In the Name of Peace in the World (Leonid Brezhnev's visit to the USA).. (1973)

Film-document №7309 5 parts, Duration: 0:44:10 to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:06

Availability of videosources

1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

1 3 4 5 2

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Setkina I.

Script writers: Borovik G.

Operators: Istomin A., Kiselev V., Filatov I.

Anouncers: Khmara L.


The film is about the visit of Leonid Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, to the USA.

Temporary description

USA. City of Washington. Ceremony welcoming ceremonies Leonid Brezhnev at the White House. Leonid Brezhnev and U.S. President Richard Nixon evade the guard of honor, exchange welcome speeches. Negotiations Leonid Brezhnev and Richard Nixon in the Oval Room of the White House and the presidential residence in the West in California. Leonid Brezhnev and Richard Nixon signed the Agreement on cooperation in peaceful uses of atomic energy, the Agreement on the Prevention of Nuclear War. Andrei Gromyko, Secretary of Agriculture Butz, Secretary of State in the U.S.. Rogers signed Soviet-American documents. Meetings, discussions Leonid Brezhnev with the senators and representatives of business circles of the United States, public figures, culture, art, astronauts, leaders of the Communist Party USA G. Winston and G. Hall. Reception at the Embassy of the Soviet Union in honor of President Nixon. Leonid Brezhnev and Richard Nixon in an informal setting. Press conference for journalists on the talks between Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev. Interviews Americans (synchronously) on the visit of Leonid Brezhnev in the United States. Newsreel meeting of Soviet and American allied troops on the Elbe River during the Second World War (1945).

Reel №1

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Kremlin, Moscow - panorama.

View of the hotel "Russia" - panorama.

Kalinin Avenue - the general plan.

Flags of the Soviet Union - a close-up.

Seeing the General Secretary of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev in the United States: from the building of the airport "Vnukovo-2» are members of the Soviet government - a common, average plans.

LI Brezhnev up the ramp.

Taxiing aircraft "IL-62" - the general plan.

Are the mourners - the general plan.

U.S. capital city

Washington - general plans (removed from the upper point).

Pools, parks - the general plan (shot from the top point).

The streets of Washington - the average plan.

White House, the flowers - the average plan.

People entering the building with columns - the overall plan.

President Abraham Lincoln Monument - close-up.

Street, visible obelisk - the general plan.

People walk down the street - A panorama.

Construction works Excavator - medium, large panorama.

Go parents with two girls - the average plan.

Hand holds a newspaper, a panorama of the seller of newspapers - close-up.

People buy newspapers - medium, large plans.

Poster: "Welcome!

General Secretary of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev "- close-up.

Photographs depicting life in the USSR (on the stand) - A panorama.

People look at the stand - close-ups.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Fleeing soldiers - average, panorama.

Planes in the air - the general plan.

The explosion on the water - the overall plan.

Soldiers in the trenches - the average plan.

LI Brezhnev at the front - close-up.

The inscription "Elba" in German - close-up.

The Russian-American soldiers in the spring of 1945 - the average plan.

Passage of Russian and American soldiers - the average plan.

Black-and-white military photos LI Brezhnev: the soldiers, with the comrade, the headquarters for the Victory Parade, a group of friends - the average, close-up.

Postwar newsreel:

LI Brezhnev among workers - the average plan.

LI Brezhnev speaking to builders (winter) - the overall plan.

LI Brezhnev speaks at the XXIV Congress of the Communist Party - a common, big plans.

Delegates to the Congress - panorama.

The signing of the Soviet-American agreements in May 1972 - LI Brezhnev and U.S. President Richard Nixon exchanged text of the agreement - the average plan.

Soviet and American flags - the average plan, impact.


Flags of the Soviet Union and the United States - the average, close-up.

Washington Street, decorated with flags of the USSR and the USA - the overall plan.

Solemn ceremony for LI Brezhnev on the south lawn of the White House: is an orchestra with trumpets - an outline of the soldiers carry banners - panorama.

Are meeting him - the average plan (with us).

AA Gromyko greeting American leaders - the general plan.

Atmosphere are the highest state and U.S. politicians, journalists - a common, average plans.

Fanfaristy on the balcony of the White House - panorama.

Pass Nixon and Mrs.

Nixon - the overall plan.

Conductor of the orchestra - the average plan.

LI car rides Brezhnev LI Brezhnev out of the car, greets Richard Nixon, his wife and other U.S. leaders - panorama.

LI Brezhnev and Nixon rise to the podium and greeted the audience from the podium - panorama, stand on the podium during the execution of the national anthems of the USSR and the United States - the average plan, down from the podium - the average plan.

On the lawn of the White House is an honor guard - a common, average plans.

LI Brezhnev and Nixon evade the guards of honor - a common, average plans.

LI Brezhnev greeting the representatives of the American people.

Operators shoot - middle distance.

Reel №2

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Stands guard of honor - the average plan.

President Nixon delivers a welcoming speech (simultaneously in English) - a common, average plans.

The audience listening and applauding - panorama of the total plan.

With the response the speaker, General Secretary of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev (synchronously) - large, medium plans, departure, impact, overall plan.

Cameraman shoots - the average plan.

Listen to members of the Soviet delegation AA Gromyko and others - panorama.

The audience applauded - the average plan.

LI Brezhnev and Richard Nixon shaking hands, down from the podium - panorama.

LI people welcome Brezhnev and Nixon - the average, the overall plan, impact, panorama.

LI Brezhnev and Richard Nixon on the balcony of the White House - the overall plan.

White House (shot through the gate) - the general plan.

LI Brezhnev and Nixon talk in the Oval Room of the White House for talks - different plans.

Soviet documentary interview the American people - the average plan.

Interviews provide the young man and the old man (simultaneously in English) - A panorama, departure.

Press conference at the State Department, sit journalists - different plans.

Is the general director of TASS LM Zamyatin and spokesman for the White House by R. Ziegler - the average, the overall plan.

Read the cameramen - the average plan.

Working sound engineers - the average plan.

Rotating disk recorder - close-up.

The press conference asking questions - the average plan.

On the streets of Washington's evening pass cars - the average, the overall plan.

The White House in the evening - the average plan.

Dinner, given in honor of Richard Nixon LI Brezhnev (18.06): Nixon on the steps of the White House - the average plan, shoot correspondents - A panorama, close-up

To the White House pulls car LI Brezhnev - an outline

LI Brezhnev gets out and greets Richard Nixon - medium, large plans.

Fanfaristy on the stairs - the average plan

Is a guard of honor - close-up

The guests leave LI Brezhnev and Richard Nixon and Mrs.

Nixon - medium, large plans.

The building of the State Department - an outline

In the hall of Franklin includes AA Gromyko, Minister of Agriculture E. Batu

LI Brezhnev and Richard Nixon - a common, average plans, departure.

The signing of cooperation agreements: in agriculture - sign AA Gromyko and A. Batu, transport, research, oceans and the General Agreement on contacts and exchanges - sign AA Gromyko and Secretary of State William Rogers - average plans.

AA Gromyko and William Rogers shook hands - the average plan

Read the cameramen - the average plan

LI Brezhnev and Nixon, AA Gromyko and William Rogers toasting - the average plan

To the White House pulls car LI Brezhnev - the average plan

LI Brezhnev greets meet - the general plan

Soviet-American negotiations - a common, average plans.

Richard Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev was involved in the negotiations - the average plan.

Reel №3

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Washington Street - the average plan.

Soviet flag over the old mansion of Blair House, the residence of L. Brezhnev - panorama.

Are Americans - panorama.

Black cop - close-up.

Men talk - the average plan.

Read the cameramen, mulatto - close-up.

U.S. senators out of the car and enter the building - the average plan.

Conversation LI Brezhnev and members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee of the U.S. Congress - different plans.

Committee Chairman Senator William Fulbright and Gale McGee talk about relations between the U.S. and the USSR (synchronous) - close-up.

LI meeting Brezhnev with representatives of the U.S. business community - medium, large plans.

AA Gromyko, NS Patolichev meeting.

On the street are the protesters against the Soviet-American cooperation. (U Capitol reactionary-minded Americans of Jewish descent) - different plans.

Held antiwar demonstrations with slogans against the war in Cambodia, Vietnam and others - different plans.

Among the demonstrators peace activist Dr. B. Spock - close-up.

Poster "Welcome, Brezhnev" in English - close-up.

It takes a column of American Communists - the general plan.

Poster "Communist Party USA" in English - medium shot.

Black-and-white footage of the meeting LI Brezhnev and the National Chairman of the Communist Party of the United States Henry Winston and the General Secretary Gus Hall - a common, average plans.


Camp David - the residence of the American presidents in the mountains, near Washington, are journalists - the average plan.

LI Brezhnev and Nixon are in the park - panorama of the average plan.

Swimming pool in the park - the overall plan.

Fish in the pool - A panorama.

Press Center, journalists at work - medium shot, hitting, close-up.

Hands typing on a typewriter - a close-up.

The helicopter lands on the South Lawn of the White House - the average plan.

Soviet and American flags - close-up.

LI Brezhnev and Richard Nixon out of the helicopter - panorama.

The signing ceremony at the White House agreement on cooperation in the peaceful use of atomic energy and the "Basic Principles of negotiations on further limitation of strategic offensive arms," ​​present applauded - the general plan, impact.

Correspondents of different nationalities at the signing of the agreement - panorama.

LI Brezhnev and Richard Nixon signing documents, shake hands and text of the agreement - different plans.

The building of the Soviet Embassy in Washington.

A sign reading "The Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" (in Russian and English) - close-up.

Reception at the Soviet Embassy in honor of President Nixon - are AA Gromyko and William Rogers and his wife - panorama.

Meeting at the Soviet embassy - the general plan.

LI Brezhnev talks to Richard Nixon, William Rogers and other guests - medium, large plans.

Dinner at the Embassy - General, A panorama.

LI Brezhnev and Richard Nixon speak at dinner - the general plan.

White House - the overall plan.

The signing ceremony of the "Agreement between the USSR and the USA on the Prevention of Nuclear War" - the overall plan.

LI Brezhnev and Richard Nixon signed the agreement, shake hands and text of the agreement - medium, large plans.

Watch the present - the general plan, departure.

Playing LI Brezhnev and Richard Nixon - the average plan.

AA Gromyko and other members of the Soviet delegation present at the signing - the average plan.

Reel №4

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People on the streets of Washington, a child in a stroller - hitting, middle distance.

A woman carries a child behind - close-up.

A man carrying a child - the average plan.

Vending machine for newspapers - the average plan.

The building of the Congress - the overall plan.

Interview Americans (simultaneously in English) - the two young men and old traveling salesman - big plans.

Washingtonians on the street - the average plan

Closeups of girls.

Clouds (shot through the wing of the plane) - the average plan.

Washington, DC - the general plan (shot from the top of a wing).

The Pacific coast in the state of California - panorama.

Streets in the city

San Clemente - A panorama.

The woman in the car reading the newspaper, next girl - close-up.

Children in the car laughing - close-up.

U.S. plane was taxiing - the general plan.

LI Brezhnev and Richard Nixon out of the plane, down the stairs and greet meet - average panorama of, departure.

LI people welcome Brezhnev and Nixon - the average, the overall plan.

Sign - welcome LI Brezhnev (in English) - close-up.

Palma - the average plan.

Western residence Nixon - "Casa Pacifica" - a common, average plans.

LI meeting Brezhnev and Nixon with prominent political and public figures in California, well-known American artists and culture (in the garden of the residence) - the average plan, impact.

The signing of the joint Soviet-American communique in the garden "Cash Pacific": LI Brezhnev and Richard Nixon signed the communiqué - the average plan.

Signed by Mrs.

Nixon, William Rogers and others.

Remove reporters and cameramen - the average plan.

Nixon stands (simultaneously in English) - a common, middle ground.

LI stands Brezhnev - different plans.

Listen to AA Gromyko, E. Batu and others - the average plan.

The audience applauded - panorama.

LI Brezhnev farewell to political and public figures - the average plan.

American astronauts Charles Conrad, P. Weitz, J.

Kerwin, flying on "Skaylzbe" the helicopter - the general plan.

LI Brezhnev and Nixon go on trucks to the helicopter - the general plan.

LI Brezhnev and Nixon greet and talk to the American astronauts - different plans.

LI Brezhnev says goodbye to the American people - a large, common plans.

LI Brezhnev and Richard Nixon lifted the helicopter - the general plan.

The helicopter takes off and flies to the airfield, the distance the mountains - panorama.

Interview Americans - industrialist and architect (simultaneously in English) - the average plan.

Soviet soundman record interview - the average plan.

Reel №5

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Interview Americans pensioner (former metallurgist working), his wife and the students (simultaneously in English) - the average plan, simultaneously in English.

The ceremony of the official wire LI Brezhnev at the airport, "Andrews" - is a guard of honor - a common, panorama of.

Soldiers from the flag - the average plan.

LI Brezhnev and U.S. Vice-President S. Agnew held aerodrome, stand on the podium - a common, average plans.

Acts S. Agnew (simultaneously in English) - the average plan.

Listen to the present - panorama.

Listening to AA Gromyko - the average plan.

LI stands Brezhnev (synchronously) - medium shot, run over, departure, the overall plan.

People waving red flags - the overall plan.

LI Brezhnev and S. Agnew go to the aircraft - the general plan.

LI Brezhnev up the ramp and says goodbye to the mourners - the average plan.

Mourners waving against aircraft - panorama.

Taxiing and taking off aircraft "IL-62" - medium, panorama.

Moscow - the general plan (shot from the top point).

The buildings of the Kremlin - panorama.

Departure from the Kremlin tower on the embankment of the Kremlin - the average plan.

Stars on the towers of the Kremlin - the average plan.