The Heroic Deed.. (1966)

Film-document №6308 6 parts, Duration: 0:51:08, Black-white to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:49

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Makhnach L.

Script writers: Zenin S., Novogrudskiy A.

Operators: Gromova Z., Kasatkin P.

Composers: Geviksman V.

Anouncers: Konsovskiy A., Khmara L.


A film story about Feliks Dzerzhinsky (a Russian revolutionary).

Political figures

Biography | Policy

Temporary description

Chronicle: the city of Petrograd in the 20-ies. Photos Dzerzhinsky. Chronicle: the city of Moscow in the 20 years, refugees, victims of hunger, struggling with the secret police after the fact of grain, check the food stores (Moscow), arrested Nepmen help street (Moscow). The signing of the Brest peace. 5-th Party Congress. Mirbach Ambassador of Germany in Moscow. Funeral MS Uritsky (Petrograd).

Reel №1

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Black clouds over Petersburg - LS.

The bridges over the Neva under a dark cloud - LS.

Reflection of buildings in the waters of the Neva River and canals - MS., LS.

The figure of an angel on the Alexandria column - MS.

Newsreel 1917:

Crowds of people, soldiers and sailors on the Palace Square, the remaining cadets barricade in the square.

The walls and pillars of the Winter Palace, pierced by bullets.

Shattered rooms and halls of the Winter Palace - LS.

Faces of the Russian soldiers, members of October fighting - CU.

The face of an old peasant - CU.

Packs revolutionary leaflets.

Leaflets scattered over the area, the streets of the tram.

Flyers - an appeal to the people of the Revolutionary Committee - LS., MS.

Detachments of soldiers go to Smolny - the headquarters of the proletarian revolution.

Portrait of VI Lenin - CU.

Smolny: soldiers at a building on the stairs.

FE portraits Dzerzhinsky from adolescence to the last years of his life - MS., CU.

Window of the prison in which was signed FE Dzerzhinsky.

Prison cells in a table cell, for which he worked FE Dzerzhinsky, wrote diaries and letters.

Prison wall, a blizzard sweeps and veiled wall.

The prison gates, bell at the gate, the sentry on the tower, storm raises pillars of snow around.

Manuscripts FE Dzerzhinsky, written in prison.

Inscriptions scratched on the walls of the chamber prisoners.

Newsreel 1917:

Streets of St.


Revolutionary soldiers in an armored car - LS.

"Aurora" on the Neva.

Navy men dine outdoors in the snow.

Pass through the streets of the workers and soldiers with the revolutionary slogan.

Persons nobles - CU.

Building embassies in Petersburg.

Foreign diplomats, watching the revolutionary events in St.

Petersburg - PNRM., MS., LS.

Passing car with an American flag - MS.

Countess Panina palace deserted at night - LS., PNRM.

Inside the empty palace.

PNRM. the stairs and hall.

Behalf of the organizers of the Soviet boycott of the government, visited the palace Countess Panina, being the central rallying point.

Photo - Countess Panina on trial at the tribunal - CU.

Reel №2

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Newsreel 1917:

State Bank building in St.

Petersburg - MS.

Sabotaging bank officials, does not recognize the revolutionary government - LS.

PNRM. the faces - CU.

Long queues of people for bread in the city - LS.

Working printing press.

Copies of the newspaper in 1917.

Newsreel 1917:

Purishkevich - the leader of the Black Hundreds, who was preparing a monarchist coup - CU.

Construction of fortifications and barricades in the streets and squares of Petrograd to protect the city from attack by units of General Krasnov.

Letter VI Lenin FE Dzerzhinsky about the need for urgent action to combat counterrevolution and sabotage.

The building, which began its work of the Cheka, led by Felix Dzerzhinsky.

Photo: Chairman of the Cheka, Felix Dzerzhinsky in the study.

Photo: the first secret police, Dzerzhinsky in the group of security officers.

Images - Animation: revolutionary forces led by security officers sent to fight the counter-revolution.

Photo: Plan of St.

Petersburg in 1913.

Newsreel 1917:

Hand draws on the plan black crosses and signs denoting the secret headquarters of the counterrevolution.

Undercover officers, the Whites, the robbers, the anarchists in St.

Petersburg - different.

Anarchists with a black flag - PNRM., MS.

The emblem of anarchists "God is with us Ataman» - CU.

Newsreel 1918:

Streets of Moscow: desert, deserted in the evening.

The spotlight on the roof and sliding home - LS.

Runs through the streets at night people.

Works stopwatch - CU.

FE Dzerzhinsky and group security officers - CU.

According to the plan, developed by FE Dzerzhinsky, security officers and soldiers on the streets of Moscow, carried out an operation to destroy the anarchist groups engaged in banditry: groups travel around the city fighting the gunmen entrenched in different houses, checking documents of people on the streets.

Security officers killed in battle with the bandits.

The wounded Red Army soldiers and secret police made dressings.

Anarchists knocked out of its headquarters in Malaya Dmitrovka.

In the courtyard of the building, now the Lenin Komsomol Theater, on Chekhov Street, hit by bandits, recognize their stuff.

Cheka returnees things stolen anarchists.

Soviet patrol searches a detained suspect passer.

Quiet streets of Moscow at night, after the defeat and disarmament anarchists.

Tram passes, the janitor sweeping the street - LS.

Pigeons on the pavement - LS.

Diversionary explosions and fires in Moscow - LS.

Workers rescued from fire property warehouse exploded saboteurs.

Active fighters against the counterrevolution.

Photo: Felix Dzerzhinsky - LS., Hitting.

Photo: Felix Dzerzhinsky military friends, Vyacheslav Menzhinsky - professional revolutionary, lawyer, Ivan Ksenofontov - working, a member of the Bolshevik Party in 1903, Joseph Unshlikht - the hero of the revolutionary struggle in Russia and Poland.

Photo: Jacob Peters - Latvian laborer, revolutionary, Varvara Yakovleva - revolutionary, crypto, Michael Kidron - MD, leader of the teams working on the barricades in 1905, Martyn Latsis - former teacher, an old Bolshevik.

Ordinary KGB: Latvian girl Elsa Gundman Nicholas Mikulin, burned in the firebox locomotive - CU.


Photo: A group of security officers - PNRM., LS.

Newsreel, 1918-1923,.:

Battle of the Red Army in the Civil War: the explosions of shells, shooting rifles, cavalry attack.

Reel №3

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Investigative material Cheka in the case of one of the spy organizations, exposed in a Soviet republic - PNRM., CU.

The relations between spy agencies.

Photographs of participants espionage organization: Emile Pazhou (Frenchman, a former colonel in the royal army), Paul Dukes, Elijah Kyurtsa.

Photos of Paul Dukes - PNRM., CU.

Photo: Yudenich, which received reports of spies encrypted in the office - MS.

Encrypted bulletins spies intercepted by security officers - MS., CU.

Flyers "Beware of spyware" calling VI Lenin to defend Soviet power - PNRM., Hitting.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

Sabotage the Kazan Railway: hot engine, the composition under the slope, the wounded passengers.

Burn trains and food warehouses.

Portrait of Felix Dzerzhinsky, who led the struggle against counter-revolution in the country - CU.

Peasant families are in search of bread.

The deserted village - LS.

Hungry children on Russian roads.

Starving on the roads.

Long bread lines in the cities.

Starving, emaciated child with a piece of bread in his hand - CU.

The inscription on the shop window, "there is no bread» - CU.

Black Market in the city - LS.

Profiteers and bread at the station - LS., MS.

Planting of speculators on the train.

Train passes, and on the roofs of cars - profiteers.

Requisition of workers, led by security officers sent to fight against speculation bread for withdrawal of surplus grain in the village.

Maria Spiridonov - the leader of the Left SRs, who opposes the confiscation of grain - CU.

Eser Karelin, supporting the view Spiridonova.

Being taken to the cemetery with the graves of the dead hunger - LS.

The corpses of the coffins dumped in a mass grave - MS.

Kulak barn - LS.

Lock on the door of the barn - CU.

Face with his fist - CU.

Burning hut village activists set fire fists.

Funeral village activists killed enemies of the revolution.

Requisition in the village taken from the kulaks bread, tucked away in the pits.

Extremely emaciated from hunger kids get bread, soup - LS., MS.

Newsreel 1918:

The text of the treaty of Brest - CU.

The signing of the Brest Treaty.

Mirbach - German Ambassador in Moscow - CU.

Moscow - LS.

Grand Theatre during the V Congress of the Council of the Republic - LS.

The building consists of delegates.

YM Drills held in the building of a meeting of the Congress.

Multrabota - photo: at the VI Congress of the Soviets is Lenin - PNRM.

Newsreel 1918:

Mary goes to the Congress and the Left SRs Spiridonov.

It takes a group of representatives of the diplomatic corps in the Bolshoi Theatre at the V Congress of the Republic.

Reel №4

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Newsreel 1918:

The building of the German Embassy in Moscow - LS.

Left SR Blumkin - CU., Hitting.

Fake mandate with forged signatures of Dzerzhinsky and Ksenofontova with which Blumkin penetrated the German Embassy.

Ambassador Mirbach in the living room, where he was killed SR Bliumkin.

Lounge embassy after breaking bomb thrown provocateur - LS.

The headquarters of the Left SRs - PNRM., CU.

FE Dzerzhinsky sent to the headquarters of the Left SRs in pursuit of the killer Mirbach.

Alarm whistle, factories - CU.

Socialist uprising in Moscow.

Bustle in the streets, disturbing articles in the newspapers.

Destroyed buildings in the counter-revolutionary rebellion SR and Whites in Yaroslavl - LS., MS.

Organizer of the rebellion right SR Boris Savinkov - CU.

Left Socialist headquarters in Moscow, where he was a prisoner of the FE Dzerzhinsky.

Working groups are armed to fight the SRs.

Streets and buildings in the center of Moscow, where the rebels were driven out.

In the Grand Theatre, which hosted the V All-Russian Congress of Soviets, Latvian riflemen sent to arrest the Left SR.

Session V Congress of Soviets - LS.

Dzerzhinsky, freed from the captivity of the Left SRs, a group of security officers.

Destruction in the city caused by the insurgents.

Vologda, where foreign embassies are housed after the defeat of the rebellion SR - MS.

Foreign ambassadors - American pool, French Noulens and others took part in the conspiracy of the British Ambassador Lockhart against Soviet power.

A passport Savinkov - LS., MS.

Photo Savinkov - MS.

Newsreel 1918:

The escort accompanies accomplices Savinkov revolutionary tribunal.

The building of the Military Revolutionary Tribunal - LS.

The people on the streets of Moscow after the V Congress of Soviets of the Constitution.

Komsomol carnival in the streets - LS., MS.

Movie screen in the street.

Charges the camera mechanic.

Cartoon frames against the world bourgeoisie, the counterrevolution.

The Red Army soldiers leave for the Civil War.

Animation: A map showing the trip to the Soviet Republic of white regiments and interventionists - LS.

Newsreel 1918:

British interventionists sit in cars.

British anti-Soviet poster - hitting.

Are tanks interventionists.

Counterrevolutionaries shot Communists.

White Guard bands in the country.

Smashed houses and village activists corpses left behind after the raid of the gang.

Bandits hang Cheka.

Severed heads of security officers.

Killed by security officers, who fought the bandits near Kostroma.

Identity Uritskogo - Chairman of the Petrograd Cheka, shot from the corner.

Funeral Uritskogo.

Newspapers reported on the attempted murder of the VI Lenin, the Lenin of the critically injured,

Bulletin on the state of health of Lenin.

Light in the Kremlin apartment where Lenin was lying seriously wounded.

Moscow Kremlin at night - LS.

Photo: Fanny Kaplan.

Reel №5

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The slogans of "Death to the bourgeoisie," "Long live the red terror."

Portrait of Felix Dzerzhinsky - CU., Hitting.

Newsreel 1918:

The guards at the courthouse.

Out of the car killer Uritskogo organizers attempt on Lenin, brought to trial.

In the courtroom are lawyers.

Among foreign lawyers - Vandervelde, former Belgian Minister.

Courtroom - LS.

An accusatory speeches act Lunacharsky, Pokrovsky, Krylenko - CU.

The people in the Red Square with banners demanding severely punish the instigators of white terror.

Folders cases wound Cheka under Felix Dzerzhinsky's counterrevolutionary group British diplomat - Scout Lockhart., Called "Tactical Center."

Case monarchists - terrorists.

PNRM. on the accused.

Weapon of terrorists.

Security officers discharged their weapons from a warehouse found counterrevolutionaries.

Photos: FE Dzerzhinsky night at work in the office, the FE Dzerzhinsky with his wife and son.

Landscape of Switzerland.

Photo: Felix Dzerzhinsky c his wife and son in Switzerland, Felix Dzerzhinsky in civilian clothes during the stay in Switzerland - CU.

Rails, interlocking rails, taken from fast moving train.

The shadow of the earth by walking engine - LS.

The slogan "Every minute is precious."

Animation: Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars, signed by VI Lenin.

Portrait of Felix Dzerzhinsky - CU.

Manuscripts FE Dzerzhinsky.

Photo: Felix Dzerzhinsky at work - LS., CU.

Minutes of inquiry, in the handwriting of Dzerzhinsky, security officer on the case, hit the detainee.

Handwritten document VI Lenin purity of the Cheka.

Case accuser Pavlova - PNRM., LS.

Resolution colleagues Cheka written Dzerzhinsky, the death sentence II Pavlov for malicious provocation.

FE Manuscript Dzerzhinsky's Cheka on the nature, the state of the Cheka.

FE Dzerzhinsky of the KGB.

Reel №6

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Newsreel of the 20's.:

The destruction of the railroad after the Civil War: the destroyed bridge, warped rails derailed train, burned cars and the ruined shells piled up telephone poles.

FE Dzerzhinsky at work in the office - MS.

Workers repairing and clearing debris from the railway repair depot in the locomotive.

Comes from the depot refurbished locomotive.

Moscow: busy traffic, the report of the city - MS., CU.

Advertising Nepmen - LS., MS.

Mogutova store, furniture store Kulikova - LS.

Pouring money.

Hats by "Jofre" dummy in a hat - CU.

People go to a restaurant.

Nepmen drunk at the restaurant.

Speculators - CU.

Cancers in the plate.

Gypsy dancing at the restaurant.

Drunken men, women drink wine, eat - CU., LS.

Street children in the street of the city - CU.

Homeless, dirty, ragged, playing cards, beg.

Sukharevsky market - LS.

Crush the market.

Homeless on the market - CU., MS.

FE Dzerzhinsky - Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Commission to improve the lives of children - CU.,


Children, matched by security officers on the street, in the colony - MS., CU.

Train with street children, children hand out bread - LS.

Former street in the colony.

Newcomers cut machine.

Children dressed in clean clothes and smiling - CU.

Monument FE Dzerzhinsky.

FE Dzerzhinsky at a business meeting giving a speech - CU.

Movie №0