In the Name of Friendship. (1973)

Film-document №7300 1 part, Duration: 0:09:45 to collection Price category C
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  • 1
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:36

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Kulagina K.

Script writers: Shinaev V.

Operators: Artseulov O., Korovkin U.


A story about the "Train of Friendship" of the Soviet Trade Unions to the Czechoslovakian Soviet Socialist Republic.

Professions | Foreign policy

Social life | Policy

Temporary description

Stay of the delegation of Soviet trade unions in Czechoslovakia: a visit shipyard in Lubny, factory farms "Ksawerów" memorial on the site of the burned village of Lidice Memorial Vítkov "in Prague, Olshansky cemetery, where Soviet soldiers are buried. Visit to the Soviet trade union delegation chemical plant "Slovnaft" under Bratislava. Seeing the delegation. Education representative trade union movement Czechoslovakia at the higher rates of union AUCCTU.

Reel №1

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