Actors and role. (1988)

Film-document №60164 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:16 to collection Price category L
  • Full film
  • 1
Title image

Movie 1 0:29:17

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Producer Lennauchfilm (LNF)

Director: M.Kligman

Script writers: E.Fradkina

Operators: S.Cihanovich

Reel №1

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Reel №2

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Reel №3

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Movie №1

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Posters of the opera "Boris Godunov".

Fragment of the opera "Boris Godunov".

The dial of the grandfather clock.

A swinging pendulum.

The corridor of the Nikolaev military hospital.

Portrait of M. Mussorgsky (hood.M. Kramskoy).

Portrait of F.Chaliapin as Boris Godunov.

Burning candles.

Photo :Chaliapin at the piano.

Interiors of the Chaliapin House-Museum in St.


The image of Boris Godunov without a beard.

The dressing room.

Chaliapin reads the score of the opera (photo).

Photos of Chaliapin in makeup.

Rotating plate.

The icon "The Sign".

Icon of the Savior.

The courtyard of the Nikolaev hospital.

Stone bag of the St.

Petersburg yard.

Engineering lock.

Photo by M.P.Mussorgsky.

The poster of the premiere performance of the opera "Boris Godunov".

The building of the Mariinsky Theater (photo)

Portrait of the first performer of the party Boris Melnikov.

Photos of Boris's performers: Korsova, Olenin, Chaliapin.

The performer of Boris's part on the Soviet stage M.O.Reisen (synchronously) about his work on the role.

M.Reisen as Boris Godunov (photo).

Autumn landscape.

A.S. Pirogov in the party of Boris.

The Bolshoi Theater building (engraving).

Fragment of the film-opera "Boris Godunov" (in the role of Boris -A.Pirogov).

Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin (fragment of the film opera).

Portrait of N. Rimsky-Korsakov (hood. V. Serov).

E.Obraztsova as Marina Mnishek (playbill).

E.Obraztsova (synchronously).

A fragment of the opera, in the role of Boris -E. Nesterenko

E.Nesterenko (synchronously).

A.Petrov (synchronously)

S. Gaudosinsky (synchronously)

Fragment of the film-opera "Boris Godunov" (directed by E.Stroeva).


Rejzen M.O. -opernij i kamernij pevec, pedagog. Narodnij artist SSSR. Laureat tryoh Stalinskih premij l stepeni. Kavaler tryoh ordenov Lenina
Obrazcova E.V. -opernaya pevica, aktrisa, pedagog, professor Moskovskoj konservatorii. Solistka Boljshogo teatra. Geroj Socialisticheskogo Truda, narodnaya artistka SSSR, laureat Leninskoj premii i Gosudarstvennoj premii RSFSR im. M. I. Glinki
Nesterenko E.E. -opernij pevec, pedagog, publicist, obschestvennij deyatelj, professor. Solist Boljshogo teatra. Geroj Socialisticheskogo Truda, narodnij artist SSSR, laureat Leninskoj premii. Kavaler ordena Lenina. Kammerzenger Avstrii.
Petrov A.P. -kompozitor, obschestvennij deyatelj
narodnij artist SSSR, laureat Gosudarstvennoj premii Rossijskoj Federacii, dvuh Gosudarstvennih premij SSSR i Premii Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii, kavaler ordena Lenina.
Gaudosinskij S.L. -opernij rezhissyor. Zaveduyuschij kafedroj rezhissuri muzikaljnogo teatra Sankt-Peterburgskoj konservatorii, professor. Prezident Sankt-Peterburgskoj konservatorii imeni Rimskogo-Korsakova s 2007 po 2008 god.



