Detailed standards of feeding farm animals.. (1989)

Film-document №52080 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:56 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:59

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Director: Antipova V.


The film, commissioned by Gosagroprom of the non-Chernozem zone of the RSFSR, tells about progressive methods of creating a feed base for cattle and other domestic animals. A scientific approach to the creation of feed formulations and the introduction of automation of control over feeding and the physiological state of animals.


Reel №1

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Panorama of a modern livestock complex in the Shchapovo farm near Moscow.

Cows in the stalls.

A room for milking cows.

The milker puts on the milking machine.

In the farm, milking, feeding, accounting of milk productivity is automated, which dramatically reduces the cost of milk.

Intensive technologies mean a high concentration of livestock, lack of individual care.

The footage shows a large number of animals near farms.

Cows eat green food.

With such a content, animals are very sensitive to errors in feeding.

According to statistics, most farms allow overspending of feed, and milk yields do not increase.

A field with fodder grasses.

Feeding cows should be not abundant, but full-fledged.

A field with fodder corn.

Taken separately, coarse juicy feeds do not contain all the nutrients and vitamins necessary for the cow's body.

For example, corn has a lot of sugars, but little protein.

Field with alfalfa.

Alfalfa is rich in protein, sulfur, calcium, but poor in magnesium, copper, zinc, phosphorus.

A field with cereal crops.

Cereals contain a lot of vitamins, sugars, but proteins and individual macro and microelements are lacking.

Academician VASKHNIL I.S. Popov has developed norms and tables of balanced feeds for 6 elements.

The book of I.S. Popov.

List of elements.

Photo of I.S. Popov's student M.F. Tomny.

All-Union Institute of Animal Husbandry.

Table of comparative effectiveness of feeding norms of agricultural animals in the USSR.

The number of indicators by which it became possible to normalize rations increased from two to thirty.

Feed costs have almost halved.

Scientists in experimental production.

There is a new indicator of exchange energy, which more accurately than feed units assesses the energy nutritional value of feed for different types of animals.

A respiratory chamber in which the metabolism and energy in the animal's body can be calculated with great accuracy by the balance of nitrogen and carbon.

Calculation formulas for balance experiments.

Reference books and works on feeds for agricultural animals.

They display the norms of animal needs and tables of the chemical composition of feed.

A list of feed elements for more than 20 food elements.

Experimental farm VIZ in Dubrovitsy.

The effectiveness of old and new norms was tested here.

The tractor delivers green fodder to the farm.

Missing vitamins and trace elements are added to the feed.

Timashevsk agro-industrial complex "Kuban".

A self-supporting association for animal husbandry has been created at the plant.

The task of the association is to introduce detailed feeding standards.

Meeting of employees of the association together with scientists of the Agricultural Institute.

A contract for conducting scientific research.

Panorama of a field with fodder crops.

Scientists inspect the fields.

In the collective farm "Russia", a mixture of corn, soy, sorghum, sunflower is considered the best feed for cows.

The mixture maintains a balance of nutrients.

The Kubanets collective farm has Sudanka grass rich in carbohydrates on one field, alfalfa, protein feed on the other.

It turns out a balanced feed mixture.

The collective farm "Memory of Lenin" practices the preparation of grain haylage from barley and alfalfa or barley and white clover.



The timing of cleaning is important.

Field of sunflowers.

Collective farm breeding plant named after.

Gorky in the Moscow region.

There is an acute shortage of land for fodder lands.

A meeting of a collective farm zootechnician and an agronomist, at which they discuss which forage crops will be grown.

A research institute to which farms in the Moscow Region send feed samples to check their chemical composition.

Key words

Full-fledged feeds. Feed efficiency indicators.


Popov I.S., akademik.
Tomnij M.F.


Moscow region


Livestock complex "Shchapovo".
Experimental farm of the All-Union Institute of Animal Husbandry (VIZ) in Dubrovitsy.
Agro-industrial complex "Kuban".
Collective farm "Kubanets".
Collective farm "Russia".
Collective farm "Memory of Lenin".
The breeding plant named after.

Sectors of the economy

Reel №2

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Regional station in the village of Nemchinovka.

The station summarizes the results of chemical analyses of feed.

A network of agrochemical laboratories has been established in the Non-Chernozem region.

Feeds are checked for all indicators.

Scientific equipment of laboratories.

Analyzer of the chemical composition of feed.

According to the laboratories, the chief zootechnician N. Bizunov begins to compile a matrix of tasks for calculating feed on a computer.

The main task is to get a balanced diet from the cheapest and most affordable feed for the farm.

VISH has developed a block of programs that allows solving problems of optimizing diets, feed distribution, calculating feed needs, and nutrient balance.

VC VIZHA is bound by contracts with many farms of the Non-Chernozem region.

For the collective farm.

Gorky's 30 rations are calculated, balanced by 23 elements of nutrition.

VISH employees discuss the printout with the rations.

According to this printout, tasks are compiled for the feed mill and the dairy complex.

In the collective farm named after.

Gorky uses a flow-phase system of feeding and milk production.

The dairy complex consists of two monoblocks of five feeding tables.

Each has a group of cows of a certain lactation phase.

Feeding rations should ensure the highest productivity.

The group of separation and insemination in the first period of lactation receives advanced feeding 2-4 units above the norm.

At the end of the milking period, rations are prescribed according to the live weight and the actual daily milk yield.

The assignment of a diet to the milk production group along with obtaining high productivity helps to achieve the normal course of pregnancy and timely start-up.

Cows eat food.

Cows are taken to the maternity ward.

New-made ones are coming to the vacant place.

The feeding system adopted in the farm allows you to consistently keep milk yields of more than 5,000 kilograms of milk per head for many years, spending only 0.81 feed units per 1 kg of milk.

The room of the foreman of the feed shop.

There is a chart with a rotation curve for each feed table.

Every day, the foreman determines the volume and content of the feed mixture for a certain table according to the lactation phase and the diet table.

The desired weight of the feed mixture is set on the car weights, then the signal to turn on the mechanism.

View of the equipment of the feed mill.

There are three processing lines in the shop for hay cutting, straw, silage, haylage, green mass, and concentrate.

Operation of the equipment.

The components of the feed mixture from three lines enter the mixer.

Mineral additives, solutions of trace elements, molasses from containers that are switched on synchronously with the mixer are also served here.

Loading the container for transportation with feed from the feed mill.

The collective farm "Kubanets" has the same system of feeding cows according to the phases of lactation.

Loading feed into the feeder.

There is an experienced herd here, where detailed feeding standards are introduced by senior researcher I.Avdeeva.

Milk yield of cows is stable up to 6000 kg of milk per year.

Highly productive cows require an individual approach.

Depending on the yield and the analysis of the condition, mineral and vitamin supplements are introduced into the diet.

A field with grain.

A plant for the production of compound feed.

The plant receives applications from all farms belonging to the association.

Filled out prescription forms.

Additional components of feed yeast, vitamin supplements, feed phosphate, diamonium phosphate have been introduced into the compound feed.

For different types of animals, premixes are added to compound feeds, for example, P61 for cattle.

It contains copper, cobalt, zinc, iodine.

Equipment of the plant's workshops.

On the farm of the experimental farm "Shchapovo", the introduction of detailed feeding standards required a high degree of automation and computerization of the culture of animal husbandry.

The operator works on the peripheral device of the computer.

The herd on the farm is large, and the highest productivity is achieved by taking into account the physiological state of each cow, drawing up individual diets.

Here, the rations are also balanced with compound feeds.

The cow gets them separately.

All information about the cow is embedded in the computer, and it is connected directly to the sensor on the cow's collar.

View of the farm.

Key words

Animal feeding rations. Automation and computerization of feeding. Compound feed.


N. Bizunov, zootehnik.
I.Avdeeva, nauchnij sotrudnik.




VIJ laboratories.
Collective farm named after.
Collective farm "Kubanets".
Experimental farm "Shchapovo".

Sectors of the economy