The microbe of communism. (1925)

Film-document №72018 5 parts, Duration: 0:31:56 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:12:09

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Producer Lenfilm

Director: Mihail Doronin, Dubrovskij

Script writers: Dubrovskij

Operators: Petr Ermolov


The film tells about the work of the editorial office of the newspaper "Izvestia", the release of the next issue of the newspaper and the work of the editor-in-chief.

Media | History

Social life

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The exchange of radio signals between Paris and Moscow (animation).

Views of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Views of the tower of the Moscow radio station, built according to the project of engineer Shukhov.

The correspondent receives and records news from France by phone.

Panorama and views of Paris.

French President E. A. Millerand goes to the polls in 1924.

Millerand and his entourage leave the polling station.

Parisians get acquainted with the election results from newspapers and posters on street stands.

View of the Elysee Palace building.

The arrival of the new Prime Minister of France, Herriot E., at the Elysee Palace.

A view of a spontaneous rally in Berlin after receiving news of the fall of the Poincare cabinet in France.

The divorce of Tower Bridge in London.

London correspondent of" Izvestia CEC " David at his desk.

The duty editor of Izvestia in Moscow receives information from Leningrad by phone.

Panorama of the central part of Leningrad (from above).

Passers-by on the Anichkov Bridge.

The Leningrad correspondent of Izvestia transmits information by phone.

The telephone operator in the editorial office takes shorthand of the text transmitted by him.

Waves of the Gulf of Finland flood the shore during the flood of 1924.

Neva overflows the banks on the embankment, view of the embankment.

A typist with headphones receives information.

The Leningrad correspondent is on the phone.

One of the flooded streets of Leningrad.

The consequences of the flood in Leningrad.

A fragment of a newspaper sheet.

Employees of the editorial office of Izvestia at work.

Construction of wooden residential buildings.

View of a new wooden residential building.

The members of the admissions committee go to the next house.

Panorama of the building of the new House-commune.

Employees of the editorial office of Izvestia enter the entrance of the building.

Editorial staff at work.

Panorama and views of the Sparrow Hills during working festivities, people lead a mass round dance.

Rowing competitions on the Moscow River.

Views of the Moscow River during the competition.

The editorial staff analyzes and processes the received material.

Typists at work.

The process of manual typing in a printing house, typesetters behind letter registers.

The typesetter is at work.

Internal view of the linotype shop of the printing house, the work of linotypes.

The typesetter at the linotype keyboard is typing text.

The process of automatic casting of typed lines on metal plates.

Automatic typing on linotypes.

Employees of the printing house link the typed lines into proofs, types of the linotype shop.

Laying of facets under the press.

Pre-printing of texts.

Sheets with printed texts.

Proofreaders check the set.

The editorial secretary checks the set and hands it over to the night issuing editor.

Carrying out the proofreading of the set.

The process of making up the next issue of the newspaper.

Printing a newspaper sheet.

Marking of stamps with permits for the output of the number.

The process of manufacturing the matrix of the next issue of the newspaper.

Laying the matrix under the press.

Production of metal castings from the matrix-stereotypes.

The process of making stereotypes.

Installation of stereotypes on the shafts of rotary machines.

An employee of the printing house starts a rotary machine.

Smearing of stereotypes with paint during rotation.

View of a part of a rotary machine.

Installation of a paper roll in a rotary machine.

The process of printing the next issue of the newspaper, the drums of the rotary machine rotate.

Automatic calculation of the newspaper's circulation.

View of one of the nodes of the rotary machine.


Miljeran Etjen Aleksandr -- French statesman and politician
Errio Eduar-Mari -- French statesman and politician


1924 1925





Russian cities and regions; Towns and countries; History of foreign countries; Political figures; Communications; Industry; Construction; Disasters; Life and leisure
Geography and Nature; History; Biography; Policy; Sectors of the economy; Wars, conflicts and disasters; Social life

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The editor-in-chief of Izvestia Steklov Yu. M. dictates an article to a stenographer, Steklov's face.

Steklov gets up, walks along the table, dictates.

The stenographer keeps a record, Steklov answers the phone call.

The stenographer dictates the text of the article to the typist, a sheet of typewritten text.

Steklov at his desk signs the reprinted article he has brought.

A fragment of the text of the article, Steklov's face.

Checking the text.

The text of the article with Steklov's signature.

Steklov approves the next issue of the newspaper before sending it to the set.

Sending materials to the set using cable mail.

A.V. Stoklitsky, the editorial secretary, is in his office discussing the issues of covering the crop problem with the issuing editor, reading a telephone message.

Steklov at his desk.

Steklov is on the phone, the heads of departments enter the office of the editor-in-chief.

Steklov signs the articles brought, solves current issues.

Steklov holds a meeting with the staff of the magazine "Krasnaya Niva".

Steklov during a meeting with representatives of the Main Office.

Steklov holds a meeting with the editorial staff of Izvestia, speaks at the meeting, the faces of the employees.

Steklov's meeting with the secretaries of the rural cells of the RCP (b).

Speeches of the participants of the meeting.

Panorama of Steklov's office during the meeting, the faces of the cell secretaries.

The London and Paris correspondent of Izvestia, David, greets Steklov after arriving from Georgia.

Steklov and members of the editorial board meet the French communist Andre Marti.

Steklov's conversation with Marty.

The text of the article in Izvestia about Marty's stay in Moscow, with an illustration.

Meeting of employees of the party department of Izvestia.

Entrance to the editorial office of Izvestia and Krasnaya Niva.

Newspaper employees and correspondents in the editorial offices, delivery of letters and telegrams to the editorial office from the field.

An employee of the editorial office distributes the received material by departments.

One of the employees conducts a selection of interesting materials and information from newspapers published in the USSR.

A postman passes by with a bag on his shoulder.

Checking the mtext of the telegram from Baku about the restoration of oil fields, the text of the telegram.

Panorama of one of the Baku oil fields, view of one of the towers.

An editorial staff member checks the text of the telegram.

The text of a telegram from Bukhara about a protest demonstration against the raid of the German police on the Soviet trade mission.

Views and panorama of the protest demonstration in Bukhara.

One of the speakers speaks from the balcony.

Panorama and views of the rally (from above).

Processing of telegrams in the editorial office of Izvestia.

The text of a telegram from Ivanovo-Voznesensk about the launch of a textile factory.

Production processes at a textile factory.

Female workers service the machines.

Head of the Department of information about the USSR Erde D. I. at work.

Opening and processing of letters received by the editorial office.

The employees of the department unfold the letter in the form of a long scroll.

Correspondents from the field and visitors talk with the staff of the department.

The head of the Department of labor and professional movement reads letters from the field.

The head of the department gives the employee another task.

A mother with a newborn baby in her arms during the"October".

The participants of the" Octobrin " make speeches.

The text of the mother's order.

The mother's face.

The photographer of "Izvestia" is shooting the speakers.

Editorial staff member Prigradov-Kudrin talks with the pioneers, reads the article they brought, the pioneers at the campfire.

The texts of the notes in Izvestia.

The editorial staff talks with visitors.

Texts of articles devoted to theatrical art.

Employees of the culture department discuss the theater repertoire.

The text of the article "Criticism and bibliography".

Employees of the bibliographic department at work.

Employees of "Krasnaya Niva" discuss illustrations for the next issue.

The poet Kazin V. V. reads new poems at a meeting of a group of writers working in Izvestia and Krasnaya Niva.

The participants of the meeting approve of Kazin's poems.

A subscriber in the main office of Izvestia CEC is waiting in line for a newspaper subscription.

People who want to submit an ad in Izvestia are waiting in line.

The faces of those standing in line.

Ad collection agents are sent to work.

The texts of the ads on the last page of Izvestia.

The manager of the main office of Izvestia, S. M. Kranz, receives visitors, signs documents.


Steklov Yurij Mihajlovich (Nahamkis Ovshij Moiseevich) -- revolutionary, statesman and politician, journalist, historian
Stoklickij Aleksandr Veniaminovich -- journalist
Erde (Rajhshtejn) David Izrailevich) -- journalist, political figure
Marti Andre -- French revolutionary and political figure
Kazin Vasilij Vasiljevich -- poet, journalist


1924 1925


Ivanovo region

Political figures; Communications; Social life; Childhood and youth; Life and leisure; Holidays
Biography; Policy; Sectors of the economy

Reel №3


Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Red Army infantry on parade.

View of the gun turret of a warship.

An airplane flies over Red Square.

Red Army soldiers at the banner during the ceremony of acceptance by the editorial board of Izvestia of patronage over the squadron "Ultimatum".

The faces of the Red Army soldiers.

Steklov Yu. M. speaks to the squadron personnel.

The performance of one of the pilots.

The faces of the participants of the event.

Panorama of the table of the presidium of the solemn meeting, at the table - Steklov, editorial staff and squadron pilots.

The face of one of the first Russian aviators, B. I. Rossinsky, who is present at the meeting.

One of the pilots presents a model of an airplane as a gift to the Izvestia editorial office.

A model of an airplane on the presidium table.

The construction of the personnel of the N-th brigade of the Red Army, over which the editorial board of Izvestia took patronage, " on the line of the summer camp.

The head of the editorial department of "Defense of the USSR" N. N. Kuzmin speaks to the Red Army soldiers.

Panorama of the part of the training ground where the brigade personnel are being trained in the conditions of the use of chemical toxic substances by the enemy.

Movement of fighters on the field.

Gas supply from gas cannons.

Kuzmin speaks to the Red Army soldiers.

A jet of a flamethrower over the landfill, clouds of smoke rise up.

Panorama of the camp of one of the brigade units during Kuzmin's speech.

Kuzmin continues to perform, the Red Army soldiers in gas masks are crossing the infection zone by dashes.

a beep at one of the enterprises.

Types of the restored industrial enterprise.

Restoration of the blast furnace.

Loading coke into the furnace.

The entrance to one of the mines.

View of a part of an industrial enterprise.

Production processes in the rail-rolling shop.

The texts of articles in "Izvestia".

An employee of Izvestia talks with the People's Commissar of Health of the USSR N. A. Semashko in his office.

The sea waves are rushing onto the shore.

Crimean and Black Sea flora, resting in the waves of the surf.

Semashko gives an interview to the correspondent of "Izvestia", vacationers in one of the sanatoriums.

Carrying out therapeutic mud procedures to one of the vacationers.

The faces of Semashko and the correspondent.

Panorama and views of one of the Black Sea resorts.

People are swimming in the sea.

The texts of articles on monetary reform published in Izvestia.

The correspondent of "Izvestia" talks with the People's Commissar of Finance of the USSR Sokolnikov G. Ya.

Sokolnikov's face.

Bags of gold coins in the bank vault.

Counting gold coins.

Sokolnikov's face.

Types of the facade of the building of the House of Unions during the drawing of the 1st draw of the State winning 6% gold loan.

Panorama of the Column Hall of the House of Unions during the drawing of the draw.

Sokolnikov is talking to a correspondent.

Sokolnikov enters the Hall of Columns, sits down at the presidium table.

Sokolnikov makes a speech before the start of the drawing of the golden loan draw.

Sokolnikov's face.

Sokolnikov is talking to a correspondent.

Sealing the lottery drum in the Hall of Columns.

A sentry with a rifle guards the seal on the drum.

Scrolling the reel, the girl takes out a ticket.

Announcement of the winning bond number.

Sokolnikov's face.

A worker of the Tula plant Tyurikov, who won 50,000 rubles in gold, stands at the cash register window waiting for the winnings.

The cashier counts the money.

Issuing money.

Tyurikov puts the money in his pockets and in the collection bag.

Tyurikov's face.


Steklov Yurij Mihajlovich (Nahamkis Ovshij Moiseevich) -- revolutionary, statesman and politician, journalist, historian
Rossinskij Boris Illiodorovich -- test pilot
Semashko Nikolaj Aleksandrovich -- doctor, statesman and politician
Sokoljnikov Grigorij Yakovlevich (Brilliant Girsh Yakovlevich) -- statesman and politician


1924 1925





Army; Meeting; Rallies; Political figures; Industry; Health; Life and leisure; Russian cities and regions; Finance; Sectors of the economy
Defense and internal security; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life; Biography; Policy; Towns and countries; Geography and Nature

Reel №5
