
Film-document №65 8 parts, Duration: 1:09:27 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:02

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8;

3 4 6 2 7 8 5 1

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Producer Krasnoyarsk studio

Director: Kuznecov V.

Script writers: Kuznecov V.

Operators: Shermergor E.


The story of the tragic fate of two dissidents who suffered for their political and religious beliefs. The film uses materials of the State Archive of Cinema and photo documents of the USSR.

Policy | Religion | Social life

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Traffic on Park Avenue, the leaves on the pavement.

The flowers at the foot of the wall.

The wall hanging barbed wire.

Excursion on Board of "Aurora".

Palace square.

Adults and children on the deck, the children read the sign.

Photographer out of the frame.

Parking "Aurora".

The frozen water.

Of the old buildings.

The trunk of the tree.

The cart wheel.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

Ruins of brick houses.

View of a country road.

Chronicle 1920-ies:

Soldiers and peasants are on the village.

The peasant women.

The confiscation of hoarded grain.

The peasants under the escort of a soldier.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

Rural landscape, strong wind.

The wall of the house, the view from the street through the window.

Alternation: I. T. Lapkin, vintage literature.

The Cruiser "Aurora".

People climb the ladder.

Frames feature film: a volley of Aurora, the storming of the Winter.

An outdoor swimming pool.




Kaluga region



Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Teenagers on the streets.

Says V. N. Osipov.

Chronicle 1917-1918:

The woman opens the gate, comes into the yard a crowd of children.

The committees of the poor handed out food to children and adults.

Locked gate.

The building behind the fence.

Chronicle of mid-twentieth century: the Alternation of speech N.With.

Khrushchev, Komsomol construction.

Government motorcade.

Leonid Brezhnev's meetings with the public.

Leonid Brezhnev and Politburo members bring flowers to the monument to Lenin.

Tarusskaya street.

Ivan T. Lapkin and the young man enter the house.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

People come into the apartment.

Icons and paintings on the wall.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

Chronicle 1920-ies: Woman removes the icon from the wall.

Man glues a poster.

Festivities with making fun of religion.

The inscription over the entrance to the temple.

Propaganda work with the population of the demonstration.

Mass removal of the icons of the apartments.

International news:

Street in new York.

Advertising shop running line.

People view the collection of icons and artefacts on display.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

Chronicle 1917-1918:

Pandemonium on Vosstaniya Square (Znamenskaya).

Participants in the meeting.

The destruction of the house.

"Orthodox camp", camp Lapkina I. T. for children of believers near the village of Poteryaevka, Altai Krai.

Children sawing wood.

A woman was making pancakes.

Teens sawing wood, the little boy takes and takes a piece of wood.

Girl runs on the field.

The children gather berries.

Swimming in the river.


Khrushchev N. With. - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, hero of the Soviet Union, Three times Hero of Socialist Labor.
Brezhnev, L. I. -- state and party leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union, hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.
Osipov V. N. - public figure, the politician, the publicist, the head of the Union of Christian revival (grasping).


1917-1918 1920e 1960s-1970s


New York
Kaluga region
Altay region



Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Girl swinging on a swing.

The baby is sleeping in the grass.

Ivan T. Lapkin.

The abandoned Church.

Past the Church go carts.

Panorama of the settlement.

Says V. N. Osipov.

The guards of the colony with dogs.

Truck for transportation of prisoners.

The sentry on the tower.

On the road going car.

The streets and inhabitants of the village.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

Books on the shelves.

Through the village passing car.

Participants of the rally, interviews with Russian refugees.

Alternation: says I. T. Lapkin, images Chronicles (reset bells from the Church) and feature film (Winter storm).

People give alms.


Osipov V. N.


Altay region
Kaluga region



Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Chronicle of the late XIX - early XX century:

The output of the Royal family.

The troops on the platform.

Nicholas II sits on a horse.

By the Imperial troops.

The soldiers sing.

Operators with cameras.

Chronicle of the late XIX - early XX century:

The Royal family on the walk.

Service in memory of Nicholas II.

Chronicle of the coronation of Nicholas II:

The carriage accompanied by footmen and soldiers.

Ceremonial procession of members of the government and their families.

Service in memory of Nicholas II.

Chronicle of the revolutionary events:

Alternation: the soldier throws the emblem from the wall of the house, troops on the streets.

The end of the memorial service, the people cross themselves and kiss the crucifix.

The young man with the icon in his hands.

Sculptural group.

Natural panoramas.

Chronicle of post-revolutionary events: the Church.

The crowd at the gate.

Reset bell.

Star on the Kremlin tower.

The destruction of the Church spire.

People Dolman bell on the ground.

Rallies at the opening of the monuments.

A joint meeting of the Russian popular front and the Soviet public Fund "revival of Russia".


Romanov N.. (Nicholas II) -- the state, political and military leader, Emperor of Russia.


14.05.1896 1917 1920s-1930s





Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Personnel news:

Riots in the streets.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

International news:

Soldiers of the Israeli army.

The view from the wall.

The sentries on the tower.

Rally banners.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

Frames feature film: a volley of Aurora, the storming of the Winter, people make weapons.

Chronicle of the 1930-ies:

Demonstration on red square.

Protests these days.

Fire truck.

People with placards.

Says V. N. Osipov.

The underpass exit.

People on the street, distributing leaflets and Newspapers.

People read the ads.

The bell of the ship.

The view of the river.

Interview with V. P. Astafyev.

The river is the tug.

The bell of the ship. "Orthodox camp", boy swinging on a swing.

Adults and children do exercises.

Ivan T. Lapkin with children at the river, collecting catch from the cages.

Ivan T. Lapkin throws cage into the water.

People are on the field.

The story of the priest N. And.


Alternation: the fire burns, people around the campfire, the horses in the field.


Astaf'ev V. P.-soldier, writer, Hero of Socialist Labor.
Osipov V. N.




Kaluga region
Altay region



Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The Church-tent.

Adults and children in prayer.

Chronicle of 1935:

Double-headed eagles, taken from the Kremlin towers.

Work hammer masonry.

Star on the Nikolskaya tower.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

Chronicle 1920-ies:

People in the stands.

L. D. Trotsky.

Cavalry on red square.

People in the stands.

A government convoy under the protection of the cavalry.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

Chronicle 1920-ies:

Protests against the Trotskyists.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

The monastery buildings.

The crown of the tree.

The village house.

Says V. N. Osipov.

The view from the Windows of the ruined building.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

Service in memory of Nicholas II.

The chronicle of the early XX century:

The procession with the participation of the Royal family.

Service in memory of Nicholas II.

The chronicle of the early XX century:

People expect the release of the Emperor.

The Imperial family out of the Church and sits in the car.

Service in memory of Nicholas II.


Trotsky (Bronstein), L. D. -- state and political figure, a revolutionary, writer.
Romanov N.. (Nicholas II).
Osipov V. N.


1900e 1920e 26.10.1935


Altay region
Kaluga region



Reel №7

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The chronicle of the early XX-th century: the Imperial troops.

The burning house.

Demonstration on red square.

People try to extinguish the fire.

The family of the ashes.

People ride in carts.

The alternation of massive Exodus of peasants from the villages, malnourished children.

The dead removed from the coffins and thrown into the pit.

Alternation: says V. N. Osipov, Moscow streets.

The applause of the audience.

People at the microphones.

International news:

The view from behind barbed wire.


The participants of the demonstrations.


Military aircraft.

Reset bomb explosion.

Kids eat berries in the field.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

Personnel news:

The yard leaves the cart.

The woman closes the gate.

The owner watered the horse.

The man in the hat.

Horses at the watering.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

Personnel news:

A woman who is nursing babies.

The children sit on straw.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

Panorama of the settlement.

Barbed wire.

Says V. N. Osipov.

Wooden fence.

Security guards with dogs.

Foot soldiers (view from under the car), people sit in the truck.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

Natural landscape.


Alternation: people go to Church, beggars at the entrance.


Osipov V. N.


1910e-1920e 1950e


Altay region
Kaluga region



Reel №8

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The chain-link fence.

The sentry on the tower.

The priest walks down the hallway.

Barbed wire, light poles.

The priest, accompanied by the guard, the yard of the colony.

Divine service for the prisoners.

The sentry on the tower.

Residents of the village.

Ivan T. Lapkin type.

The village house.

Says Ivan T. Lapkin.

Frames feature film: a volley of Aurora, the storming of the Winter.

The Optina Hermitage, the view from the window.


The monastery buildings, the monks and visitors in the monastery.

Says V. N. Osipov.

View of the temple through the fence.

V. N. Osipov.

Natural panorama.


Osipov V. N.


Kaluga region

