According to Lenin's Plan.. (1970)

Film-document №6890 5 parts, Duration: 0:50:58, Black-white to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:05

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Setkina I.

Script writers: Belikov V., Kozyrev E.

Operators: Serov G.

Anouncers: Khmara L.


About the achievements of collective farms in the period between the II and the III Conferences of Collective Farmers and about the III Conference of Collective Farmers.

Reel №1

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Sunrise over the Moscow Kremlin - LS.

Sunrise over the summer pine forest - LS.

Landscapes that characterize the vast expanses of our country from the western to the eastern border from north to south (the forests, fields, rivers, taiga, desert, etc.).

Harvesters to harvest crops on vast fields of collective and state farms of the country - LS., PNRM.

Hands pour large grains of wheat - CU.

Field crops at harvest time - LS. (The plane).

Flying airliner - LS.

Passenger train passes over a bridge on the wetland.

Passenger trains (with electric) arrive at railway stations in Moscow.

Of the cars arriving trains leave delegates III All-Union Congress of collective farmers.

They are met by Muscovites.

Various day and evening plans.

It takes a group of delegates to the Central Asian republics - MS.

Kalinin Prospect, shot through Kalinin Bridge (autumn).

High-rise buildings on Kalinin Avenue - LS.

New high-rise buildings (towers) in one of the new areas of Moscow - LS.

The building in the Kremlin, where he lived and worked VI Lenin.

Cabinet VI Lenin in the Kremlin.

Phone, the library office.

Sculpture of a blacksmith - a gift VI Lenin from working with an inscription.

Kremlin Palace of Congresses, the flags in front of the - PNRM., MS.

Delegates and guests III All-Union Congress of the farmers in the lobby of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses before the Congress - talk to each other.

Heroes of Socialist Labor, order bearer, representatives of different ethnic groups (men, women).

The first plowman country - the winner of All-Union competition tractor Eugene Nizovskaya group machine - delegates.

The organizer of one of the first farms in the country, Mayor V. Gorshkov - the chairman of the collective farm "Bolshevik" Vladimir region delegates - CU.

Chairman of the collective farm named XXI Congress of the CPSU Odessa region Makar Anisimovich Posmitnogo in the lobby of the Palace of Congresses - CU.

Old footage of the peasants of Russia: ill-dressed farmer plowing a field to plow a skinny horse.

Peasant women hand knit on the sheaves of rye.

Farmers threshing rye flails - LS.

Photo: old ramshackle peasant huts, thatched.


Home environment of a poor peasant, the icon and the kerosene lamp in the corner.

Perforatum, dilapidated thatched roof hut.

Peasant hut repairs collar, sits next to his wife, shakes lyulkuts with the child.

Child 7-8 years bast shoes on his feet - CU.

Decree on Land 1917 - CU.

Farmers on the measure off land that produced the documents for land use.

Group of poor peasants who received land on Soviet decree - CU.

Painting VA Serov "Walkers in Lenin» - CU.

Work VI Lenin, "On Cooperation" - leafing (multrabota) - MS.


Collection of peasants in the countryside on the organization of farm - LS., CU.

Persons poor Russian peasant men and women - CU.

Speaks at a meeting of the Communist call for the peasants to join collective farms.

Farmers to apply for membership to the farm, hand tools and their horses to the general courts for collaboration.

Men plowed and harrowed field on horseback - LS., MS.

Peasant put together on a collective farm field cabbage seedlings (poorly dressed women, one after the other are on the field, make a stake hole, filling the hole seedlings next - burying seedlings in the hole) - Various.

Farmers pave plow the first furrow in the collective farm.

A fire in the village, arranged fists.

Burnt collective farm barn, lying next to the burned sacks of grain, an enemy bullet pierced a window in the house collective activist, who was killed with his fists.

Weapons seized from the kulaks.

Arsonists and terrorists, the leaders of kulak bands on the dock.

The defendant, wearing a hoodie with embroidered crosses.

Reel №2

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Departure from Moscow of working 25-thousanders in the village, to say goodbye to the departing station mourners, shaking hands, talking cheerfully.

A poster on the wall of the car: "Hi workers, advanced fighters for complete collectivization» - CU.

The train departs from the windows of cars seeing off passengers waving their hands.

Is the engine (on the machine) with flags and a poster "to storm the reorganization of agriculture» - MS., CU.

The first tractor in the village, portrait of VI Lenin on a tractor, a moving tractor goes along the village peasants crowd with banners and flags.

The slogan on a fluttering flag, "All farms.

Machine and science will lead us out of poverty. "

Farmers largest display accompanied tractor on his way to the field.

A tractor with a plow to plow starts collective field tire encounters a plow and breaks it.

Plow layers of earth cuts - CU.

Women's work-worn hand driving according to the primer - CU.

Village women to lecture in learning to read and write the letters on the table are the words "farm" Updated labor »- CU.

The woman and the man behind the desk in the campaign against illiteracy - CU.

A woman in the class wrote on the blackboard the words: "In the women farm life easier» - CU.

Peasant children in the collective kindergarten eat at tables with metal bowls - LS., MS.

Opening of the first rural power - farmers are waiting for the new fire, his hands pressed the button on the panel.

Lighted bulbs.

Peasants happily applaud.

Stares old woman.

Electrician bulb screwed - CU.

Man watch with interest at the burning "bulb Ilyich» - CU.

Smiling faces of young peasant women.

Photo: V. Lenin and NK Krupskaya at the opening of power plant in the village of Kashino in 1920.

Dnieper dam - LS.

Industrial landscape (large factory with smoking chimneys and clouds of steam over them) - LS. (With a / t).


Ready tractor at the factory before shipping them to the village, train, tractor leaves from the plant - LS.

Machine-station, enters the yard tractor.

Combines, trucks yard MTS.

The first foremost collective - Maria Demchenko at work on beet field, Praskovya Angelina is a tractor in a field tractor Praskovya mess preparing for work, combine Konstantin Borin, sits at the helm and lead harvester in the field.

In Uzbekistan, farmers in large groups are building Fergana Canal.

Construction of the Fergana Canal, thousands of people are digging hoe the ground.

Uzbek girls work on the construction of the canal with the men - CU.

Uzbeks play Kornai (long musical pipe).

Discovery channel - cut the ribbon - CU.

Rapid flow of water comes into the mainstream channel.

Smiling, enthusiastic faces Uzbeks builders channel.

Looks old Uzbek - CU.

Ferghana canal irrigation system - LS. (With a / t).

Portrait of VI Lenin on the panel in the back of the stage in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses - CU.

Grand opening of III All-Union Congress of Collective Farmers in the Kremlin Palace on November 25, Hall - LS.

All standing applause - PNRM. the hall.

The Bureau applauds standing - LS.

In the back of the stage on a panel with a portrait of the Bureau VI Lenin - LS.

At the podium, NV Podgorny, LI Brezhnev, PNRM. right FD Kulakov, A. Shelepin, KT Mazurov, AJ Pelshe, DS Polanski, AP Kirilenko, MA Suslov, AN Kosygin, the representatives of the collective farmers.

GI Ravens, LE The rustle of the podium.

II Congress Party Congress opens farmers, field crop farm "Covenants Ilyich" Kurgan region, honorary academician Terence S. Maltsev.

PA Malinin and others on the podium - MS.

At the podium guests from foreign countries: Kim Kum Mann - DPRK, Stoyan Syulemezov - Bulgaria, Vasile Vlk - Romania, L. Rinchin - Mongolia, Cruz - Cuba, Georg Ewald - GDR, etc.

LI Brezhnev goes to the podium to speak, delegates and guests standing greet him.

Leonid Brezhnev's speech at the Congress of collective farmers (synchronous): greeting the delegates, describing the collective farm system, says the great significance of the collective farm system in the life of the Soviet state in the task of building communism.

Delegates to the Congress - Heroes of Socialist Labor, order bearer listen, applaud.

Delegates collective various republics and regions at a meeting of the Congress - CU., MS.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Disasters farm peasantry caused by fascist invaders: fires in the villages, offensive invaders on Soviet territory, villagers stealing cattle, burning bread, they leave their homes.

Women with children in their arms crying, left homeless - CU.

Collective farmers evacuate farm machinery, a refuge from the enemy.

Collective farmers rent their personal savings to the defense fund - MS., CU.

Squadron, a tank column, built on money farmers.

The tank with the inscription: "Tula farmer", "Moscow farmer» - CU.

Kolhoznik kisses tank tank crew, built at his own expense.

Women replace men who had gone to the front, worked on the farm: farm chairman (female) inspects the motorcycle field during harvest.

Women at the wheel of the tractor, driving a combine.

A sign on the ripening grain, "Hectares defense» - CU.; Farmers poured grain in bags labeled "defense fund."

Carts with bread and agricultural products along the way.

Camels in the train with the bread - LS. (In the Central Asian republic.)

Reel №3

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Newsreel 1941-1945.:

On the way to the liberated from Nazi occupation, Soviet soldiers held territory.

The Soviet people are returning to the liberated areas.

Women buried in the trench.

Mine detectors check box neutralize discovered in the overgrown grass field enemy mine.

A woman cleans mine heaping neutralized mines - CU.

Women bake bread in a dilapidated furnace, completely destroyed the village.

Preschool boy whipping a horse, helping the mother bush field.

Posters "liberated regions of Ukraine", "liberated regions of Belarus."

Repatriation of demobilized soldiers after the victorious end of the war, in his village the soldiers hugged their wives.

Newsreel 1946-1950 is:

Demobilized soldiers, guerrillas, who lost his hand in a fight, the Hero of the Soviet Union Kirill Prokofievich Orlovsky, selected as chairman of the collective farm "Dawn" in the village Myshkovichi Byelorussian SSR, the work in the kolkhoz (the first post-war years).

Newsreel 1958:

Episodes from the life of the collective farm "Dawn", ordered under KP Orlovsky: passing refurbished tractor, restored works in the forge shop.

Orlovsky, along with farmers in the field.

Farm girls put on KP Orlovsky large wreath of flowers, congratulating him on awarding the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

Continued meetings of the Congress of collective farmers III - Acts LI Brezhnev, the final part of the question.

All the participants of the congress standing applause - PNRM., LS.

Sent to the stands Politburo member, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR DS Polanski, the congress participants the greetings of his - LS.

11/25/69, the

DS stands Polanski on "A new model statutes farm": the achievements in agriculture, achieved as a result of collectivization, the new changes in the life and economy of the collective farms, mechanization of labor in the collective farms, farmers growing culture (synchronously).

Illustrations to report DS Polanski: Many collective village, covered in lush gardens - PNRM., LS.

Machine yard farm - tractors, combines, farm machinery in the yard - LS. PNRM., MS.

Collective herd of cows grazing in the meadow by the river - LS. (With motion).

Landscaped area livestock farm - LS.

The car driven by feed silo on a farm - LS.

Poured into the feed trough, cows eat feed.

The hand presses the button on the control panel unit complex feeding farm.

The car handles korneklubni beets.

In the collective farm laboratory specialists work - MS., CU.

In the collective farm bookkeeping machine keeps track of production and income diversified economy.

New houses in the village farmers - MS., LS.

Hall of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, playing DS Polanski of conquest of the working peasantry, the triumph of Lenin's cooperative plan of alliance of industry and agriculture, science and labor concluding words of the report (synchronously).

Delegates listen, applaud - LS., MS.

At the podium - MA Suslov, AP Kirilenko, A. Pelshe, DS Polanski, A. Shelepin, NV Podgorny, LI Brezhnev, FD Kulakov, KT Mazurov, AN Kosygin, GI Ravens, PE Shelest - PNRM.

Panels depicting VI Lenin in the back of the stage of the Palace of Congresses.

Members of the Congress applauded - PNRM., LS., MS.

Standing applause - PNRM., MS., LS.

Meetings, interviews delegates in the hall of the Palace - LS., MS.

Chairman Kostroma farm XII October Praskovya Andreevna Malinin - Hero of Socialist Labor in the lobby of the Palace said the high culture of the Soviet people.

Reel №4

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In the lobby are young kolkhoz - delegates: Shepherd of the Buryat ASSR Svetlana Andanova etc.

S. Andanova in the lobby tells how she became a shepherd, urges youth to work in agriculture.

The smiling faces of the young collective farmers - the delegates of the congress.

Discussion of the draft of the new Constitution at a meeting of the Congress, he spoke - MS., CU.

Livestock farm with comfortable rooms - LS. (Summer).

Feeder cattle, built on a great circle, the cows eat from the trough - PNRM., LS.

Pigs - well room - appearance.

Cage pigs in a place with artificial feeding and harvesting machines.

Construction of houses in the village of city type - car driven construction panels to the building site.

Cranes fed panels to the installation at home.

Finished panel 2-storey house - summer.

Building collective sanatorium - LS. (Winter).

Sanatorium worker put on the table for dinner.

Vacationers farmers in the beautiful lobby - MS.

The doctor measures the blood pressure resting collective farm.

Vacationers in the library - internal view.

Portrait of VI Lenin in the Reading Room - MS.

Address by the Chairman of the Credentials Committee, the Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, VD Kulakov at a meeting of the Congress.

In the hall listening to delegates - order bearer, Heroes of Socialist Labor - MS., CU.

Acts brigadier reindeer farm named "The First Revolutionary Committee of Chukotka" Chukotka autonomous district of Magadan region, GA Aretagin - about radical changes in the lifestyle of the former nomads - herders and fishermen.

Milker stands collective farm.

Zhdanov Brest region of the Byelorussian SSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, LI Osiyuk (the prosperous, the cultural life of the collective farmers, the concern of the Communist Party and the government of the farmers).

On the example of the collective farm "Bolshevik Vladimir region: PNRM. Interior apartment farmer, furnished and equipped for urban type: TV in the apartment, bathroom, gas stove in the kitchen - PNRM.

Children of farmers in the village go to school, a new school building (block, typical) - LS. (Autumn).

In class students are sitting at their desks of the senior class - CU., PNRM.

Streets of modern, well-maintained village - LS. (Summer).

Palace of culture "Russia" on the farm "Red Field" Kabardino-Balkaria - LS. (Summer).

Cinema building on the farm "Druzhba» - LS. (Summer).

The Auditorium Theatre (without people) - LS.

Kolkhoznaya Library - internal view.

Reading Room - Collective Farm at the table reading books, magazines, the portrait of VI Lenin on the wall - MS., CU.

Session III All-Union Congress of Kolkhoz - delegates listen - LS., MS.

Chairperson of the Uzbek collective farm.

Lenin and Hero of Socialist Labor, member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR N. Yuldashev (about multinational friendly family farmers, about the challenges faced by the collective farm).

Performs mechanic farm "Sõprus" (Friendship) of the Estonian SSR, Hero of Socialist Labor EP Otsman (female) (thanks for the Central Committee of the Party, the Soviet government for its assistance to agriculture of the Republic, calls all work hard on the ground).

At the podium - LI Brezhnev, NV Podgorny, AN Kosygin, MA Suslov, AP Kirilenko, DS Polanski, A. Pelshe, KT Mazurov, AI Shelepin etc.

Foreign visitors Georg Ewald - GDR, Vasile Vlk - Romania, Ofif Al Rauch and others on the podium.

By Ministers of Agriculture of the USSR VV Mackiewicz (on sound scientific program of improving agriculture, the benefits of large-scale, planned socialist agriculture).

Members of the Congress listen, applaud - PNRM., LS., MS.

Reel №5

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Session III All-Union Congress of Collective Farmers in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses - Delegates applauded - LS.

At the podium - LI Brezhnev, NV Podgorny, AN Kosygin, MA Suslov, AP Kirilenko, DS Polanski, A. Pelshe, KT Mazurov, AI Shelepin, L.E.Shelest, GI Ravens.

Acts writer MA Sholokhov (a change in the appearance of the village collective and spiritual makeup farmer, of providence ways of development of our country, about translating providence in life).

Delegates applauded - LS.

Brigadier serves farm "Kuban 'Krasnodar Territory, the Hero of Socialist Labor, member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR MI Klepikov (on the correct path of the Communist Party in the collectivization of small-scale agriculture, the elimination of the kulaks, the advantages of large-scale socialist farming over small farms).

Delegates applauded - MS., LS.

GDR delegation headed by H. Ewald passed the delegates honorary banner with a portrait of VI Lenin and the emblem of the German-Soviet Friendship Society, on behalf of members of agricultural cooperatives GDR.

The congress delegates take banner applaud.

Moscow - streets and squares, taken from the passage.

Delegates III All-Union Congress of collective farmers in the Museum of the Revolution, guests are greeted with the oldest members of the CPSU.

Margarita V. Fofanova, who worked on behalf of the VI Lenin in the first People's Commissariat of Agriculture, and others.

MV Fofanova talking to farmers.

Director Rybnovskij MTS Ryazan region, member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Daria Garmash Matveyevna with farmers in the Museum of the Revolution.

Photograph of a noble tractor driver Daria Garmash, won in the war of honor red flag, presenting it to her banner.

Honorary Red Flag with the words on the banner "best female tractor brigade of the Soviet Union, the banner of the Komsomol. 1942, "which won the D. Garmash, at the museum.

Delegates to the Congress of collective farmers at the flag.

Cotton growers in Uzbekistan - delegates at a party at a textile plant "Tryokhgornaya manufactory".

Men and women textile exchange ...

Weaver presented to guests in the gift portrait of VI Lenin.

At the session of III All-Union Congress of Collective Farmers delegates welcome delegations of workers of Moscow enterprises - LS.

Welcoming speech acts smith automobile Likhachev, drummer communist labor KI Malin.

Ready Harvesters - LS.

Coming off the assembly line tractor "Kirovets» - CU.

Train passes with tractors.

Digger digging ditches in a swampy area to dry the area under cultivation, the car handles the vineyard, sprinkler in action.

Aircraft pollinating fields - LS.

Helicopter pollinating vineyard.

Cotton harvesters at work on the field.

Works combine for harvesting sunflowers chaeuborochny harvester in action.

Running flax machine - MS.

Haymaker on the meadow - LS.

The machine cuts the green mass of silage - CU., LS.

The machine cleans the field headed cabbage - MS., CU.

Powered beet harvester - CU., LS., MS.

Combine harvester at work on the field - MS., CU.

Assembling million harvester in the country on the line of the plant "Rostselmash".

Combine "Rostselmash SC-4-million" off the assembly line.

Workers applauded, welcoming millionth processor.

Millionth tractor in the country off the assembly line Kharkov Tractor Plant - LS.

At the closing session of the Congress November 27, 1969, Chairperson of the collective farm.

XXII Congress of the CPSU Vinnitsa, Hero of Socialist Labor, member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR VM Kavun.

Delegates voted for the adoption of the mandates of the Charter of the indicative farm - LS.

Delegates applauded welcome NV Podgorny - PNRM., LS.

Chairman of the meeting of the Congress NV Podgorny performs a final speech, announces Congress closed.


All the participants of the congress standing applause - LS., MS.

Applaud standing party and government leaders and other members of the presidium of the congress.

Tractor plowing the land in a field - LS.

Plow cuts and falling off the earth formations.

Tractor sowing of grain drills - LS., MS.

The field of ripening wheat, wind waves rocking ears - LS.

Grain harvesting in the vast field of the column combines, direct strips mowed wheat rolls - LS. (The plane).

A large flock of sheep in a pasture in the mountains.

Shepherd with a herd - MS.

Herd of goats in the pasture - LS.