The Communist party the struggle of the proletariat and the peasantry during the great Patriotic war (series history of the Communist party). (1976)

Film-document №55111 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:03, Black-white to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:08

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Producer Lennauchfilm (LNF)

Director: V.Granatman

Script writers: I.Arhipov


The film is about the role of the Communist Party in the organization of radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War, the party political work in the army and guerrilla groups, the victory at Stalingrad, Kursk, breaking the blockade of Leningrad, the liberation of the North Caucasus, the beginning of the liberation of Ukraine.

World War II | CPSU activity

History | Domestic policy | Policy

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The message texts in the Soviet and foreign newspapers about the Battle of Stalingrad.

Photo political worker, read newspapers fighters.

Poster calling to beat the enemy.

The slogans of the 25th anniversary of the October Revolution, published in "Pravda".

Newsreel 1942-1943 years: Generals GK Zhukov, Vatutin NF, KK Rokossovsky discuss the plan of military operations.

Rokossovskogo face.

General AI Eremenko discusses the headquarters of the plan of operation.

General Vatutin while discussing plan of operation.

Surrounded by German troops at Stalingrad.

Newsreel 1942-1943 years: Soviet artillery salvos.

Gun crews firing at the enemy.

Flying Soviet planes.

Planes drop bombs.

The tanks are going to attack.

Map compounds of the South-Western and Stalingrad fronts.

Newsreel 1942: fighting Soviet forces, a combination of two fronts.

German planes in the air.

Fired anti-aircraft guns.

Burning German aircraft dogfights.

Soviet truce offer a cease-fire.

The text of the Soviet ultimatum command of the German 6th Army.

Soviet generals at the command post.

Article in the newspaper "Pravda", a poster.

Newsreel 1942: Soviet pilot's face.

Bombs are flying down.

Soviet bombers over the German positions.

Fires Artillery.

Generals at the observation post.

Shelling and aerial bombardment of German troops.

Soviet troops are fighting in the dismemberment surrounded by German forces at Stalingrad.

Attack in the ruins of houses.

The soldiers pulled out of the ruins of German prisoners.

German soldiers with a white flag.

Field Marshal Paulus F. arrives in the Soviet headquarters.

Paulus said the Soviet command of his surrender.

Column Romanian prisoners of war, stretching across the steppe.

The camp was liberated Soviet prisoners of war.

The corpses of prisoners of war.

Soviet officers inspect the bodies.

The corpses of Soviet POWs.

A column of German prisoners.

Captured at the airport by German military transport aircraft.

Broken German technology.

Reports of the victory at Stalingrad in the newspapers.

Newsreel late 1942-early 1943's: the people on the streets of besieged Leningrad.

Warriors of the Leningrad Front on positions in the forest.

Start of artillery preparation.

Frontline artillery fires.

Control officers at the observation post.

Soviet tank troops attack town.

Commander with binoculars.

Fighters attack the enemy through the house.

Red banner raised over Shlisselburg.

Soviet tanks and infantry attacks.

Map of breaking the siege of Leningrad.

Newsreel, 1943: Soldiers put the pieces together and embrace each other divisions.

Notice of breaking the blockade of Leningrad.

Newsreel 1943: broken German aircraft, the corpses of soldiers.

German prisoners.

People on the streets of Leningrad.

Faces of the children.

Rally in honor of Soviet soldiers on the outskirts of Leningrad, speaker stands, standing on a tank.

People applauded.

Children clap.

Poster of breaking the blockade.

An article in the newspaper about the beginning of the offensive in the Caucasus.

Poster "Defend the Caucasus."

Newsreel 1942-1943 years: moving cavalry.

Aircraft at the airport.

The pilot climbs into the plane with the words "Soviet Georgia."

Planes taking off.

Heavy bombers in flight.

Soldiers of the German division "Edelweiss" are fighting in the mountains.

German machine gunner firing.

Soviet troops are fighting in the mountains.

Soviet infantry offensive.

Map liberation of the North Caucasus.

Newsreel 1943: fighting the Black Sea Fleet in Novorossiysk.

Artillery support amphibious assault.

Landing ashore.

Marines are fighting.

An article in the newspaper on the rear.

Newsreel 1943: masons spread factory building wall.

People are digging the ground.

Women working on the construction.

Women working in the shop for the manufacture of parachutes.

Employee control department checks the quality of parts.

Woman sews on the sewing machine.

Women folded ready outfit.

Women weave scrim.

Posters and photographs workers in the rear.

Texts of regulations of the State Defense Committee, published in the newspapers.

Newsreel 1943: SA Lavochkin aircraft designers, AS Yakovlev, SV Ilyushin at work.

Workers gunsmiths for manufacturing SMGs.

Production of mines and grenades.

Woman puts mine in a drawer.

The inscription on the box: "Death to the German invaders."

German wing aircraft sent to the melting furnace.

Workshop for production of artillery shells.

Shop air and tank factories.

Ready tanks at the site of the finished products.

Aircraft at the airport.

Artillery guns are taken away to the front.


Georgy Zhukov - commander
Konstantin Rokossovsky - warlord
Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin - commander
Andrey Eremenko - commander
Friedrich von Paulus - German commander
Semyon Lavochkin Aleseevich - aircraft
Alexander Yakovlev - aircraft
Sergey Vladimirovich Ilyushin - aircraft




Leningrad region
North Caucasus



Counter-offensive at Stalingrad (Operation "Uranus"); Siege of Leningrad breakthrough; North Caucasus offensive (the second stage of the battle for the Caucasus); Industry; Generals and war heroes
World War II; History; Sectors of the economy; Biography

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel 1943: presentation of the banners of the Red Army.

Red Army soldiers stand down on one knee and recite the oath.

The officer presenting the banner Banner calculation.

Red Army soldiers shouting "Hurrah."

Photos of political workers conversations and political information among the Red Army.

The texts of newspaper articles about strengthening political work in the army.

Photos distributing newspapers at the forefront of the Red Army.

Newsreel 1943: Volatile meeting of party activists company at the forefront.

Articles in newspapers about the army's role and tasks of Communists in raising morale.

Applications for the Communist Party.

Photos awarding party tickets at the front.

Newsreel 1943: welcome to the party of fighters of the guerrilla unit.

Guerrilla radio operator receives a summary of the situation at the front.

Work partisan press in the woods.

Guerrillas go on a mission.

Commissioner partisan people read a summary of the situation at the front.

Meeting commanders of guerrilla groups.

Partisan unit moves along a forest road.

Newspaper reports of the battles in the Orel-Kursk direction.

Newsreel 1943: Hitler's generals at the meeting.

Map of the Kursk salient.

Newsreel 1943: German tanks and artillery on railway platforms are moved to the area of the Kursk Bulge.

German tanks moving on the road.

Tanks are promoted to the position.

General Rokossovsky at the command post.

Soviet military equipment is put forward to meet the enemy.

Generals discuss the combat situation on the map.

Photographs of soldiers in the trenches during training.

Text memo soldiers.

Text memo to combat tanks.

Newsreel 1943goda: dogfights.

General Vatutin overseeing the air combat.

The incident plane.

German plane burns down on the ground.


The advent of German tanks.

Soviet artillery began to fire at the enemy.

The text of the Soviet leaflets.

Newsreel 1943: fighting Soviet and German troops at the Kursk Bulge.

Medical orderly bandaging the wounded.

Poster "German tank will not work here."

Newsreel 1943: Soviet soldiers destroy German tanks.

Lights German self-propelled gun.

The machine-gunners and artillery firing.

Antitank artillery effort on German tanks.

Soldiers fighting.

Text messages on the work of the Party organizations in the field.

Newsreel 1943: Soviet tanks attacking the enemy.

Burning German tanks.

Anti-tank riflemen take the position.

Corpses of German soldiers.

Rocket launchers firing.

Infantry in the trenches.

Artillery fires.

German mortar into position.

Soviet infantry attack rises.

Tanks and infantry overcome the enemy trench.

Meeting guerrilla commanders.

There is a train.

Guerrillas are laying a mine under the rails.

Blow up German trains.

The Heavy shelling cars.

Exploding fuel tanks.

Soviet troops attacked.

Posters and leaflets calling for the liberation of Ukraine.

Newsreel 1943: Soviet tanks on the march.

Concentration camp prisoners behind barbed wire.

Children with concentration camp prisoners show the numbers on hand.

Soviet troops are advancing.

Camp prisoners behind barbed wire.

Infantry goes on the attack.

Map of Ukraine's liberation.

Newsreel 1943: The crossing of the Dnieper.

Troops crossing the Dnieper.

Occupation bridgehead Soviet troops on the right bank of the Dnieper.

The text calls the CPSU (b) to the 26th anniversary of the October Revolution.

Newsreel 1943: Soviet troops advancing on Kiev.

Wounded soldiers in an ambulance.

Flying Soviet planes.

Bombs fall.

Appeal to the Young Communist League in the newspaper "Pravda".

Newsreel 1943: liberated city residents greeted the Soviet soldiers.

The text of the Tehran Conference, photos.

Game footage from x / film: attacking tanks and infantry.


Konstantin Rokossovsky - warlord
Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin - commander




Orel region
Kursk region



Starting the Battle of Kursk; Generals and war heroes
World War II; History; Biography

Reel №3