The Youth of the Planet is Hardened During Struggles. (1973)

Film-document №7322 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:09 to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:13

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Semenov T.

Operators: Baykov V., Bgancev I., Izvekov V., Myakishev G., Nikonov V.

Anouncers: Kolychev U.

Text writers: Krushinskiy A.


The film is about the X World Youth and Student Festival held in the city of Berlin in summer of 1973.

Historical background

From 28 July to 5 August 1973 in the GDR in Berlin held X-th World Festival of Youth and Students.

Festivals of Youth and Students

Youth | Social life

Temporary description

The film is dedicated to 10-th World Youth Festival in Berlin: the arrival of delegates to the festival in Berlin, opening ceremony of the festival at the stadium in Berlin, the meeting of young people in the club of the Soviet delegation, rallies on the streets of Berlin, speaking at a solidarity meeting of delegates of the festival (synchronously), visit delegates of the festival of the former death camp - Buchenwald. Torchlight procession of young people. Among the speakers at the rally, Angela Davis and others. Night concert in Berlin. Among the speakers at the concert: Dean Reed (synchronously).

Reel №1

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Seeing the Berlin station festival participants: youth forgiven, some cry - MS., CU.

Vietnamese girl waving from the windows of cars - CU., MS.

Does the train - MS.

Berlin area - LS., PNRM. (Top point).

Opening the festival at the stadium for World Youth.

Olympic champion Wolfgang Nordwig with a torch in his hand goes up to the bowl and lights the fire X World Festival - LS., MS.

Young people in the stands welcomes the opening of the festival - different.

Festival procession opens youth delegation of Bulgaria.

Pass the representatives of Viet Nam - LS., MS.

Pass the delegations of Angola, Bangladesh, Ireland, African States, Japan, Latin America, Italy, France, USA, Japan, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, - MS., CU.

Is a Soviet delegation in its ranks VV Nikolayeva-Tereshkova, the first secretary of the Komsomol EM Tyazhelnikov - MS.

Completes the procession GDR delegation - LS.

Girls released doves into the sky - MS., PNRM.

A flock of pigeons over the stadium - LS., PNRM.

On the podium, Erich Honecker, Willy Stoph Gunther Jan and others.

Young people in the square and the streets of Berlin to play guitar, sing, dance, put their signatures on the flag on the cloth, collect money to build a hospital in Hanoi - different.

Youth Club in front of the Soviet delegation - MS.

Club owners welcome guests "bread and salt» - MS., CU.

Young people talking - CU., MS.

Young people sing, play instruments, ninth-Sergei from Ryazan played on wooden spoons, German girls singing "apple" (synchronous) - MS., CU., PNRM.

World Clock - construction on Alexander Platz - LS., CU.

Youth at the opening of the International Centre of Solidarity - LS., MS.

To the President of the World Federation of Democratic Youth Roberto Vietstsi (synchronous) - CU.

Reporters - CU., PNRM.

Reel №2

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The street is young - CU., PNRM.

Demonstrations of solidarity with the people of Ireland, Portugal, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Greece, Palestine - different.

Youth singing chants, sign the petition - different.

At the rally, advocates a Palestinian student leader Taysir Cuba (synchronously) - CU.

The rally of solidarity with the people of Vietnam Laos Kombodzhi.

T. embrace Cuba and Vietnamese.

The heroine of the People's Armed Forces for the Liberation of South Vietnam Ta Thi Kitty and others - PNRM.

French peace movement activist Raymond Dien in open area at the meeting - MS.

Interview R. Diene (synchronously in French) - CU.

In the hall a group of Vietnamese, among them - a young pilot named Shoat - MS.

E. Tyazhelnikov, Vietnamese and other delegates are holding hands - MS.

Rally, the final day of solidarity with the people of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia - LS., MS.

Performs the first secretary of the Central Council of the Free German Youth, Jan Guenther (synchronous) - MS.

Ta Thi Kitty stands (synchronously).

EV stands Tyazhelnikov (synchronously).

The photo exhibition, organized in the ruins of the monastery gray.

Photos - MS., PNRM.

The delegates of the festival in the Buchenwald concentration camp.

Memorial at Buchenwald: sculptures of prisoners, burning torches - LS., MS., PNRM.

Youth with wreaths and banners dropped down - MS., PNRM.

Face - MS.

Photo: Chilean fascists in the corpses.

At a rally of solidarity with the people fighting against the junta in Chile is the general secretary of the Communist Youth of Chile Gladys Marin - CU., MS. (Voice-over).

Listening to young people - CU.

At the rally are: Cuban Ramon Carmona Yanes, French Odile Vilmont, Adel Fathi of Egypt (synchronous and over).

Reel №3

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Rally in Karl-Marx-Stadt in the square near the monument to Marx - MS., LS.

He spoke.

Young people singing the "Internationale» - MS., PNRM.

Berlin area with a monument to VI Lenin.

Demonstration of one hundred thousand young Germans on Karl-Marx-Allee - LS., MS.

On the podium, Erich Honecker, Jan Guenther, Eugene Tyazhelnikov other - MS., PNRM., CU.

German youth welcome delegations from other countries - MS.

"Free Tribune Youth": discussions and reports on "Individual and Society", "Environment", "Scientific and technological progress" and others.

Elke Gekkert act, a young Siberian scientist Anatoly Shamraev other (synchronous) - MS., CU.

A ceremony in Treptow at the monument to Soviet soldiers in memory of the heroes of the soldiers who died in the struggle against fascism.

In the glare of floodlights - bronze statue of a Soviet soldier with saving a baby - LS., CU.

Torches in the hands of boys and girls - LS.

Columns of the festival moved to the monument in front of the procession carried wreaths representatives of the USSR - LS., MS., PNRM.

Acts HSU AP Maresyev (synchronous and behind the scenes) - MS.

Present at the ceremony to commemorate Erich Honecker, John Gunther, Eugene Tyazhelnikov and others.

Young men with torches - LS., MS., CU.

Rally in the square of Marx and Engels devoted to closing of the festival.

On the podium of Erich Honecker, H. Yang, Angela Davis, and others.

Angela Davis read the main document X World Festival "Call for the world's youth" (synchronously, in German) - MS.

Listening to young people - MS., CU., PNRM. (The top point), LS.

Night concert in the streets on the stage playing an American singer Dean Reed (synchronous) - MS., LS.

Young people dancing, singing, playing.

Youth and standing on the podium, Erich Honecker, Jan Guenther, Eugene Tyazhelnikov, Valentina Nikolayeva-Tereshkova and others sing the German song.

National flags of different countries - MS., PNRM.

PNRM. on youth.

The flag with the emblem of the X World Youth Festival - CU.