Want to know everything 1963 № 29

Film-document №55669 1 part, Duration: 0:09:10 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:11

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Director: Popova V., A.Dimich, K.Burkovskij

Script writers: Shrejberg V.

Operators: Asmus V., Berenshtejn Yu., Korh I., Riklin V.

Composers: Stempnevskij S.


1. The plot of the volcanoes and the use of lava rocks. 2. The plot of the production of bread. 3. The plot of the swim bladder of fish.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Soap bubbles in the air.

Animation: a soap bubble takes a piece of pumice.


Boiling lava.


Production of artificial pumice-foam glass from a mixture of glass and coal.

Laying blocks of foam glass inside the wall.

Styrofoam sheets.

A small boy carries a large slab of Styrofoam.

The powder used to make Styrofoam.

Production of Styrofoam.

2.the Dough rises in a wooden tub( combined shooting).

The dough escaping from the tub.

Bakery plant.

Kneading dough at the bakery.

The machine cuts the dough into portions.

Ready-made loaves come out of the oven.

3.Fish in the aquarium.

Diagram of the swimming bubble in the body of a fish(animation).

Disasters; Industry; Flora and fauna
Geography and Nature; Wars, conflicts and disasters; Sectors of the economy