Our Nikita Sergeevich. (1961)

Film-document №5524 1 film, Duration: 1:11:38, Black-white to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:10

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Setkina I.

Script writers: Zakharchenko V.

Anouncers: Khmara L.


A biographic film about Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev.

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Biography | Policy | History

Temporary description

The film used the documents of the Central State Archive of Cinema and Photo Documents (RGAKFD) and materials kinoletopisi. Filming Khrushchev 1930 - 1961. Khrushchev in the cabin, on the collective farms, including corn and sugar beet; his desk, talking with children, residents of cities. Khrushchev's speeches and interviews in connection with various events at different events (synchronous). Nikita Khrushchev visited the construction of the Moscow Metro, the exhibition of achievements of the national economy, the Palace of Pioneers, nurseries, industrial plants, including one of mine, metallurgical plant, one of the virgin state farms; resort Medeo, Veshenskaia. Khrushchev met and talked with members of the delegation of Turkmenistan, agricultural workers of the USSR (synchronously), members of the delegation of the Bulgarian peasants, Prime Minister of Great Britain, Macmillan, American singer and social activist P. Robson, Fidel Castro, of science and culture of the Soviet Union, MA Sholokhov. Khrushchev attends parades and demonstrations during public holidays, including members of the Soviet government, on a holiday Christmas tree in the Kremlin. Khrushchev speaks at a meeting of the World Peace Council, one of the sessions of the UN (synchronously). Fragments of the visits of Khrushchev in foreign countries, including: in China (Beijing), East Germany (Berlin), Poland (Warsaw), France (G. Paris, Marseilles), India, Indonesia, Austria, USA (New York). Filming. 1930 - 1961. City of Moscow. Construction of the metro station "Komsomolskaya". Collective and Theater Square. Shops. Cinema. Stadium. Metro stations "Kirov", "Palace of the Soviets. Construction of new homes. Production processes in industry and agriculture in the Soviet Union. Seeing young people in virgin soil. Restoring destroyed during the Second World War, the industrial enterprises. Personnel chronicle of the Second World War, 1941 - 1945gody. Fighting Soviet troops. Combat and punitive actions of the German troops. Prisoners of war were killed. Street fighting in Berlin, the taking of the Reichstag. Khrushchev, as a member of the Military Council, on various fronts, among other commanders at the headquarters of fronts during the preparation and conduct of military operations, including on the Stalingrad front, on the streets of liberated cities: Stalingrad, Kiev, Rostov - on-Don, Lviv. Khrushchev at military airfields and his wife N. Khrushchev's daughter Rada, son Sergei. Kalinin gives Khrushchev Order. City of Moscow. 1936. 8th Extraordinary All-Union Congress of Soviets. Among those present: Khrushchev, Stalin, Voroshilov, Evdokia and Maria Vinogradova. City of Moscow. 20 Congress of the CPSU (1956), 21 Congress of the CPSU (1959). Delegates to the conference room, lobby. Khrushchev appears (synchronously). City of Moscow. Khrushchev speaking at the Congress of Soviet Writers. (synchronously).

Reel №1

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Khrushchev on the plane, on the collective farm, with kids on the street talking to people working in the office.

Newsreel of the mid-thirties - Speech of Khrushchev (synchronously).

Newsreel 1925-1935 gg.:

The first five-year plan - the workers were building on Komsomolskaya Square in Moscow, the construction of the subway.

Antebellum Moscow - streets, people sit on the tram, and construction.

Khrushchev in the construction of underground.

First passengers in metro station built, the people on the escalator in the metro train passes.

Rally at Kolkhoznaya Square in Moscow - applauded farmers, Khrushchev nail plate with the name of the collective farm.

Newsreel 1935-1940 gg.:

The pre-war Moscow.

Khrushchev visits the baby crib, talking to children.

Khrushchev in Moscow Palace of Pioneers.

Photos Khrushchev over the years.

Khrushchev receives a delegation of Turkmen horsemen.

Khrushchev on the mausoleum during a May Day demonstration.

Newsreel 1930-1939 gg.:

Khrushchev at the opening of the regional agricultural economic exhibition talking to farmers, acts (synchronously).

Farmers in the field of clean bread, knit sheaves.


Khrushchev greets G. Dimitrov.

Parade on Red Square.


Khrushchev and G. Dimitrov Mausoleum.

Khrushchev speaking (simultaneously) at a meeting Stakhanovite in the Hall of Columns.

Cheering in the hall.

Reel №2

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Newsreel 1930-1939 gg.:

Construction of new homes in Moscow.

Worked as a bricklayer, mason works team Orlov.

Footage of working people: at the plant in the field, in the factory.

Textile factory shop, work weavers Darling and Maroussia Vinogradov.

Smets as a shoemaker, turner, metalworker Hoods, pyatisotnitsy M. and M. Demchenko Gnatenko, Angelina P. traktiristka work steelworkers.

Khrushchev's speech (synchronously).

Work in the shop in the steel mill, working steelworker Korobov.

German soldiers marching.

People go to work, the miner down the mine.

Newsreel 1936:

8th Extraordinary Congress of Soviets, the members of the Congress in the Kremlin.

The presidium of the Congress, Stalin, Khrushchev, Voroshilov, Ordzhonikidze, Mikoyan.

Listen to the Hall.

Acts Khrushchev (synchronously).

Applaud the members of the Congress.

Newsreel 1941:

Parade and demonstration in 1941


On the podium - Timoshenko, Khrushchev and others.

Pass people, applauds Khrushchev.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Footage of World War II - German planes are flying, German soldiers break down the door at home, women are nearly dead, burning village, burning bread, are refugees.

Khrushchev of the Soviet commanders.

Marshal Timoshenko read out the oath.

Khrushchev read the oath, shall sign an affidavit.

Soviet soldiers going to the front, tank before the fight.

Khrushchev speaking to tank crews.

Nikita Khrushchev and Leonid Brezhnev at the front.

Khrushchev and Tymoshenko in front of the headquarters.

Fired anti-aircraft guns, falls downed aircraft, explosions.

Khrushchev speaking at a meeting of the military council in 1942.

Lit, the


Khrushchev and Marshal Eremenko at the telegraph machine.

Military order signed by Khrushchev.

Fighting for the city of Stalin - artillery fire, "Katyusha", attacking tanks, infantry, fly planes.

Takes a column of German prisoners of war, the defeated German technology.

Soviet flag over Stalingrad.

Khrushchev embraces general Rodimtsev.

Khrushchev and Soviet military leaders on the streets of liberated Stalingrad.

Eremenko pass, Khriukin, Chuikov, Shumilov Rodimtsev Rokossovsky.

Residents of Stalingrad returned to their homes.

Rally in the square Stalingrad stands Khrushchev.

MI Kalinin presents Khrushchev Order of Suvorov for Stalingrad operation.

Khrushchev and his wife, daughter, director Dovzhenko at the airport before leaving for the front.

Reel №3

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Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Soviet troops are freed Rostov.

Khrushchev and the commander of the southern front Malinovsky in the streets of Rostov.

Residents of Rostov at the grave of people killed by the Germans, tortured bodies of people crying women, destroyed the building.

Khrushchev at the airport.

Son of Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Khrushchev military pilot, and others at the airport (still image).

Khrushchev and Leonid Khrushchev go to the plane.

Portrait L. Khrushchev, who was killed in a combat mission.

The Soviet offensive in the Great Patriotic War - flying planes, fleeing soldiers, wounded soldiers, the soldiers dragged a cannon.

Khrushchev talks with political workers.

Khrushchev trench.

It takes a column of German prisoners.

Khrushchev talking to prisoners by the Germans.

Khrushchev talks to wounded Soviet soldiers.

The soldiers at the front - in the trenches, in the dugout.

The soldier reading a letter.

Khrushchev in a trench near Kiev.

Fighting for the liberation of Kiev - artillery fire and explosions.

Soviet soldiers crossing the Dnieper, Dnipro boost soldiers.

Dogfight, falling aircraft.

Fighting in the streets of Kiev.

Kiev residents welcome Soviet soldiers.

People embrace Khrushchev.

Khrushchev handed the key to the city


Photos - Nikita Khrushchev among partisans.

Khrushchev in the squad Kovpak.

Guerrillas free village, Soviet tanks are on the offensive.

Khrushchev talks to residents of the liberation of


Photos - Khrushchev with soldiers of the Czechoslovak Brigade.

The Soviet tanks and aircraft.

Soviet troops boost Oder.

Soviet tanks in the streets of Berlin.

Soldiers at the Reichstag, hoisting the flag over the Reichstag.

Newsreel 1945-1949 gg.:

Relatives greeted soldiers returning from the front.

Ruined Dneproges destroyed blast furnace plant.

Miners in the ruined mine.

Workers rebuild a blast furnace.

Work became var.

Miners driven a truck with coal.

Khrushchev visiting miners - down into the mine, the miners will receive a complimentary light bulb girl presents flowers to Khrushchev.

Rutchensky plant, which is operated by NS Khrushchev machine.

Khrushchev and his entourage at a metallurgical plant.

Work steelworkers, pouring steel.

Khrushchev among steelworkers.

Reel №4

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Newsreel 1956:

The streets of Moscow.

According to the Kremlin are members of the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU,

delegates on the sidelines of the congress.

Khrushchev talks to the delegate.

Khrushchev's speech at the Congress (out of sync), delegates listen, applaud.

Newsreel 1950-1959 gg.:

Works steel-maker, machinist, a scientist in the lab.

Acts Khrushchev (synchronously).

Dam construction work workers.

Khrushchev presenting awards to the workers of the Krasnogorsk plant.

In the works combine.

Fields of cotton and sunflower.

Corn field, collective farmer in the fields, harvesting corn.

Khrushchev in a cornfield.

Khrushchev oversees the work of sugar beet harvester.

Meeting in the Kremlin Khrushchev with the pace of agriculture.

Acts Khrushchev (synchronous), applaud farmers.

The presidium of the collective farm chairman W. Hodhaev kisses with Khrushchev.

Foremost agricultural N. Mamai, Kotov, V. Gaganova in corridors of the Kremlin.

Statement wishing to travel to the virgin lands, youth in Komsomol district committee receives la tours, train departs from virgin soil, the mourners.

The first furrow in the virgin lands, eared bread.

Khrushchev and his face sporovozhdayuschie on virgin soil.

Spilling grain, work in the current.

Khrushchev of virgin soil, visits the family settlers.

Khrushchev treated virgin honey.

Letters written to the Khrushchev.

Secretaries Khrushchev read the letter.

Khrushchev reads (synchronous) letter Kursk peasant Smirnov.

Reel №5

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Newsreel 1955-1960 gg.:

Housing construction in Moscow.

Plant of reinforced concrete structures.

Construction of a house made of prefabricated deteley work builders.

New house, entering new home, a new apartment.

Quarter of new homes, a new street in Moscow.

Atomic icebreaker "Lenin" rocket takes off.

Acts Khrushchev (synchronously).

Delegation of Bulgarian peasants at the reception of Nikita Khrushchev.

British Prime Minister, M. Millan on dacha Khrushchev.

Driving on threes.

Meeting Khrushchev, relaxing in the Crimea, with singer P. Robson and his wife.

Artists, scientists visiting Khrushchev on Government vennoy dacha outside Moscow,

Among the guests: Mikhail Sholokhov, Shostakovich, Tikhon Khrennikov, Khachaturian, Sobolev.

Writers' Congress in the Kremlin.

With members of Congress besuduyut:

E. Furtseva, Malinowski, Khrushchev.

Khrushchev's speech at the Congress of Writers (synchronously).

Listening and applauding delegates.

Khrushchev at the Bolshoi Theatre on review of national talents.

Applauding audience, performing folk dance.

Christmas tree in the Kremlin, the children dance around the Christmas tree.

Khrushchev and his former teacher of children on a Christmas tree.

Industrial enterprises are discussing abstracts Khrushchev a seven-year plan of economic development.

21 Congress of the Communist Party - in the Kremlin are members of the Congress, on the sidelines talking Mikoyan, Khrushchev and delegates.

Applauds the Bureau and members of Congress.

Acts Khrushchev (synchronously), listening and applauding delegates.

Reel №6

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Skin and Steel Works, work steelworkers.

The construction of hydroelectric power stations, gas tubing, pipe, oil storage,

field work combines, sheep, corn field, a new settlement, the children go to school, passing ambulance.

Street in Moscow, grocery store, movie theater, the fans in the stadium.

Demobilized soldiers in construction.

Different plans for children.

Meeting in October Hall of the Kremlin, dedicated to awarding Khrushchev International Lenin Peace Prize - pioneers presented Khrushchev flowers, applaud present, acts Khrushchev (synchronously).

Khrushchev's visit to China and met with Mao Zedong.

Khrushchev on the plane.

Khrushchev's visit to Berlin - a rally in the square in Berlin, at the podium Khrushchev, Walter Ulbricht, O. Grotewohl.

Meeting in Warsaw Khrushchev and Polish miners.

Khrushchev and other grilled shish kebab on fire (during a visit to Czechoslovakia.)

Khrushchev's visit to India - the people welcomed Khrushchev, Nikita Khrushchev puts the "tree of friendship", attends the Bhilai plant, talking to the workers and peasants.

Khrushchev meeting with Indonesian President Sukarno.

Aircraft in the air.

Khrushchev visiting sailors.

Khrushchev on the train, bus, talking to the farmers.

Khrushchev and his entourage of Australian farmers.

Khrushchev's visit to Austria - meeting with avtriyskimi workers.

Khrushchev's visit to France - French privetstsvuyut Soviet delegation Khrushchev responds to greetings.

French magazine with pictures of Khrushchev and his family (different plans).

Flight Khrushchev told reporters.

Stay Khrushchev in the USA - Khrushchev American girl in her arms, people welcome the Soviet delegation to the train station.

Reel №7

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Demonctratsiya the streets of New York to protect the world.

Khrushchev told U.S. television (synchronously).

Khrushchev's visit to France - a meeting with the Mayor of

Marseille speech Khrushchev at City Hall (synchronous), Khrushchev besesuet with French children (synchronously).

Child and doves, the Chinese girl, a baby sleeps in a stroller.

Khrushchev's speech at the meeting of the UN (synchronously).

Neo parade in West Germany, the Nazi sign on the fence.

Meeting of the UN speech of Khrushchev (synchronously), cheering in the hall.

Khrushchev talks with Fidel Castro.

Press conference of Khrushchev (synchronously).

Khrushchev's visit to Sevastopol - a rally in the town square, Khrushchev talking to residents.

Khrushchev at the model of the new city.

Khrushchev meeting with the writer Mikhail Sholokhov in Veshenskaia.

Khrushchev in Tula Tula craftsmen talking to.

Visit of Khrushchev and other government officials on the Moscow River on a boat "Meteor".

The train on the way.

Residents of one of the stations met Khrushchev, presented him with bread and salt.

Khrushchev awarded honorable mention virgin soil.

Khrushchev talks to visit resorts gorge, Khrushchev on a walk.

Reel №8

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Khrushchev in a corn field, talking to collective farmers.

Newspaper reports of the first manned flight into space.

Portrait of Yuri Gagarin.

Acts Khrushchev (synchronously).

Passes Khrushchev, people greet Khrushchev.

Close-ups of smiling people.

On the streets of Moscow, people greet rides in the car Khrushchev and Yuri Gagarin.

Movie №1