World War I.. (1967)

Film-document №6478 2 parts, Duration: 0:20:40, Black-white to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:20

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Poselskiy I., Kazakova T.

Script writers: Poselskiy I.


The film is made upon request of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic. A story about events of World War I from 1914 to 1918.

The First World War


Temporary description

London. Streets of Vienna, Paris. Public Session "live pictures" in a cafe on the Boulevard des Capucines. Louis Lumiere. Camera. Thomas Edison at work in the office (photo). The first radio. The inventor of radio Alexander Popov (photo). Eiffel Tower in Paris. Building a national bank. Hall of operations. Closed safe. Work on the rubber plantation. Workers carry sacks. With manufacturers (photo). Military Factory. The crowd in front of the exchange. Germanic military headquarters. Map of military operations "Schlieffen Plan". 1914. Pass the German troops. Kaiser Wilhelm. Arriving in the capital of Bosnia - Sarajevo of Archduke Ferdinand F.. The Archduke's assassination (photo, multrabota). The assassin - a member of the nationalist Serbian "Mlada Bosna" G. PRINCIPLES. The newspaper "The Little Parisian" reported on the assassination of Ferdinand. General mobilization of Austria. Rallies in St. Petersburg. Manifesto of the mobilization. They leave troop trains from Berlin, are French, Russian troops. Meeting of the French parliament. Reichstag. The building of Russian State Duma. Meeting. Arrest of the Bolshevik organization. Sending the Bolsheviks in Siberia. German troops in Brussels. The invasion of German troops in France. Fighting. The retreat of French troops. French refugees. Russian offensive in East Prussia and Galicia. Fighting. German troops on the march. The concentration of large forces of the Anglo-French forces. Mobilization of the French taxi for transporting troops. The French command in the trenches. Battle of the Marne (September 5). The retreat of German troops. Late in 1914 the Western Front. The soldiers in the trenches, dry clothes, wash. Naval ships at sea. City of Constantinople. Turkish troops. Italian troops in the Alps. Application of the chemical agent by the Germans on the Western Front. Is spreading suffocating gas. German soldiers in gas masks. Victims of a gas attack. 1915 Eastern Front. Russian soldiers in the trenches. Fortress of Przemysl. Meeting of the Bulgarian king Ferdinand and Wilhelm (1915). The German advance on the fortress of Verdun. Russian Army General Brussiloff during the offensive. Battle of the Somme. The use of tanks by British and French armies. The revolutionary events in Russia in February 1917. The representative of the Provisional Government is addressing the soldiers. Russian soldiers leave the trenches. The October Revolution in Petrograd. Brest-Litovsk. The Soviet delegation at the signing of the Brest peace treaty. Breakthrough of the German front near Arras Allied armies under the command of Marshal Foch. Revolution in Berlin. Compiègne Forest. The signing of the armistice between Germany and the Entente States (November 11, 1918). Victory parade in Paris, Washington. Cemetery.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel of the late XIX - early XX centuries.:

London - LS.

The streets of Vienna.

City residents get into a car, cab drivers, pedestrians on the streets of Vienna.

Public session of "living pictures" in "Grand Café on the Boulevard des Capucines" in Paris - LS., MS.

The small screen with a live image - LS.

Inventor Louis Lumière cinema at the device - CU., MS.

American Thomas Alva Edison at work on the improvement of the invention of the phonograph by him - CU., MS.

Radio, radio inventor created by Alexander Popov - CU.

AS Popov - CU.

Eiffel Tower - PNRM.

Engineer Eiffel - MS.

Factory buildings, tall chimneys of the enterprise.

Bank building in one of the capitalist countries.

A sign of the bank - CU.

Facilities operations.

Bank employee closes the heavy doors of the bank safe - MS., CU.

In the forest are black slaves.

Overseer following the work of slaves.

In one of the colonial countries workers assemble the plantation rubber.

Porters hauling heavy bags - LS., MS.

French officer said bags with cargo - LS.

Photo: A group of manufacturers.

Newsreel of the late XIX - early XX centuries.:

Military Plant - LS., Departure.

Exchange in one of the European capitals - MS., CU.

Excitement speculators: the shouting, gesticulating, waving shares etc.

Map labeled her military operation "Schlieffen Plan", prepared in Germany.

Newsreel 1914:


Marching troops.

Kaiser Wilhelm passes before the column of troops.

Bosnian capital Sarajevo - LS.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, passing through the streets.

Kill Franz Ferdinandaoyne.

Tunic Archduke - CU.

Photo: Ferdinand F. assassin Gavrilo Princip - member of the Serbian nationalist organization "Mlada Bosna» - CU.

Newsreel 1914:

Riots in Paris, Berlin, caused by the murder of the Archduke: streets and squares of cities filled with excited people, scattered leaflets.

Photo of Franz Josef.

Newsreel 1914:

In the cities of Austria are the troops, raised in connection with the directed Austrian ultimatum to Serbia.

The outbreak of war Austria-Hungary against Serbia: shoot guns, shells exploding - LS., MS., CU.

Manifesto of the tsarist government in Russia, mobilized - CU.

Ad manifesto to the people.

Demonstration in Russia, organized by the clergy, the nobility and the merchant.

The demonstrators carried portraits of the king and his family.

The people on the streets of Berlin, people read the announcement of mobilization.

Troop trains going to the front with the Berlin station.

Pass the French troops - LS.

Russian women accompany their husbands and sons to the front, to the war with Germany.

Meeting of the French socialists who voted for war credits.

The Reichstag in Berlin - MS.

Memorial Medal, awarded to members of the Reichstag voted for war - CU., Departure.

Mountains of Bern in Switzerland - LS.

Photo: portrait of VI Lenin - CU.

Newsreel 1914:

The building of the State Duma in St.


Session of the State Duma, where the Bolshevik deputies opposed the war.

Arrest and send to Siberia Bolshevik faction.

German troops.

Brussels Cathedral - CU., PNRM.

Building barricades in the streets of Brussels to protect the city from the German invaders.

Belgian troops on the streets - MS.

German troops in Brussels.

Legs German soldiers walking on the streets of Brussels - CU.

Mobilization of troops in England, entered the war on the side of France and Russia.

Offensive against German forces in France.

German forces in France.

The retreat of the French troops.

French refugees in the country's roads - MS.

French government convoy leaves for Bordeaux.

The onset of the Russian troops on the German positions: cavalry, infantry combat, shooting guns, exploding shells.

In a panic, retreating German troops.

The transfer of German troops marched from the Western Front to the east.

Animation: card with the front of the German troops - CU.

Newsreel 1914:

Anglo-French forces concentrated for an attack on the Marne.

French taxi mobilized to transport soldiers.

Anglo-French command in the trenches.

Battle of the Marne.

The big guns in battle.

Due to an explosion.

The retreat of the German troops.

Allied cavalry attack.

Animation: Map indicating the position of the troops of the Entente and Germany at the end of 1914.

Newsreel 1914:

German command.

Soldiers in the trenches of the Western Front during the lull.

Hungry people are looking for in the land of frozen potatoes.

Long bread lines in the cities.

Naval ships of Japan, speaking against Germany, fighting at sea.

The explosion on the water next to the ship - LS.

Constantinople - LS.

Turkish troops fighting position - LS.

The fighting in the Alps: Italian troops led the offensive.


The First World War

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel 1915:

Above Ground Staley clouds of choking gas used on the Western Front German troops - LS., CU.

German soldiers in gas masks with guns.

French soldiers in gas masks.

Victims of chemical warfare - MS., CU.

War on the Eastern Front: Russian armies are offensive to the Austro-Hungarian troops in the Carpathians (episodes of combat).

Military fortress of Przemysl, captured by Russian troops.

Bugach castle ruins, taken by Russian troops.

Inscription in chalk on the ruins of the fortress wall, "May 28, 1915

Bugach taken Vyatka Regiment »- CU., LS.

Russian military position: an observation post, the location of guns, shells - MS., CU.

German artillery attack Russian positions.

Exploding cannon shells - MS., CU., LS.

Russian artillery in the fighting position - LS. PNRM.

Animation: A map indicating the breakthrough Germans Russian positions between turtledoves and Tarnow in May 1914.

Newsreel 1915:

Bulgarian King Ferdinand talks to German Emperor Wilhelm.

Pass the Bulgarian troops.

Newsreel 1916:

On the Western Front the Germans are using attack aviation aircraft loading bombs, departing aircraft on a combat mission, the plane dropped a bomb.

Explosions bombs on the ground.

German attack on the fortress of Verdun.

Gun shots continuously attack the French position - different.

German infantry goes on the attack after the French artillery barrage.

French artillery intensively off the attack of German infantry.

Battlefield after the Battle of Verdun, strewn with corpses of German and French soldiers.

PNRM. on rough trenches of Verdun - LS.

The headquarters of the Russian Army General Brusilov.

General Brusilov headquarters - CU.

Animation: A map showing the Brusilov Offensive.

Newsreel 1916:

Brusilovsky episodes fighting army, broke through the Austrian front east of the city of Lutsk.

The onset of the Anglo-French forces on the Somme: shooting guns, exploding shells.

British tank goes on the attack.

Infantry attack the Anglo-French forces.

Melee soldiers.

Wounded on the battlefield.

Killed on the battlefield.

Newsreel 1917:

Workers' demonstrations in Germany - LS.

Buzzing factory whistle - CU.

The strike in Russia.

The queue for bread - LS., MS.

Disabled soldiers in the streets.

At a large meeting in one of the Russian cities scattered leaflets.

The soldier shoots down coat Tsarist Russia - MS.

Hostilities at sea: shooting guns with warships of England and France.

American skyscrapers - LS., PNRM.

American businessmen.

Capitol Building - MS.

U.S. President Wilson.

Sinks USS undermined by German submarines.

People jump into the water from a sinking ship - LS.

In Russia, delivered by the representative of the bourgeois provisional government supported the war.

Stands in front of a representative of the Bolshevik soldiers, urges them to stop the war, not to protect the interests of the imperialists.

Russian soldiers leave the trenches.

Revolutionary struggles in Petrograd.

Painting: The performance of VI Lenin in front of the sailors and soldiers.

Copy of the newspaper with the text of the Decree on Peace - CU.

Newsreel 1917:

The Soviet delegation, which arrived in Brest-Litovsk to negotiate with Germany.

Newsreel 1918:

The signing of the Brest peace treaty.

German offensive on the Western Front - LS., MS.

American troops arrived in Europe to reinforce the Anglo-French forces.

Pass the Entente troops and their commander, Marshal Foch - MS.

Attack infantry and tanks of the Entente.

Captured troops of Germany and her allies - MS.

The revolution in Berlin.

Photos: signing the armistice between Germany and the Allied nations in the staff car of Marshal Foch in Compiegne Forest November 11, 1918.

Newsreel 1918:

Plays fanfarist (signal ceasefire).

Military victory parade in the capital of the victorious countries: in Paris - LS.; London - LS.; Washington - LS.

Soldier's Cemetery, where are buried the fallen during the first World War - LS. (With us).

Animation: what works, VI Lenin - CU.

NPL to quote from the works of VI Lenin: "The war of 1914-1918 was on both sides of the imperialist ..."


The First World War