The Web.. (1973)

Film-document №7411 7 parts, Duration: 1:03:07, Black-white to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:45

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Makhnach L.

Script writers: Lomeyko V., Makhnach L.

Operators: Kiselev V.

Composers: Geviksman V.

Anouncers: Khmara L.


The film exposes subversive activities of imperialist secret services against the USSR and socialistic countries.

Foreign policy


Temporary description

The film tells about the anti-Soviet propaganda waged in the media in Western Europe and America, the statements of extremist organizations against the Soviet Union. The film shows interviews of former Soviet citizens who left the Soviet Union and moved to the place of residence in other countries, including Israel (synchronously), interviews of former citizens of socialist countries (synchronously). The film features various films, including: an interview with the leader of the party Germanskoy sexual Kurt Bauer (synchronously), the dispersal of student demonstrations in Germany, meeting in Brussels of the International Committee for Human Rights in the USSR, an interview with A. Amalric, recorded on American television, the press conference of dissidents Vladimir Krasin and A. Yakir (synchronously), exiled from the Soviet Union, the activities of the Salvation Army, removal of anti-Soviet literature in the customs, the activities of radio "Liberty", "Free Europe", the group "Jewish Defense League."

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

City of Munich - LS.

Buildings in Munich - MS.

People on the streets - MS.

Flags of different countries of the world on a building in Munich - MS.

Young people at the fountain on the street - LS., MS., CU.

Woman buying flowers - MS., PNRM.

The old man in the street - MS.

Take pictures - MS.

Visitors at a sidewalk cafe tables - MS.

A boy selling newspapers - MS.

People on the streets of the world to discuss the Soviet program - LS., MS.

USA. On the street of a town on fire the Soviet flag - LS., PNRM.

Anti-Soviet and anti-communist demonstrations in the streets of the city; sneaked burning the Soviet flag, posters with anti-communist slogans - LS., MS.

He made a speech of demonstrators against the Soviet Union (simultaneously in English) - MS.

Stallman sells newspapers, a man buys a newspaper and another man reading a newspaper on the street - LS., MS., CU.

Newspapers, PNRM. the portrait of Caesar's Axel Springer, the head of a newspaper empire in West Germany - CU.

The streets of a West German cities, stands with newspapers on the streets - MS., LS.

Buildings in the city - MS., LS.

Buildings Printing - LS., PNRM.

Springer is part of the building, the room is - MS., LS.

Newspapers in German - CU.

Springer stands at the microphone (simultaneously in German) - CU.

Springer is sitting in the audience surrounded by people - CU.

Pornographic magazines published by publishers under the command of C. Springer - CU.

Artists paint the naked girls - CU.

Half-naked dancing girls with painted bodies - CU.

Young people dancing in the hall - CU., LS.

Wiesbaden - LS.

The headquarters of the German sex party, the party emblem, a photo opportunity at a reception at the headquarters - MS., CU.

Girls in bikinis serving guests drinks - MS.

Sexual party chairman Kurt Bauer (synchronously in German) - CU., MS.

Listen to journalists - MS.

West Berlin at night - LS.

Student demonstration against the newspaper lies, students burned in the streets of pornographic magazines - MS., LS.

Police cars drive through the streets, police dispersed a demonstration of students, demonstrators hosed, beaten students pushed into police cars - LS., MS., CU.

City of Brussels - LS., PNRM.

The streets of Brussels - LS., MS., PNRM.

The meeting room of the International Committee for Human Rights in the USSR - LS., MS.

The speaker said - MS.

Listen Sovietologists from around the world - CU., MS.

Interpreters in the offices, in the meeting room - LS., PNRM.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Bern - LS., PNRM.

The building of the Oriental Institute - LS., PNRM.

Tablets with inscriptions on the building - MS.

Swiss newspaper "24 Hours" with the article about Pierre Bomer anticommunist activities of the Oriental Institute - CU.

Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport - LS.

Graduate student at a Moscow university Mikheev, who claims to be a teacher of biology at the Swiss François de Perregaux, passes through the airport terminal Sheremetyevo record card; boards a bus, podvozyaschy passengers to the aircraft - different.

The bus pulls up to the aircraft, passengers climb into the plane - LS., MS.

Border guards check documents alleged Perregaux at the ramp - CU.

Mikheyev-Perregaux at the checkpoint, the guard checks the documents Mikheev-Perregaux - CU.

Young soldiers, border guards at the crossing Airport - CU., PNRM.

Documents Mikheev-Perregaux on the table - CU.

Photo Francois de Perregaux, rush to the photo Mikheev - CU.

Mikheev in the lobby of the hotel "Ukraine» - LS.

Mikheyev meeting with F. de Perregaux in the hotel lobby - MS.

Mikheyev and F. de Perregaux held on the evening streets of Moscow - LS.


One of the offices of the Oriental Institute - CU.

Spokesman for the Institute in Dolber talking on the phone - (simultaneously in French) - LS., MS.

The man at the door of the Institute - MS.

USA. American television studio, a camera operator - LS.

The transfer of American television "Voice of Russian underground": an interview with "Columbia Broadcasting System" Bill Cole on his activities in Moscow (simultaneously in English) - MS., CU.

B. Cole walks down the street in Moscow (winter).

Andrew Almarik outside; meeting of Cole with A. Amalric - CU.

Amalric and his wife at home, on a wall photo of Mao Zedong - MS., CU.

B. Cole in the street comes to the car and gets into it - MS. (Winter).

Book by Amalric's "Will the Soviet Union Survive Until 1984?", Published abroad, quotes from the book - CU.

A. Almarik answers the question about the reason for a foreign journalist writing his book (synchronous) - CU.

The wife of a husband Almarika listening response - CU.

Bern Street, a showcase with anti-Soviet publications - LS., MS.

The showcase book Vladimir Bukovsky "on materials Cornelia Genstermayer" published abroad - CU.

K. Genstermayer in the edition of the Moscow airport - MS.

K. Genstermayer at the office makes their things for inspection - MS.

The brochure "The program of the democratic movement of the Soviet Union," composed and published in the West, especially for infiltration into the Soviet Union, citations from the brochure - CU.

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

A press conference for Soviet and foreign journalists to the press stands and Peter Victor Krasin Yakir, a Soviet court convicted for participation in subversive propaganda against the USSR (synchronously) - LS., MS.

Correspondents - CU.

Journalists write performance Krasin and Yakir - CU.

The city of Munich, the youth on the streets - MS., CU.

Hippie boys and girls smoke marijuana, dance - MS.

Youth on the streets in the hands of religious literature, learn the prayers, the young people are on the street sign reading, "Jesus loves you» - MS.

Salvation Army march through the streets of Munich - CU., LS., MS.

A woman from the Salvation Army, a speech from the podium - MS., LS.

Stockholm Street - LS.

Building, sign on the wall of a building with an inscription in Swedish: "Slavic Mission» - CU.

The building is part of the Slavic mission pastor Haralan Popov from Bulgaria - CU.

Pastor Ladin Popov, who defected from Bulgaria, talks about himself in the building of the Slavic mission (simultaneously in English) - LS.

Secretary of the mission Ingemar Martinson talks with Pastor Haralanom Popov - CU.

Brothers and Haralan Ladin Popov discussed books Haralana Popov, Popov Ladin is typing - MS., CU.

H. Popov's book, "I was a prisoner of communism» - CU.

Pastor L. Popov tells of abuse of Christians in Bulgaria (simultaneously in English) - CU.

Magazine "The Light in the East", published by the Slavic mission - CU.

Typography Slavic mission, where the anti-communist literature printed in the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR and the socialist countries - LS.

Literature - CU.

A member of the Salvation Army collects donations on the streets of Munich - MS.

Pastor Ladin Popov tells of assistance provided by the Slavic mission evangeliskih one of the organizations of the United States of America, under the direction of E G Bass (synchronous) - CU.

Photos of President of the American organization "underground evangelism" El G Bass - CU., MS.

Management program - CU.

Underground literature published "Slavic mission» - CU.

Soviet border - MS., PNRM.

Machines at a checkpoint on the border - MS.

Customs officers at the border of the cars pulled underground literature - CU.

The couple tries to smuggle across the border underground literature - CU.

Leaflet, published in the U.S. "Why Christians should fight against communism", a quote from a leaflet - MS., CU.

Lisbon - LS.

A man enters the building radios - LS.

Map reading "Ibra Radio» - CU.

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Antenna Radio "Free Europe" under Lisbon - CU., LS.

Station building - LS.

Photo E Ji Bass - CU., MS.

Text instructions for the Radio "Free Europe» - MS.

Pastors of the priests in the studio recording station are spiritual transmission in Bulgarian in Bulgaria (synchronous) - CU., MS.

Radio antenna crosses on the domes of churches - CU.

Moscow synagogue people out of the synagogue - LS., MS.

The Israeli delegation of the 6th World Festival of Youth of Moscow Jews near the synagogue, in the delegation of intelligence professionals: Colonel Moshe nongray, Efroim Laine, Moshe Siskin, whose task is to persuade the Soviet citizens to emigrate to Israel - CU., MS.

Animation: Israeli newspapers and magazines - CU.

Plane at the airport in Israel she zooms pilot flags - CU.

Soviet Jews leave the plane - MS., CU.

Exchange of documents - CU., LS.

Money exchange - MS., CU.

Rocky land of Israel - LS.

Israeli soldiers stand - LS., PNRM.

In the room sat the Jewish children, is a man - LS., CU.

City of Vienna - LS., MS.

House on Maltsgasse in which Jews live, the former Soviet citizens - LS., CU.

Room in the house, the room is a young woman who is ready at the plate, a child running around the room - LS.

People lie on the beds in the room - MS.

Joseph Fleischer in a room at the table tells how he went to Israel (synchronous) - CU.

Street one of the cities of Israel, police badge hanging - CU.

Clashes in the streets between people from different countries, the police dispersed the fighters, who were arrested in a police car sit - LS., MS.

Evening Vienna - LS., MS.

Windows of the house on Maltsgasse - CU., PNRM.

The table sits Joseph Fleischer, sit around, men and women, Fleischer tells the story of the Jews living in Vienna (synchronous) - LS.

Crying woman - CU.

The building of the Soviet consulate in Vienna, plaque on the building with the inscription: "The Consular Section of the Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics» - MS., CU.

On the streets of Vienna to the Soviet consulate passes Petrov-Stein - LS.

Profiles of former Soviet citizens - CU.

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Jews at a reception at the Soviet consulate in Vienna: the table sat a man with a baby and a young woman, the woman explains why she wants to return to the Soviet Union (synchronous) - MS., CU.

Israeli flags - MS.

Parade in Israel - MS.

Soldiers marching in the street near the building - CU., MS., LS.

Marching women in uniform - LS., CU.

Soldiers dancing in the street - LS., CU.

Petrov-Stein at a reception at the Soviet consulate in Vienna (synchronous) - MS., CU.

Engineer from Vilnius Gamarnas a reception at the Soviet consulate (synchronously) - MS., CU.

USA. The American flag is raised - CU.

Are members of the American Jewish Defense League, organized in the U.S. in 1968 - MS., PNRM.

League members take the oath - MS.

The head of the Jewish Defense League, Meir Kahane conducts theoretical sessions with young people - MS.

Young people in the class listens Meir Kahane - CU.

Practical lessons of the League: youth are trained for combat, rifle shooting - MS., CU.

A group of Soviet Jews to the reception at the consular department in Vienna - LS.

Jewish girl says (synchronously) - CU.

Crying woman - CU.

City of Munich - LS.

Tourists on a bus passing through the streets of Munich - CU.

Building radio "Free Europe" and "Freedom" in Munich - LS., CU.

Announcer radio "Freedom" is the transfer to the Soviet Union in Russian (synchronously) - CU.

Photo of Allen Dulles, the godfather of subversive radio centers - MS.

The city of Washington - LS.

Implementation of the operation, "Prospero", organized by the governing bodies of "Free Europe": the staff stations are balloons with attached anti-Soviet leaflets and special photographic equipment - MS., CU.

Balloons in the air over the territory of the European socialist countries, the balloon lies on the ground, next to lie leaflets and photographic - CU., PNRM.

Antenna, influx of broadcasters 'freedom', tape, rush to the building in the U.S. Congress - CU.

Reel №6

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Capitol - CU., LS.

The newspaper "The New York Times» - CU.

The report in the newspaper that the radio "Free Europe" and "Freedom" is funded by the CIA - CU.

Photo of Senator Clifford Case - CU.

Photo congressional committee chairman of the Foreign Affairs, Senator William Fulbright - CU.

Building radio "Free Europe" in Munich - MS.

Employees enter the building, placing passes doormen - LS., MS.

An employee of the radio station is down the hall - MS.

Heart Radio Central Bureau News - MS., CU.

The clock on the wall of the central news bureau showing the time in New York, Munich and Moscow - CU.

The Office of the work - MS., CU.

Conference hall read: the hall includes the editors of all the five divisions of the radio station - Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Romanian - MS.

American, British and West German flags in the conference hall - CU., PNRM. the hall.

American radio announcer says Ralf Walter (synchronously) - LS., CU.

Polish edition: editors and broadcasters transmission wire for Poland - CU., LS., MS.

The editor of the Polish department responds to employee questions in English and Swiss television (simultaneously in English) - LS.

TV stations in the Polish section, Polish immigrants - Radio Officer - comment on the events in Poland - MS., CU.

Swiss television interview the staff gives the editor of the Polish department of Jan Nowak (simultaneously in French) - CU.

Employees of the Central Bureau of radio news at work, a man is typing - MS., CU.

British television interview employees gives Director of Radio "Free Europe" Ralf Walter (simultaneously in English) - CU.

Polish scout Andrzej Chekhovich in the car - CU.

Documents Chekhovich, employee radio "Free Europe» - CU.

Press conference Chekhovich for Polish and foreign journalists in Warsaw - LS., MS.

Chekhovich introduces himself (simultaneously in Polish) - CU.

Reel №7

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Chekhovich talks about how he became a member of Radio "Free Europe" (simultaneously in Polish) - CU.

Camp in Zirndorf near Nuremberg, which contains and tested defectors and displaced persons - LS., MS.

People walk down the hall camps rooms with beds - LS.

Photographer takes pictures of one of the camp inmates - MS., PNRM.

A prisoner being fingerprinted - CU., PNRM.

Chekhovich talks about his work on the radio "Free Europe" (simultaneously in Polish), the documents show, rescued them from Munich - CU., MS.

Czech journalist sets Chekhovich issue of informants from Czechoslovakia or Hungary (synchronous) - CU.

Chekhovich answers questions (synchronous) - CU.

Shoot photographers - MS., CU.

Boxes with a card file of informers "Free Europe» - MS.

Employee filing responds to a question regarding the employee Swiss television dossier on the former director of the Czechoslovak Television Pelican (simultaneously in French) - MS.

Photo of an American citizen Freud Aydlina, expelled from Czechoslovakia for espionage - MS., CU.

Freud Aydlin walking, enters the building - LS.

Animation: Photo F. Aydlina - CU., LS.

Reference books radio "Free Europe", in which F. Aydlin appears as a political consultant from Czechoslovakia, F. Aydlin holds talk with them in the wording - MS., LS.

Said an employee of the Department of the Czech "Free Europe", a former journalist Prague Glory Freestyle (simultaneously in German) - CU.

Articles by the Free newspaper - CU.

Austrian newspaper "Folkeshtimme" with published it secret documents of the Committee of radio "Liberty" - "Guide on political programs» - CU.

The editorial staff "Free Europe" at work - CU.

Building radio "Free Europe", radio station, Popov pastors lead the program to Bulgaria is a soldier in a helmet - CU., MS.

Youth passes with flags, participants Youth Festival in Berlin - CU., LS.

Card with radio "Freedom" and "Free Europe» - LS.