The crimes of German fascism. (1938 - 1946)

Film-document №57370 3 footages, Duration: 0:34:51 to collection Price category A
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Scene №1 The crimes of German fascism

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Car Hitler's motorcade goes on occupied Paris in 1940.

Hitler talks with military water from their residences.

Anti-aircraft guns are firing at night, floodlights illuminate the sky.

The frozen bodies of people executed by the Nazis.

Case documents about the crimes of the German fascist invaders.

The bodies of the executed people dig out of the snow.

The remains of those shot in the frozen ground.

US overseer comes to the door camera, which contains a Nazi war criminal.

A person entered into the chamber through the viewing window doors.

Corpse Goering poisoned on the eve of execution.

J. von Ribbentrop at the Nuremberg trials in 1946.

Hitler and Ribbentrop during a reception in Berlin in the 1930s.

Ribbentrop speaks.

Ribbentrop during the meetings with the Italian military attache other foreign diplomats.

Portrait Ribbentrop.

Ribbentrop signed the document.

Face Ribbentrop at the Nuremberg Trials.

Frank G. in the dock at Nuremberg.

Portrait of Frank.

Types courtroom where the Nuremberg trials took place.

It performs one of the prosecutors at the Nuremberg Trials.

G. Goering, Hess, R., Ribbentrop on the dock of the accused persons.

Photo courtroom before the demonstration of film documents convictions.

cemetery view of one of the concentration camps.

Instrument of execution used by the Nazis.

Demonstration of the method of hanging man.

Group gallows machinery parts.

Demonstration of ways to murder a person shot in the head through the gap in the height meter.

Interior view of the camera installed in it improved guillotine.

Tools and rubber gloves artist penalty.

Gutter for draining blood from the guillotine.

The equipment of the gas chamber, crematorium oven in one of the concentration camps, the man opens the flap and pulls out a handful of dust.

Types territory camp "Auschwitz" (above).

Photos Himmler during his visit to the construction of one of the concentration camps.

The plan of the concentration camp "Auschwitz".

Drawings of the crematorium.

Former commander of "Auschwitz" R. Hess during the trial.

General view of the territory and the fence of the concentration camp.

Photo Hess.

Ribbentrop speaks at the German radio in the late 1930s.

Marching Italian fascists.

B. Mussolini speaks.

Banners with slogans in German.

Map seizure of Austria by Germany (animation).

Arrival Goering in Vienna in 1938.

Guerin rides in a car through the streets of Vienna.

Playing a military band.

Goering bypass the guard of honor, the people greeted Goering.

Hering opens onto a balcony Vienna City Hall.

Goering and Ribbentrop on the dock of the accused persons.

Photo of German soldiers in Prague.

Map of Germany, Czechoslovakia capture.

N. Chamberlain at the airport before leaving for Munich in 1938.

Hitler and Chamberlain climb the stairs of the palace in Munich.

Map capture of Czechoslovakia.

Chamberlain made a speech.

The building in Munich, where the Munich Agreement was signed.

Car Chamberlain drove to the entrance of the building, he was greeted Hitler and Ribbentrop.

The text of the orders signed by General Jodl Alfred Jodl on the dock.

Hitler and Mussolini in a car traveling on the streets of Berlin, respond to greetings.

Hitler, Chamberlain, and their attendants are on the airfield in Munich.

Daladier E. bypass the guard of honor upon arrival in Munich.

Hitler over the map discussing the signing of the Munich Agreement, there are a number of Mussolini, Himmler, Goering, Hitler goes to the room, greeted with Chamberlain, he sits in a chair.

Ribbentrop, Chamberlain, Mussolini signed the documents.

The opening of the barrier on the German-Czechoslovak border to the German cavalry.


Adolf Hitler - a German statesman and political figure
Ribbentrop, Joachim von - German statesman and political figure, diplomat
Hans Frank - German statesman and political figure
Hermann Goering - German statesman and political figure
Rudolf Hess - German statesman and political figure
Heinrich Himmler - German statesman and political figure
Rudolf Hess - German war criminal
Benito Mussolini - Italian statesman and political figure
Alfred Jodl - German military commander
Neville Chamberlain - British statesman and politician
Edouard Daladier - French statesman and politician


1930s 1938 1940 1946


Western Europe



The Nuremberg Trials; World War II; Prisons and camps; Political figures; Foreign policy
History; State institutions; Biography; Policy

Scene №2

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G. Goering, Hess, R., J. Ribbentrop, Keitel W. in the dock during the Nuremberg trials, Hess puts on headphones.

German troops enter the Rhineland in 1936.

German soldiers marching through the streets, the people welcome them.

Hitler of the floor, Mr.

Goering and Streicher Yu listening to Hitler, sitting in the front row.

Hitler ends and it goes down the hall to cheering him rally participants.

German troops enter the Sudetenland in 1938.

The defendants during the Nuremberg Trials.

Ribbentrop, Keitel and Kaltenbrunner on the dock.

Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, decorated with state flags of Nazi Germany and Japan.

Gold bars, jewelry, silver and works of art taken from Nazi occupiers in Europe, American soldiers next to the picture.

The US military considered salvaged works of art and articles of precious metals.


Goering, Hess, R., J. Ribbentrop, Keitel W. in the dock at Nuremberg.

The cameraman is shooting one of the sessions of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

General view of the courtroom.

The arrival of one of Hitler's Nazi activities, the soldiers hold weapons "on guard."

Hitler passes through the room during one of the demonstrations, protesters greeted Hitler.

Hitler rises to the podium, to the left is Robert Hess General view of the presidium and the hall where the meeting is being held.

J. Goebbels sits on the podium.

presidium members applaud Hitler, among them - Hering.

The rise of the German naval flag on the mast of a warship.

The ships of the German fleet in the campaign.

Start torpedoes.

Planes taking off from the airfield.

bomber squadron in flight, bomb explosions on the ground.

Last minute rural houses.

The French refugees fleeing from the advancing German troops.

The shadow of an airplane on the ground.

Falling bombs.

The person screaming women.

View Arc de Triomphe in Paris in 1940.

German troops parade on the Champs Elysees.

Military parade at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin on the occasion of the completion of the French campaign, Goebbels, Keitel and greet troops.

Children welcome members of the Hitler Youth soldiers climbing on lampposts.

Woman hugging soldiers.

General view of the Unter den Linden (from above).

Pointer with the inscription "Belgrade" in German.

German tanks on the streets of Belgrade in 1941.

German troops on the Greek roads.

View of the Parthenon in Athens (at the top).

German troops moving mountain river ford.

The German soldiers were treated with a painted turtle shell on the cross.

German tanks on the roads of North Africa.

German officer drank coffee on a halt.

Map territories of Europe, Africa and the USSR occupied Germany at the end of 1942 (animation).

Ribbentrop speaks at the Nuremberg trials, Hess and sit next to Kaltenbrunner.

Ribbentrop during the reception and press conference in the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1930.

German soldiers demolished border barriers and strengthening.

German tanks go on the offensive, flying airplanes, on the ground to explode bombs.

German artillery firing.

The fighting German troops after the attack on the USSR in June 1941, burning houses, exploding shells dashes soldiers go on the attack.

German soldiers captured hosted in the village.

The corpses of the killed children.

German flamethrower tow home.

German soldiers on the streets of the captured Soviet city, burning buildings.

Panorama columns of Soviet prisoners of war, people run chase.

Those marching German soldiers.

Symbolic pointer to the border of Europe and Asia in the German language.

Presentation of one of the defendants at the Nuremberg trials.

Residents of the liberation of Paris greeted the Allies in 1944.

American tanks on the Champs Elysees.

General de Gaulle is on the Champs-Elysees and welcomes the Parisians.

General view (top) Place de la Concorde in Paris, the plane flies over the area.

Forms of the village of Oradour, destroyed by the Nazis, the ruins of houses, deserted streets.

The exhumation of the bodies of inhabitants of Oradour, his face captured German officer.

The bodies of people lying in a row against the wall of the building.

Captured German officer under convoy of American soldiers in the truck.

The explosion of sea mines.

Flying bomb V-1 in flight animation.

missile gap.

The destruction of the V-1 in the air.

The launch of V-2. Unsuccessful start-and-drop V-2.

Italian military buglers blow signal.

Station View in Brenner, Italy.

The bodies of the executed prisoners of a concentration camp in the excavated ditch.

The release of prisoners.

The corpses of executed prisoners.

A general view of one of the camps.

Exhausted prisoners lie on the bunk.


Adolf Hitler - a German statesman and political figure
Hermann Goering - German statesman and political figure
Rudolf Hess - German statesman and political figure
Ribbentrop, Joachim von - German statesman and political figure, diplomat
Wilhelm Keitel - German military commander
Julius Streicher - German statesman and political figure
Ernst Kaltenbrunner - German statesman and political figure
Joseph Goebbels Paul - German statesman and political figure
Charles De Gaulle - French statesman and political leader, military leader


1936 1938 1940 06.1941 1944 1946


Czech Republic
At Sea



History of foreign countries; World War II; The Nuremberg Trials; German troops conquer Greece and Yugoslavia.; The German invasion of the Soviet Union ("Operation Barbarossa"), cross-border battles; Rallies; Political figures; Prisons and camps
History; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life; Biography; Policy; State institutions

Scene №3

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It takes a train with prisoners, on the grounds of cars are German sentries.

View of one of the Nazi concentration camps.

The bodies of people shot by the German Nazis.

Ditch the bodies of murdered concentration camp inmates.

The American officer to General Eisenhower D. shows the corpses of murdered concentration camp inmates.

The US military has inspected the corpses of prisoners who were killed by the Nazis during their retreat.

Surviving prisoners, rescued the prisoner on a stretcher.

Demonstration of former prisoners of the methods of torture used by the Nazis.

A US military doctor assisting rescued the prisoner.

The bodies of murdered prisoners.

The US military coming to the camp gate.

Emaciated prisoners behind barbed wire.

The US military and a representative of the Red Cross to enter the territory of the camp.

Former prisoners lie along the wall under the blankets, the prisoners face.

Liberated prisoners demonstrate the US military and members of the Commission for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes ways of torture inflicted by the Nazis.

Visit the camp crematorium.

Members of the commission examining the bones piled in a heap of prisoners.

Inspection Commission of the camp, corpses piled in a heap against the wall of the barracks.

Rooms at the dead bodies.

Samples of products made of human skin, lying on the table for inspection commission.

Interrogation of the accused in one of the trials of Nazi war criminals in the Allied occupation zone.

The accused testifies.

Forms of the former concentration camp (above).

The freed prisoners walk in the camp past the corpses.

The corpse of one of the prisoners.

Moat and ground with the bodies of dead prisoners.

Former prisoners at the camp.

Taken prisoner by the guards and camp doctors.

From the hut wardens arrested output.

The prisoners were the guards and wardens are under guard.

Face of the former supervisor.

Former camp officers and guards in the dock with the numbers on the chest, the accused persons.

Map of concentration camps in Germany.

Visit Himmler G. one of the concentration camps, Photo Himmler.

Inspection Soviet doctors children released from Auschwitz.

The US overseer in prison corridor looks into the inspection openings doors Nazi criminals cameras.

Nazi prisoner sleeps on a bunk.

The bodies of people shot by the Germans during the retreat.

Corpses on logs that do not have time to burn.

The exhumation of the bodies of people executed by the Nazis.

The bodies extracted from the ditches, the people visiting them.

Inspection of exhumed corpses in the liberated regions of the USSR. Road sign with the inscription "Oradour".

Panorama of destroyed and burnt houses of Oradour.

Types of deserted streets and the ruins of Oradour.

People visiting the ruined church, traces of bullets on the walls inside the church.

Soviet military doctors examine the exhumed skull with bullet holes.

View steaming ashes and charred corpses.

Piled in a heap of human bones.

The exhumation and examination of bodies of victims of the Nazi terror.

People identify relatives of the victims who were shot by the Nazis.

Portrait of a Governor-General of Poland Frank G. corpses of executed Polish Jews.

Frank in the dock at Nuremberg.

Frozen corpses in the snow, the people at the bodies of executed relatives.

Man over the bodies of his wife and children.

The body of the child.

People are standing on the edge of the excavated ditch with corpses.

Lessons from the bodies of victims of the German occupiers of land, bodies of children, women, and children cry over the dead.

German soldiers during the battle for the Polish village in 1939.

Moves convoy of refugees.

German soldiers lead people on the street.

Refugees train stations, roads, urban streets.

Polish Jews rounded up in the ghetto.

The wall of the Warsaw ghetto.


Dwight Eisenhower - American statesman and political leader, military leader
Heinrich Himmler - German statesman and political figure
Hans Frank - German statesman and political figure, war criminal


09.1939 1943-1946





World War II; Prisons and camps; History of foreign countries; The Nuremberg Trials
History; State institutions