr Krivonos is driving a steamtrain.

Stakhanovites E. Vinogradova, M. Vinogradova at work.

M. Denchenko at work.

P. Angelina in a camp.

Alexei Gorky in the study.

Academician Bekhterev is precenting a lecture.

Academician Bach in the laboratory.

I. V. Michurin in his garden.

I. P. Pavlov’s laboratory.

I. P. Pavlov is observing an experiment.

The launch of the stratosphere balloon “Osaviakhim-1”.

Members of the Chelyuskin expedition are unloading the ships.

Residents in the streets of Moscow are greeting the members of the expedition.

Liaoidevsky, Molokov, Kamanin, Vodopianov, Slepnev, Levanevsky, Doronin, Shmidt, Tupolev.

Members of the expedition of “Glavsevmorput” [“Main Northern Sea Road”] on the North-pole.

Welcoming of Soviet pilots in the USA - Chkalov, Beliakov, Baidukov.

Actors of the Moscow Academic Art Theatre are walking.

Among them there are Stanislavsky, Nemirovich-Danchenko, Moskvin and others.

The celebration of the jubilee of the Maly theater.

On the stage, in the presidium there are A. I. Yushin, Yablochkina and others.

People's Commissar Lunacharsky is presenting the theater's team with a Flag.

The Maly Theater actors are being greeted by Stanislavsky, Nemirovich-Danchenko, Kachalov, Moskvin and others.

The Maly Theater actors are being greeted by Komsomol groups [Young Coummunist League groups].

Yalta. N. A. Ostrovsky's house.

The writers is lying.

His mother is beside him.

The “Veshenskaya” station.

M. A. Sholokhov at work.

Reel №6

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Newsreel 1930.:

First All-Union Congress of Writers.

Delegates to the Congress: Fyodor Gladkov, Aleksei Tolstoy, Alexander Fadeev, Ilya Ehrenburg and S. Aigi, VV Veresaev.

AM Bitter makes a report (simultaneously) in the audience - L. Kassil.

Dekhanka the desk.

An employee of the floor.

AM Bitter among workers.

AM Bitter kisses worker.

House AM Gorky.

Romain Rolland and AM Bitter - MS.

Meeting in Moscow Bernard Shaw.

HG Wells visited the mausoleum.

Area, the streets of Moscow.

Work on the reconstruction of Moscow.

Subway construction.

Start the first line.

Among the passengers Bulganin, Khrushchev.


Weaving, shoe, rolling mill.


Pass the farmers of western Ukraine.

Athletes go with banners.

Marching Nazi soldiers.

Shop factory Krupa.

Weapons production.

Meeting in Berlin.

Acts Ernst Thalmann.

Burning the Reichstag.


Leipzig process.

In the dock fascist hireling, arsonist van der Luba, Dimitrov and others.

Go fascist soldiers.

The war in Abyssinia.

Mussolini presents the Order.

The war in Spain.

The war in Albania.

The meeting of the League of Nations.

Delivered by the representative of the USSR Litvinov.

Nazi soldiers go Austro-German border.

The signing of the Munich Agreement.

Signed by Hitler, Goering.

Nazi troops in Czechoslovakia.

Nazis in Prague.

Nazis in Poland.

Hitler was on the plane.

London in flames and smoke.


Crying woman.

Over Paris - Nazi flag.

Hitler near the Eiffel Tower.

Reel №7

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A newsreel of 1941-1945:

Burning villages, corpses of the killed and tortured, crying people.

Agricultural machines, railroad rakes with equipment are running along roads.

Moments of a battle.


Streets of the city.

Air obstacles.

Soviet commanders are talking.

Moments of a battle.

Retreat of German troops.

Fascists are setting houses on fire.

A Hitler’s cameraman is filming.

Battles in the streets of Berlin.

A Soviet flag over the Reichstag.

Field Marshall Keitel is signing the act of unconditional surrender.

The Victory ceremonial parade.

The welcoming of demobilized Soviet troops.

Ruins of the Dneproges, destroyed Stalingrad.

Restoring works.

The restored dam of the Dneproges.

Plants of Zaporozhye.

Foreign guests of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition.

Demonstrators are passing along the streets of Prague.

Antonin, Zapototsky, A. Novatny, V. Shiroky are at the tribune.

Demonstrations in the streets of Warsaw.

V. Gomulka and other leaders of the Polish People’s Republic are at the tribune.

Demonstrators in the streets of Tirana.

Demonstrations in the streets of Beijing.

The building of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The jubilee session on the occasion of the 40-th anniversary of the Great October Revolution.

N. S. Khruschov is speaking.

Delegates are applauding.

Reel №8

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The building of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Landscape views of Sochi.

Landscape views.

The Uralmash plant.

Workers are working in workshops of the plant.

A panorama of Magnitogorsk iron and steel works.

Steel workers at work.

Workshops of the plant.


A train is running.


A metallurgical plant.


A workshop of an aviation plant.


Oil towers.

Landscape views.

Oil production in Tatarstan.

Oil processing plant in Bashkiria.

Dams of Kuibyshevs and Kakhovsk Hydroelectric Power Stations.

Construction of the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station.

The streets of Bratsk, Angarsk, Magnitogorsk, Minsk.

Demonstrations in the streets of Leningrad.

The officials of Communist parties and the Soviet government are at the tribune, N. S. Kruschov is among them.

Demonstrators are passing by.