Prelude war. (1943)

Film-document №66704 6 parts, Duration: 0:12:40, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Director: Frenk Kapra, Anatolj Litvak /Frank Capra, Anatole Litvak/

Operators: Robert Dzh.Flaerti

Reel №1

USA. Propaganda newsreels and documentary.

Frames, symbolizing war.

Parade US troops ahead of the orchestra, the flag flies.

The explosions on the ground, with the aircraft flying bombs.

At sea, the ship is burning undermined.

The bombings in London, in the dark, the lights of fires, lights silhouette of the cathedral, collapsing walls of houses.

Burning city in France.

The Germans in France, on the road are the tanks.

Eiffel Tower.

From the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, German soldiers marching.

Shoot guns, explosions.

Burning city in China, people look at the sky, flying Japanese planes among the ruins of houses.

People were running down the street.

Czechoslovakia are the German tanks.

Pointer to Prague.

On the road rides horse artillery.

German ships in the North Sea off Norway.

The plane flies low over the trees at the bottom of the explosions in the city.

Shoot the tanks, guns.

Drop downed aircraft.

On the street lie corpses citizens.

Go German tanks.

German gunner pulls the rope with guns, shooting

Poland, ejected from the aircraft landing by parachute.

Greece, as seen from the plane of the Acropolis and other ancient sites.

Shoot guns, tanks.

The signing of the surrender.

Albania, the German artillery motorized rides on the road.

Yugoslavia, jumping from an airplane landing.

Russia, civilians digging anti-tank ditches.

Gallops cavalry toward tanks, fly planes, bombs fall.

Production processes at the munitions factories in the rear

USA. Map of the USA. US troops on the march.

Vice President Henry Wallace delivers a speech in New York on May 8, 1942: "This is a war between the free world and the world of the slave."

The commandments of the world and humanity from the Koran, Confucius, the Bible of the Declaration of Independence.

Statues of Washington, Jefferson, Garibaldi, Lafietta, Bolivar, Lincoln.

Paintings and sculptures on the military theme.

Washington Monument to the soldiers of the army, who died in the Valley Forge in the Civil War 1777-1778 gg.

US Flag, swinging bell, it embossed inscription: "Freedom."

The White House, Capitol Building, the Statue of Liberty

The other side of the world to another globe.

The enemies of peace - Japan, Germany, Itlaiya.

Italian Fascists march on Rome.

Street fighting.

The refugees are fleeing.

The street goes a truck with the Nazis.

Mussolini takes hits, smiling pretty.


Crowds of people met the Nazis, Hitler.

Inflation in Germany, the spinning roulette, falls mark the course.

Costumed march fascists.

Ginderburg a parade of troops, it circumvents formation of soldiers.

Hitler, Goering sitting in the room behind them the German industrialists and tycoons.

Hitler in the window.

On the streets of fleeing soldiers, shots are fired

Key words

USA, China, Czechoslovakia, World War 2, the soldiers, the destruction of France, the North Sea, attractions, transport, water, explosion, the cathedral, the BBC, weapons, population, military machinery, tanks, artillery Poland, Greece, the USSR, Yugoslavia, World War 2, Albania, explosions, Air Force, Gos.akt, surrender, population, fortifications, artillery, military industry, tanks, military equipment, weapons, paratroopers landing, monuments US, World War 2, the troops Gos.deyateli, celebrities, world war 2, Gos.simvolika, propaganda, sculpture, monuments, Gos.uchrezhdeniya army Germany, Italy, 2 World War, the Germans, the population Gos.deyateli, personalities, parade, army, soldiers, Mussolini, Hitler, Goering, refugees

Reel №2

USA. The Japanese army, impeator Hirohito riding a horse, the Japanese bow.

There have been calls, all raise their hands up.


The crowd welcomed Hitler standing in the square, Hitler opens onto a balcony.

Silhouette of Japan on the map turns into a dragon, silhouette swastika in Germany-silhouette-Italy in the ax.

Italian Legion, the German army, the Japanese army marches.

Hirohito on the square, Hitler, Mussolini.

Hysterical Hitler's speech, shouting: "Heil!" Speaker Mussolini.

It Hirohito to the troops, shouting "Banzai".

Government agencies in these countries: the Reichstag in Berlin, the House of Deputies in Rome, the parliament in Tokyo.

The meeting in the Japanese parliament.

Hitler stands in the Reichstag, the House of Deputies in Mussolini

The work of the Ministry of the German propaganda.

Speech of propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, people listen to the radio.

The sign on the door: "The People's Court", officials said.

Work "Labour Front", young people are digging ditches with shovels.

Good soldier, gives the command, they all listen, pull your hands in a Nazi salute.

The work of the secret police.

Police marching down the street, the policeman breaks down the door with the butt.

Cover of the book Hitler's "Mein Kampf", a quote from the book: "Only the use of brute force is beneficial." 13th Legion in Turin, on the podium of a fascist speech.

Legionnaires draw their daggers.

Young fascist acts against the background of the flag of the NSDAP, pulls out pistols.

The crowd pulls hands.

Newspaper headlines about Hitler putsch in Munich 1923.

Hitler executes anti-Nazi leaders.

The police arrested people.

Title: "Giacomo Matteotti killed by Italian fascists." / Game scene: car rides, a shot rang out, the car falls into a ditch.

In Japan, the rebels killed.

Title of the murder of Rohm in Germany.

In Japan, the general killed Watanabe

USA. Gothic cathedral, people pray in the temple.

Stained glass shatters into fragments, there is a portrait of Hitler.

Presentation by Dr.

Alfred Rozenbrga, chief of the political bureau of the Nuremberg Nazi Party Congress in 1938.

Swastika as a symbol of Germany.

The persecution of the church.

Berlin, 1935, 7,000,000 Protestants were dissolved.

A sign of the Evangelical Youth Society, at the sign pasted paper on dissolution.

Newspaper photos of Cardinal Faulhaber, the title "The Nazis stormed the palace of the Cardinal."

Photo pastor Nimollera, landed in a concentration camp.

Title: "The pastor makes Wiesler samoubiysvo in a Nazi prison."

The Nazis arrested priests, priests and monks.

Nazi draws on a shop window a Star of David.

The persecution of the Jews in Germany.

Bandits harness kill.

Title: "1500 German pastors were arrested under house arrest."

Hand sticks circle with a swastika to the door.

Speaker Goebbels.

It Julius Streicher, an ardent anti-Semite, which issued its own organ "Der Sturmer" in Munich in July 1935.

Hitler sits among colleagues

Key words

US, Japan, Italy, the fascists, celebrities, world war 2, Gos.deyateli, Gos.simvolika, the population, parliament, Gos.uchrezhdeniya promotion, public organizations, the youth, the NSDAP, military leaders, the press, the Germans, the population, Hitler, police Gos.deyateli, personalities, Japan, radio Germany, the Nazis, the cathedral, Gos.deyateli, personalities, Nazis, community organizations, churches, penalty Gos.simvolika, youth, media, photo, prison, Jews, Hitler, Goebbels, the clergy

Reel №3

USA. Work with youth.

Teacher proclaims toast the Führer, children draw hands, sing about Hitler.

Italian school youth organization Benito Mussolini class.

In Japan, children are engaged in military training.

Young buglers and drummers in Germany.

In Japan, children marching with flags.

Italian troops of young foreign players, drummers.

German youth marching with flags.

Japanese troops of young people in the form of Italian Bally marches.

Close-up of marching boots.

Parades fascist youth.

The swastika on the armband.

Nazi salute.

Those young people, old people, women and children who watch the parade

US Capitol.

Conference in Washington in 1921 on disarmament, involving Japan, France, Italy, USA. Contracts on the size of the fleets of China's integrity.

In 1928 it signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact in Paris on 15 th states, including Germany and Japan, renouncing war as an instrument of national policy.

By the Sea Treaty in the US London destroy their ships.

Map of the USA, the reduction of the army to 136 thousand people / about, as in Romania, where 2,000,000 people /.

Kosyumirovannoe rally in the US against the war.

Newspaper "Pathé News" is conducting a survey of people in the street. "If war starts in Europe, what shall we do?".

Interviews with people.

Demonstration, transporant: "No foreign plight.

The economic crisis in the United States.

Roosevelt at the table.

The headlines in the newspapers: "Congress passes the law on wages and working hours."

Smoke from pipe factories are working.

Social programs, the law on social insurance.

Workers are building a road.

Federal public works programs.

New roads

Key words

USA, Germany, Italy, Japan, youth, civil society organizations, the parade, the Nazis, school, teaching, women, children, the elderly, Gos.simvolika US Gos.akt demonstration, the population, the press, the congress, workers, industry, construction, road, president, personalities

Reel №4

USA. The dam, powerhouse.

Title: "The senators opposed to the League of Nations."

Senate adopts a law on tariffs, "Prohibition".


Elections in the US governors

USA. Germany.

The election campaign in Germany, you can only vote for Hitler.

People cast ballots.

In Germany, burning books progressive writers: Jack London, Remarque, Hemingway, Thomas Mann and others.

Cathedrals, a children's choir sings.

Care for children in Germany.

Kindergartens, children play, paint, do sports.

A flag with a swastika.

Children have guns, near the soldiers.

Japan, the military training of children, they are running with a weapon in his hands.

Italian guys wear masks, go to the "attack".

In the US, the Red Cross collects funds to help Japanese children

USA. Parades in Germany.

Hitler watching, smiling.

Goering with marshal's baton.

Mussolini on a visit to Germany, circumvents formation of soldiers together with Hitler.

Rally, Hitler stands.

The leaders of the Nazi Party: Hess, Goring, Frank, Goebbels, Dietrich, Todt Reinhard, Darren Leigh.

Rallies in Italy, the joyful cries of "Duce".

Rallies in Japan.

Hitler welcomes the Japanese minister, signed an agreement in December 1941, signed by Ribbentrop.

World map.

Claims Mussolini in Europe, Africa, Asia.

Memorial Tanaka, the Japanese dream of a world empire, the conquest of China, Australia, and Asia.

Plans by the German capture of Europe

Key words

The United States, the dam, the League of Nations, election USA, Germany, Japan, children, teaching, Gos.simvolika, the Red Cross, humanitarian aid, soldiers, weapons, Cathedral, music, elections, public USA, Germany, Japan, China, rally Gos.akt, Gos.deyateli, Gos.simvolika Nazis, personalities, visit Mussolini

Reel №5

USA. Admiral Yamamoto speaks to sailors.

Japanese dictate the terms of the White House.

The Capitol building in Washington, DC, on his march against the Japanese oldaty.

Propaganda in Germany on all fronts.

Awarding of mothers with many children.

Demonstration of German women.

Special program obtain the ideal children in Germany in special camps.

Lay a large number of babies, swaddled their sister

USA. The speeches of Mussolini, Hitler.

There is a growing military budget in Germany, data from 1932 to 1938.

Release of the military industry: tanks, artillery, trucks, planes, ships.

Headline in the newspaper: "President Roosevelt approves defense budget."

Japanese army

Events in Manchuria. 18 September 1931.

Map Harbin items Chanchung, Mukden.

Go train soldiers from the destroyed track.

Shoot guns.

Japanese soldiers in the attack, the cavalry on the march.

Trucks with Japanese troops in Manchuria.

capture card.

Photo Pu Yi in dress uniform, a helmet with feathers.

Kaavleriysky hits.

Pu Yi arriving by train.

US Senator Stimson condemns Japanese aggression.

League of Nations, the Commission traveled to Manchuria, her report.

The French representative acts as the League of Nations.

Conclusion: The Japanese entered in self-defense.

The common people of England / farmer, the waiter / do not understand these events.

In Manchuria, meanwhile, raging fires, includes Japanese troops

Key words

US, Japan, Germany, and captains, Gos.uchrezhdeniya, soldiers, women, children, the Navy, the demonstration, rewarding, promoting US military industry, Gos.deyateli, celebrities, the media, Japan, Army Manchuria, Japan, the city, the troops Gos.deyateli, personalities, the League of Nations, the soldiers, the population, fire, war

Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

USA. Tanaka says Manchuria.

Task N 1 - conquest of Manchuria, the task of the N 2 - the conquest of China.

Shanghai 1932.

From the sea, the city hit the Japanese fleet guns.

People were running down the street.

Aircraft bombed the city.

The refugees on the roads.

Fighting in the city.

Children look at the sky, explosions of bombs.

The dead lay in the streets, crying women.

The ruins of houses.

The dead children.

Marines from ship to shore.

Go street battles.

Japanese flag on the house.

Japan attaches to the province of Manchuria.

They're coming tanks, cavalry.

Chinese General Chiang Kai-shek among the soldiers.

The great Wall of China

USA. A map of Europe.

Speaker Mussolini, said the willingness of Ethiopia capture.

The squadron of Italian airplanes in the field, ships at sea, 1935, attack on Ethiopia, near the village of Val-Val.

The headlines in the newspapers: "Mussolini in Ethiopia."

Soldiers climb aboard the ship, the passage through the Suez Canal.

Hayes Selassie advocates the League of Nations, requests the help of the Western countries.

Ethiopia, Emperor Haile Selassie, under a canopy in front of a crowd of subjects.

The Ethiopian army is fighting with Italian forces.

Go fighting, bombing, are wounded.

Portrait of Mussolini.

Speech Roosevelt condemned Italy

USA. Hitler, Goering and Mussolini at the map at the headquarters. 3rd gangster-Hitler.

Hitler pulls his hand in greeting.

About him we will talk in the next film.

conquest map Italy, Japan.

The army on the march.

Installation of short shots.

US troops, the US flag.

Children form.


At the end of quoted G.K.Marshalla, chief of staff of the US Army: "The triumph of democracy can only be achieved with the full defeat of the German and Japanese war machines

Key words

US, Japan, China, the war, the Air Force bombing, women, children, city, invasion, Gos.simvolika, troops, navy, refugees, population, military equipment, military leaders, personalities US Gos.deyateli, personalities, War, Ethiopia, Navy, Air Force, wounded soldiers, the Suez Canal, generals, monarchs, photos, Italy US, Japan, Italy, Germany, Gos.deyateli, personalities, army, war, troops