Vilna returned to Lithuania. (1939)

Film-document №65647 4 parts, Duration: 0:38:19, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:57

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Reel №1

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Every year on October 9 with sorrow Lithuania celebrated the anniversary of the capture of Vilnius Poland.

Kaunas Street.

Sounds a funeral whistle of a steam locomotive, people are frozen in a moment of silence.

Station of Kaunas, Vilnius Lithuanian residents meet, which the Polish authorities have allowed to visit Lithuania.

Perron filled with people. "Over twenty years of independence, Kaunas has grown into a modern comfortable city."

Panorama of Kaunas, streets and buildings.

View of the Ministry of Justice, the post office, the university, Ciurlionis Museum, various mansions, a monument to the Unknown Soldier who died in the battles of 1919, Independence monument - an obelisk, built of stones.

Square War Museum.

The Lithuanian Government has made every effort to return the Vilnius region.

After the political events of 1939 in Poland, October 7, 1939 to create a favorable situation.

Lithuanian Government delegation comprising the deputy.

Prime Minister Kazimieras Bizauskisa Foreign Minister Juozas Urbshisa, Commander of the Lithuanian Stasys Rashtikisa Army and head of the economic department of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Morkaytisa flew to Moscow.

October 11 came the news that Vilnius and Vilnius region returned to Lithuania.

In Kaunas passed grandiose manifestation.

At a rally in the square of the War Museum with a balcony, decorated with a bust of Gediminas, the national flag and coat of arms of Vilnius, the audience is drawn-General Nagyus Nagyavichus: "Today we are ready to go in our ancient capital of Vilnius, which is associated with the main points of the history and the revival of our nation: in 1905 it was made the decision of our Sejm, in 1918 there was born an independent Lithuania and its army, there lie the remains of the father of our nation Jonas Basanaviciaus there in 1920, we have experienced the loss of our capital.

This agreement was signed in the hall, decorated with two-headed eagle, the cross and the motto of the Union of Lublin: "Free to be free, equal - to equal".

More recently, the Polish Radio aired a frenetic crowd cry addressed to the Pilsudski: "Marshall, lead us to Kovno!".

Despite the immense grief, our public was asked to focus, to be silent, to misstep, a hasty word had not served as an occasion for the Polish attack.

Now our eyes appear very different Poles - ragged and hungry fugitives roaming the roads of Lithuania in the hope of refuge from the misery come upon their state.

We go to Vilnius to build there a bright future of our nation.

Vilnius - it is not only the right but also the duty of our nation. "

There is a flower-laying to the obelisk.

Pass Lithuanian troops.

Key words

Lithuania, the population, the visit, the delegation, the Church, the laying of wreaths, aviation, sculpture, sights, monuments, State.symbolism, railway, troops, young people, military leaders, demonstration, personality

Reel №2

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After the demonstration, the participants went to the residence of President Antanas Smetona to congratulate him and to listen to this historic moment. "My deep gratitude to the community of the Lithuanian Riflemen's students, students and all citizens gathered here on this historic day.

Vilnius and Vilnius region were returned.

Today we get a border with a friendly Russia, which is possible to obtain.

Friendship between our peoples we must preserve in the future, for the agreement between neighbors is the greatest benefit.

We, our nation, too small to independently achieve our cherished goal to regain our ancient capital.

Vilnius is a right and simultaneously duty of our people."

On the demarcation line - a symbolic gate with the inscription: "long live independent Lithuania with the capital Vilnius".

The line guarding the posts of the Lithuanian border guards and soldiers.

Symbolic burning at the stake of a broom.

Women give flowers to the guards.

October 28, near the demarcation line is read out in the order for the red Army, opening the way Lithuanian troops in Vilnius.

The Soviet and Lithuanian border guards shake hands through the gate.

Then the barrier perepisyvatsya.

The commander of the armed forces of Lithuania gives the order to move to Vilnius.

Lithuanian troops enter Vilnius region.

Infantry, motorized, armored and other units of the Lithuanian army cross the line.

They happily greeted the Lithuanian troops.

Lithuanian soldier treats residents with cigarettes and candy.

Soldiers greet the children.

Key words

Lithuania State.act, population, children, State.symbolism, troops, allies, women, border, tanks, military equipment, soldiers, Pets, personalities

Reel №3

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Lithuanian troops entered the Vilnius region.

A large number of Vilnius Lithuanians arrived to meet the army on the outskirts of the capital.

On the poster the inscription: "Welcome with the arrival in Vilnius."

Rallies in different places.

Soldiers at rest, they eat.

Pointer: to Vilna 3 km away.

Military looking map.

Troops enter Vilnius.

In the crowd cheering stuck the first car war correspondents, his sleep colors.

The crowd of residents welcomed the troops.

Columns of troops of the Lithuanian minimizes the square of the Cathedral (Gediminas) on Gediminas Avenue.

Past the Cathedral, passing cavalry.

A military band played.

Goes a formation of soldiers, in front of the trooper, which makes the horse "dance".

Driving trucks with soldiers.

Cyclists block traffic from the crowd with their bikes.

Residents of flowers.

Girls kissing Lithuanian soldiers.

Key words

Lithuania, the army, the people, the children, meeting, men, women, troops, bridge, propaganda, cavalry, church, hobbies, urban transport, orchestra, cars

Reel №4

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Before the arrival to Vilnius of the Lithuanian army, local residents in poverty and the long hours stood outside bakeries and grocery shops.

Bread shop with the Polish master, a sign: "Confectionery and bread store Boleslaw Kolisko", there is a queue, the queue in the other shops.

Lithuanian army immediately organized several tens of points of food distribution to the population.

Lithuanian soup kitchen, the cook gives the residents of cereal and bread.

The next day, Sunday, October 29, for the soldiers were given a tour of the University of Grand Duke Vytautas, and thousands of believers gathered at the first public mass in the Lithuanian language the icon of the patron Saint of Lithuania St.

Barbara near the Gate of Dawn.

At the end of mass, the soldiers gathered at Cathedral square for the ceremony of raising the national flag on the hill of Gediminas.

End the celebration with a parade of the Lithuanian army at the Cathedral near the tombs of the Great Duke Vytautas and the patron Saint of Lithuania St.


Key words

Lithuania, troops, trade, personalities, food, humanitarian aid, Church, population, river, State.symbols, weapons, State.act, the parade, the troops