Art and development of creative personality.. (1989)

Film-document №52375 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:55 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:57

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Director: S. Zagoskina

Script writers: Selivanova S.

Operators: O. Fedotov

Other authors: Avtor scenariya - S. Selivanova, konsuljtant - kandidat filosofskih nauk E. Faustova


Educational film for students. Thinking about modern culture, morality, spirituality and art ...

Reel №1

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The film is about the influence of art on the morals of the people.

On the problems of modern art say scholar, academician Dmitry Likhachev, a scientist in the field of mechanics and control processes, academician BV Rauschenbach, composer NN Karetnikau actress A. Demidov (sinhr.).

The city of Leningrad: Engineers' Castle, Kazan Cathedral, Palace Square, embankments and canals.

Rostov Kremlin.

Painting of the Dutch painter Jan van Eyck's "Portrait of Arnolfini couple" paintings of Marc Chagall, Dali, Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci - painting "Madonna Litta" fresco "The Last Supper".

The film used the K / T plans: fragments and phonogram k / f "Stalker" (directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, 1979).

Key words

City. Waterways. Culture. Architecture. Painting. Graphics. Cinema. Museums.


Lihachev D.S.-akademik,literaturoved, istorik-medievist, lingvist, filolog, kuljturolog, iskusstvoved, doktor filologicheskih nauk, professor. Predsedatelj pravleniya Rossijskogo fonda kuljturi.
Raushenbah B.V. - fizik-mehanik, odin iz osnovopolozhnikov sovetskoj kosmonavtiki, doktor tehnicheskih nauk, professor. Akademik AN SSSR. Geroj Socialisticheskogo Truda. Laureat Leninskoj premii.
Karetnikov N.N. -kompozitor, zasluzhennij deyatelj iskusstv Rossijskoj Federacii,



Reel №2

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Paintings by S. Dali.


One of the channels.

Night city.

Madonna Litta.

Rauschenbach B.V. (synchronously).

Likhachev D.S. (synchronously).

The icon "Boris and Gleb".

Icon "Sergius of Radonezh with his life".

Karetnikov N.N. (behind the scenes).

Demidova A.S. (synchronously).

Likhachev D.S. (synchronously).

Filonov "The Holy Family".

A fragment of the movie "Stalker".


Raushenbah B.V.-
Lihachev D.S.
Demidova A.S. -aktrisa teatra i kino, master hudozhestvennogo slova, pedagog
narodnaya artistka RSFSR, laureat Gosudarstvennoj premii SSSR.



