Party in the initial period of the great Patriotic war (series history of the Communist party). (1974)

Film-document №55149 2 parts, Duration: 0:20:12 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:03

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Producer Lennauchfilm (LNF)

Director: Granatman V.

Script writers: Poselyanina O.

Operators: Smirnov V.


The film is about the initial stage of the Great Patriotic War, the battles for Kiev, Odessa, Smolensk, Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad, the heroism of Soviet soldiers, work home front workers, measures to defend the country and defeat the enemy carried out by the Communist Party.

World War II | CPSU activity

History | Domestic policy | Policy

Reel №1

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A piece of wall-calendar with the date "22 June 1941".

Newsreel 1941: Nazi bombers dive on the target.

The face of the pilot in the cockpit.

Bombs are flying to the target.

Bombs exploding on the ground.

German officers indicate the direction of advance.

Tank breaks through a brick wall.

Tank overcomes the parapet.

Red Army soldier throws a grenade out of the trench.

Burning house.

Soldiers in the trenches.

Slightly wounded Red Army soldiers remain in the ranks.

Soviet artillery fires.

German flamethrower.

Soviet gunners firing at the enemy.

German jet flame thrower.

Women at the burning house.

Weeping Woman with child in her arms.

People leave their homes to escape from the enemy.

People chase a herd of sheep.

Boy shepherd boy with a rifle on his shoulder drives a herd.

Evacuation of agricultural machinery.

Painting of trucks with factory equipment, leaving the rear.

Newsreel autumn of 1941: the Uzbek girl with a flag in his hand gives the enable signal trains with evacuees factory equipment.

German soldiers in the trenches.

German artillery fires.

Soviet artillery firing at the enemy.

Battery commander gives the command to open fire.

The explosions of shells.

The text of the Directive Sovnarkom party and trade union organizations frontline areas.

Newsreel 1941: German soldiers are on a country road near the field.

Lit bread.

Person walking in the ranks of the Germans.

German soldiers are arrested Communists.

Persons arrested.

Warning sign with an inscription in German.

Hands soldier charging the rifle.

The corpses of children.

Germans in camp eating and drinking.

Pigs are driving in the car.

The cars with the products sent to Germany, the soldier at the site of the car.

German punishers are chained through the city streets.

People steal in Germany.

On the way are the German tanks.

Caterpillar tank.

German checkpoint on the road in Lithuania.

Persons marching Germans (synchronously - map of occupied territory).

German motorcyclists.

People listen to a speaker at the rally.

Speakers speaks at a rally calling to repulse the enemy, people listen to the speakers.

Poster "The Motherland Calls!"

Issue of the newspaper "Pravda" with the text of the speech of Stalin IV July 3, 1941.

Newsreel, 1941: people read text of Stalin in the newspaper "Pravda".

Issue of the newspaper "Pravda" on 26 June 1941.

The text of the Decree on the military situation.

Texts and decisions of state and party organs to take urgent measures to organize resistance to the enemy.

Newsreel 1941: artillery units of the Red Army advance to the front line.

Small unit is on the road.

Photos: the creation of the national militia of Leningrad.

Newsreel, 1941: people are recorded in the national militia.

Division militia sent to the barracks.

The text of the State Defense Committee "On universal compulsory military training of citizens of the USSR."

Newsreel 1941: Commander of the Red Army is training militias.

Militias in the ranks.

Female medical orderly.

Division of the Red Army is on the streets of Moscow (above).

The text of the CPSU (b) "for membership in the CPSU (b) candidates who have distinguished themselves in battles against the German invaders."

Photos of party meetings at the forefront.

Newsreel 1941: tanks and infantry are on the attack.

The explosion of the projectile.

Gunners take the position.

Gunners roll out an instrument for direct fire.

The infantry is fighting on the outskirts of the village.

Photos frontline work of the editors of newspapers.

Compositor front printing.


Printing of newspapers in the front printing.

Photos of the soldiers and commanders who read the newspaper on the front and in hospitals.

Newsreel 1941: issue of the newspaper "People's avenger."

The text of the CPSU (b) "On the organization of the struggle in the rear of the enemy forces."

Photos of creating partisan detachments.

Newsreel of 1941-1942: German punishers go through the woods.

The guerrillas are firing a machine gun.

German soldiers retreating.

The guerrillas attacked under cover of machine gun.

Guerrillas lay the explosives under the rails.

Guerrillas undermine the bridge.

German train explodes.

Explosions of ammunition depots.

Kovpak SA congratulates Chief of Staff to the successful operation.

Photos of Soviet fighters, gunners, snipers, gunners.

Newsreel 1941: advancing German troops (synchronously with the card offensive).

Photos of the Brest Fortress, graffiti, portraits defenders.

Newsreel 1941: advancing German troops (synchronously with the card on the onset of Smolensk).

Signpost "Moscow 419 km.".

German convoy moving on the road.

German troops crossing the river.

Soldiers get out on the shore of an inflatable boat.

Soviet infantrymen defending the river.

German soldiers throwing grenades.

Grenade explosions.

Shot gun.

Soviet artillery fires.

The German gunners were firing.

German self-propelled anti-tank gun.

Volley battery Soviet rocket launchers.

Light tanks are going to attack.

Infantry attacked under cover of the tank.

Germans throw grenades from the trench.

Smoke from explosions of shells.

Germans with grenades in their hands occupy the position.

The Soviet commander indicates the direction of the offensive.

German soldiers digging trenches.

German infantry units move along the road, advancing to Kiev.

Advancing German troops (synchronously with the card on the onset of Kiev).

The text of a newspaper article about the defense of Kiev.

Newsreel 1941: Soviet artillery firing over open sights.

German soldiers flee from the burning truck on the road.

Soviet gunners firing at the enemy.

Mortar on the position.

Infantry in the trenches.

Earth scatters from the explosion.

Tank goes on the attack with the infantry to armor.

Gunners put forward to the firing position.

German soldiers jump from an armored personnel carrier.

The officer gives the command.

German gunners take the position.

Shoot German guns.

Rupture of the projectile.

Soviet gunners firing.

Burning tank.

Burned German trucks.

Germans enter the town, burning building shop.

Advancing German troops (synchronously with the card on the onset of Kiev and Odessa).

Barricades in the streets of Odessa.

Text of the leaflet-treatment of the Soviet command the defense of Odessa.

Newsreel 1941: anti-aircraft gunners firing at German aircraft.

German planes in the sky.

Shoot anti-aircraft machine gun.

The plane swoops.

Anti-aircraft gunners firing.

Hot wing downed German aircraft.

Photo commanders discussing the plan of operation.

Warship fires.

General view of the battlefield near Odessa.

Shutter firing gun.

Warship fires.

Mortar firing at the enemy.

Shooting guns.

Infantry occupies position.

Signalman paves the telephone line.

Column prisoners Romanian soldiers.

Handling equipment and personnel on ships during the evacuation of Odessa.

Deck gun warship coming in Sevastopol.

Key words

The first months of the Second World War


Kovpak Sidor Artemyevitch - commander of the guerrilla connections




Kiev region
Smolensk region



The German invasion of the Soviet Union ("Operation Barbarossa"), cross-border battles; Defense of the Brest Fortress; The defense of Odessa; Army; Kiev operation; Battle of Smolensk (1941); Moscow
World War II; History; Defense and internal security; Towns and countries; Geography and Nature

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel October 1941: German bomber dropped bombs (synchronous capture card Crimea Germans).

Shoot the German heavy gun.

From falling projectile crumbling factory chimney in Sevastopol.

Fired on the Crimean coast.

Black Sea Fleet warships firing at the enemy.

The commander gives the command over the phone.

Sailor load a gun.

Airborne volley guns.

Shoots coastal battery.

The sailors are fighting for position.

Sailors are firing machine guns.

Presentation sailor party ticket.

Comrades congratulate sailor.

Sailor in a trench with a pipe in his mouth shoots a rifle.

Face artillery commander.

Coastal defense gun snipe at the tanks.

Gunners load a gun and firing.

The commander of the coastal battery at the command post.

Rise barrels of the guns coastal battery.

The commander gives the command.

Shooting guns.

Exploding shells.

Seamen gunners have guns.

Ship's cannon fires.

Panorama of the Sevastopol.

German bombers dropped bombs (synchronous card blocking Leningrad).

Rupture of the projectile in front of a mosque in Leningrad.

Shoot the German heavy gun.

Projectile hit the wall at home, a blast.

Heavy gun shoots.

Crumbling house.

Shot gun.

Smoke from explosions.

Along the street are wounded.

Wounded women and children.

Text of the leaflet "Protecting Leningrad".

Photos Defenders of Leningrad, the fortifications on the streets, working in the shops.

Newsreel 1941-1942 years: leaflets on the corner of the building.

Trapped cars and trams on the snow-covered streets.

Cruiser "Aurora" on the Neva.

Announcement of the normal issuance of bread in December 1941.

Saleswoman cuts bread before issuing.

Photos of the siege of Leningrad.

Newsreel of 1941-1942: "The road of life" across Lake Ladoga. "

Adjuster indicates the direction of movement.

Passing trucks with fuel and bread.

Infantry jumps from the tank and goes on the attack.

Sniper in the shelter.

Falls dead German.

Soldiers fighting among the ruins.

Soviet soldier fires his rifle.

Artillery fires.

Flying German aircraft.

Map fighting on the outskirts of Moscow.

Newsreel 1941: Observer defense looking through binoculars from the roof of a building in Moscow.

The texts of newspaper articles calling for the defense of Moscow.

Photo of fortifications on a Moscow space.

Newsreel 1941: Muscovites building fortifications on the streets.

Anti buildings on a city street.

Infantry and cavalry are on the streets of Moscow.

Troops on parade on Red Square are 7 November 1941.

Stalin IV speech from the podium of the Mausoleum.

Troops marching on Red Square.

Pass in front of the mausoleum of the militia.

Passes artillery and anti-aircraft guns.

A poster on the wall of the house.

Soldiers in trucks drive through the streets of Moscow.

Tanks go on the highway.

Photos Panfilov IV and other generals.

Newsreel December 1941: General of the Army GK Zhukov developing a plan of operations.

Soviet artillery starts shelling enemy positions.

Soviet aircraft in the sky.

Bombs are flying down to the goal.

Tanks and infantry attacked the enemy on skis through snow-covered field.

Gunners set the gun into position.

Synchronously card retreat of German forces from Moscow.

Soviet soldiers are prisoners of the Germans.

Burned German military equipment.

The texts of newspaper articles on the strengthening of the rear.

Newsreel of 1941-1942: girls-miners working in the mine.

The workers on the factory floor are made ammunition.

Woman working on a lathe.

Ready rifle.

Employees of the chemical laboratory at work.

Aircraft Ilyushin aircraft standing at the airport on the test.

Shop aircraft factory.

Foundry evacuated enterprises.

Ready for gun barrels, tractors, cars, planes off the assembly line.

Flying fighter.

Girls and women to harvest.

Filling the bags of grain for the war effort.

Girls are taught to drive the tractor.

Seeding field.

Central Asian cotton harvest.

Trucks on railway platforms.

Anti-aircraft guns on the platform echelon coming to the front.

Tanks on platforms sent to the front.

German offensive in the summer of 1942 (synchronous card occurrence in the North Caucasus and Stalingrad).

German climbers ascend the mountainside.

Soviet soldier says goodbye to his mother, sits on a horse.

Guerrillas gallop on horseback down the road from the village.

German officers watching the fighting in the telescope.

German and Soviet soldiers are firing during a battle in the mountains.

German tank and infantry on the armor goes on the road.

Map of the German offensive at Stalingrad.

Newsreel summer of 1942: the panorama of the burning bank of the Volga at Stalingrad.

Houses collapse of shells hit.

German soldiers are pushing forward.

Texts leaflets appeal to the party organs soldiers of the Red Army and the people of Stalingrad.

Newsreel 1942: Soviet soldiers attacked the house through the window.

Fighting in Stalingrad.

Soldier establishes anti-tank gun in the ruins of the house.

Soviet soldiers fighting, entrenched in the building.

Artillery on the streets.

Red Army rushes cross the street.

Handling of personnel, equipment and ammunition to ships on the Volga River.

Cannon is directed to the front.

The explosion of a shell in the water near the shore.

The commander directs discharge.

Soldiers jump ashore on board a boat.

Infantry and tanks moving to the aid of the defenders of Stalingrad.

The fighting in the ruins.

Soldier bandaging the wounded comrade.

Presentation party tickets at the front.

Commanders at the command post watching the countryside.

Panorama of the field in front of the trenches.


Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin - statesman and political figure
Georgy Zhukov - commander
Ivan Panfilov - commander
Sergey Vladimirovich Ilyushin - aircraft.




Leningrad region
North Caucasus



Battle for Moscow; Counter-offensive near Moscow; Beginning of the blockade of Leningrad; Defense of Sevastopol; Starting the Battle of Stalingrad; CPSU activity; Army
World War II; History; Domestic policy; Policy; Defense and internal security