Geologist - Academician Alexander Vasilyevich Sidorenko. (1985)

Film-document №60345 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:54 to collection Price category L
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  • 1
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Movie 1 0:19:55

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Producer Lennauchfilm (LNF)

Director: Uldukis G.

Script writers: Harchenko V.

Operators: Sergeev V.

Recordist: Zareckij Yu.


The film tells about the outstanding Soviet geologist Alexander Vasilyevich Sidorenko. The academician is remembered by his fellow scientists, friends and relatives.

Biography | Science

Reel №1

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Reel №2

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Movie №1

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Large - there is a sample of the mineral "Sidorenkoit" on the plate.

In the frame - says Academician Sidorenko.

Photos - Sidorenko in a circle of colleagues, friends, like-minded people.

Says Deputy Minister of Geologists of the USSR Ermolyuk V. A. Koster on the river bank.

Men get on horses, ride on horseback.

Top view - river bank, herd of horses.

A village, huts, a herd of geese grazing by the road.

Panorama of an apple tree with apples, a village house, a front garden.

An old family photo of Sidorenko, where he is with his parents, brothers and sisters.

View of the field, village houses in the distance - a truck is driving along the road.

Voronezh State University - line on September 1, there is a group of students next to the sign "Geological".

Photos of a young Sidorenko (as a student).

Panorama of the plain, hills, geologists with the help of a level make geodetic measurements, record data.

Geologists students on the expedition are resting on the river bank by the campfire, there is a tent nearby.

Military newsreel 1941-1945 - fire, explosions.

Photo of a young Sidorenko with his wife.

Family photo - Sidorenko with his father in military uniform.

Military newsreel 1941-1945 - artillery guns are firing, explosions are heard.

Large - the Order of the Red Star, combat medals.

Military newsreel 1941-1945 - soldiers with weapons are coming.

Monument to the Unknown Soldier.

The names of the dead soldiers are stamped on the monument, among them several surnames "Sidorenko".

Smoke from the fire, a panorama of the trees.

Sidorenko's wife stands at the window, then goes to the table, sits down, looks at the photos and letters and begins to tell.

Large - old front-line letters and photos on the table.

Says Sidorenko's wife.

Large - sheets of Sidorenko's doctoral dissertation.

Photo - Sidorenko on an expedition in the desert.

Map - the route of the Turan expedition to Turkmenistan, the Karakum Canal is marked.

A large shovel digs up the dried, cracked soil.

Shots with Sidorenko and geologists in the expedition.

Large - there are open books on geology on the table.

Various works by Sidorenko (articles in books).

Large - water flows.

Panorama of the canal, desert sands, islands of vegetation.

Lizard on the sand.

Scientists-geologists in the desert - are engaged in research.

The building of the branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Turkmenistan.

A memorial plaque dedicated to Sidorenko.

Sidorenko's office - bookshelves, b/w photo-portrait of the academician.

View of the study, bookshelves, desk.

There are framed paintings on the wall.

Panorama of the paintings in the academician's office, which are associated with his expeditions.

Northern landscape, Kola Peninsula - panorama of mountains, slopes, etc.

Geological Museum - stands with photographs, collection of minerals on shelves, etc.

Large - a collection of stones, minerals, minerals (museum exhibits).

Photos from Sidorenko A.V. Memorial plaque dedicated to Academician Sidorenko on the wall of the building (Kola branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences).

The sign on the building is "Geological Institute".

The laboratory of the Institute is a panorama of the laboratory, employees work at tables, with instruments and equipment.

Special equipment works in the quarry - dump trucks, excavators, etc.

The Arctic, a view of the buildings of the scientific and industrial complex.

The scientist conducts an experiment, research (the burner is burning).

Special blades interfere with the semi-liquid gray mass.

A freight train with containers is traveling along the rails.

The building of the Research Institute.

The building of the Mining Institute.

The sign on the building is "Polar Geophysical Institute".

Stele "Polar Botanical Alpine Garden".

Panorama of flowers, plants, mountains in the background.

Panorama of the polar botanical garden - various plants in the frame.

The city of Kirovsk, the central square, the building of the store and restaurant.

The building of the Palace of Culture.

Apatity - the streets of the city, the building of the cinema "Polar".

Monchegorsk - view of the city.

Sidorenko's office in the apartment, bookshelves, books written by the academician.

Museum of Geology, on the stand with photos of scientists - portrait of Academician Sidorenko.

Panorama of the "Discoverers" stand with photos of geologists.

Geological Museum - stands, racks with a collection of minerals, stones, minerals, etc.

Panorama of the museum exhibits, photos.

Bookshelves, books, photographs in Sidorenko's office.

A group of scientists near the building.

People enter the building.

Scientists wear protective helmets.

A man takes stones with inscriptions, studies them, measures them with a special ruler.

Drilling rig - the geologist-driller controls the operation of the rig.

Rock samples are taken from the depths of the earth.

Large - there are rock samples in the box, which were taken from the depth with the help of a drill.

Animation insert - the structure of the Earth, different layers of organic matter belonging to different eras (Cenozoic, Mesozoic, etc.).

Large - the cover of Sidorenko's book "Organic matter in sedimentary metamorphic rocks of the Precambrian".

Says poet Oshanin L. I. Oshanin recites a poem dedicated to Academician Sidorenko.

View of the sea, shore, rocks.

Oshanin on the bank of the river, standing near the fire.

Panorama of the forest, mountains (the song "Romantic Geologists" on Oshanin's poems sounds behind the scenes).

A view of moss, grass, a panorama of the mountainside, a tent is visible.

Geological exploration station, tower.

A mountain river flows.

A dump truck is driving along the road, a rainbow is visible in the sky.

Different photos of Academician Sidorenko in adulthood.

Top view - a river, a freight train is traveling along the railway tracks, a panorama of the forest, a mountain slope.

Towers of power lines.

An oil and gas complex under construction.

Panorama of the port territory, cargo, working cranes, river, etc.

Photo - Sidorenko is standing near the map.

Photos of Sidorenko on various trips, business trips, at international meetings, symposiums, etc.

Sidorenko at the table, in the presidium at an international meeting.

People in the hall.

Panorama of the presidium table and Sidorenko, who speaks from the podium.

People in the hall listen to Sidorenko's speech.

Large - Sidorenko on the podium.

The general plan - people in the hall, the presidium table on the stage, Academician Sidorenko speaks from the podium.

Various photos with Academician Sidorenko - with fellow scientists, on expeditions, photos with poet Simonov, photos with grandchildren, wife.

Forest, panorama of trees.

Various medals, awards of Academician Sidorenko.

In the photo, Academician Sidorenko with cosmonauts.

TV monitors - a program with Academician Sidorenko is broadcast.

Says cosmonaut Kovalenok V. V. In the photo of Sidorenko in the circle of cosmonaut pilots.

Says Kovalenok.

In the frame - photos of Sidorenko with cosmonauts, scientists (in the Star City).

Says Kovalenok.

View of the TV monitors (broadcast with Academician Sidorenko).

Says Kovalenok, shows photos with Sidorenko.

Geologists are in the office, studying maps, taking measurements, working with a microscope.

Large - a relief map, a hand with a magnifying glass.

Large - an article from the journal about the exploration of the Earth's resources by space methods.

The Lithosphere Institute is an employee in the laboratory, works with equipment, instruments, looks through a microscope, makes notes, etc.

Panorama on photos, samples of rocks, minerals.

An employee of the institute works with a computer.

A color image on a computer monitor.

Laboratory - employees work with a microscope, samples, conduct various studies, make notes, etc.

Employees of the Institute work with modern equipment and devices.

Says academician Yanshin A. L. Large -scale geological map of Precambrian continents.

Bookshelves, books in Sidorenko's office.

Says Academician Yanshin.

A piece of paper is pasted on the door of the office - "model room".

The door to Academician Sidorenko's office opens.

Sidorenko's awards.

Shelves with books in the study, a photo of Sidorenko.

The ship "Academician Alexander Sidorenko" is sailing.

Sailors wave from the deck to a passing ship.

Panorama of the ship "Academician Alexander Sidorenko".

Key words

Geology, expedition, desert, minerals, minerals, geological museum, laboratory


Sidorenko A. V. - sovetskij uchyonij, ministr geologii SSSR, akademik AN SSSR, gosudarstvennij i obschestvennij deyatelj
Oshanin L. I. - sovetskij poet-pesennik
Kovalyonok V. V. - sovetskij letchik-kosmonavt, dvazhdi Geroj Sovetskogo Soyuza
Yanshin A. L. - sovetskij i rossijskij uchyonij-geolog, akademik AN SSSR




Kola Peninsula
The Arctic

Geography and Nature; Scientific expeditions