It's Very-Very Serious.. (1966)

Film-document №6374 3 parts, Duration: 0:27:47, Black-white to collection Price category C
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Movie 0:27:39

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Kristi L.

Script writers: Grossman L.

Operators: Generalov N.

Composers: Gamaliya V.

Anouncers: Gerdt Z.


A film about professionals in the clownery genre.


Culture and Arts

Reel №1

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The street boys and girls sitting with books in their hands - Applicants - MS., CU.

In the audience sits circus group of young men who want to be clowns - CU.

The Board of Examiners at the table - LS., CU.

Before examiners show their ability applicants (many imitation famous clown) - MS., CU.

The room as spectators sit boy of 10-14 - MS., CU.

In the selection committee clown Leonid Yengibarov - CU.

In the arena stands L. Yengibarov (during a circus performance).

A young man in a hat (much like a clown Yuri Nikulin) - CU.

Yuri Nikulin - CU.

Sitting clown MN Rumyantsev (Pencil) - CU.

In the arena stands clown Constantine Berman - different.

The audience applauded, laughing (during the presentation) - CU.

Reel №2

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At the arena during the show are the Gorodinskiy (clown and clown), musical comic Ambrosievy, clowns with a camel.

The arena of performing bears with a motor vehicle (to the tire, runs gasoline plant, repairs, call up a taxi) - MS., CU.

Bear rides a horse - LS.

The audience applauded and laughed - LS., MS., CU.

Reel №3

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In the dressing room before a mirror grimiruetsya oldest Russian clown, Honored Artist of the RSFSR Mikhail Rumyantsev (Pencil) - CU., MS.

Pencil stands at the arena - different.

The audience laugh - MS., CU.

Pencil from behind the scenes watching the audience during a performance of his comrades - CU.

Nesmeyuschayasya girl - CU.

Pencil shows "tricks."

The audience laugh - MS., CU.

Laughed and clapped before she shot.

Movie №0

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