Great Changes. (1974)

Film-document №7459 6 parts, Duration: 0:54:21 to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:20

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

1 2 3 4 5 6

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Rychkov B.N.

Script writers: Oshanin L., Rychkov B.N.

Operators: Maksimov L.

Anouncers: Khmara L.


The film is about the assistance rendered by the Soviet Union to the developing Asian and African countries.

Foreign policy


Temporary description

Indian village. Women with children. Indian youth. BM Ansari at work in the field, with the family, rides a bicycle. Construction in Bokaro. Soviet specialists, and Indian workers at a construction site. * Construction of the plant top view). Radio station in Mogadishu (Somalia). Soviet and Somali experts in devices. Elephants (removed from the aircraft). City Kismayo. Meat "Juba". Soviet and Somali workers at the mill. The boxes of canned goods. Somali village. Banana plantations. A field of wheat. Harvesters in the field. A herd of camels. Handling of animals on ships in the port of Berbera. School in Mogadishu. Soviet teacher among Somali students in class work. Printed color portrait of President Siad Barre drawn VI Vyalkinym. Somalis learn the characters. Works B. Ansari led the Soviet masters. Iraq. The port of Faw. Tanker "Rumailah" under unloading. Meeting of the Government of Iraq June 1, 1972 People are watching TV, listening to the radio. Speech by Iraqi President Bakr, A. Kh. Demonstrations on the streets. Soviet and Iraqi experts on the oil facility. City of Baghdad. The area of the city, a monument. Textile Mill in the city of Kut. Agricultural machinery plant in the Iskandar. Building channel tartar-Euphrates. Soviet specialists in the construction. Training Center oilmen. Classes. Egypt. Helwan Iron and Steel Works. Shop for hot rolled. Construction of the mine in Bahariya. A group of Soviet geologists VB Tsogogva which discovered phosphorite Abu Tartur. Aswan Dam. Arab and Soviet specialists at work. Yard in Alexandria. Ship "Ismailia". Iran. Persipolis. Tomb of King Cyrus. City of Shiraz. Tomb of Hafiz. Isfahan plant. Interview of Prime Minister Hoveyda Iran (synchronously in a foreign language). Pipeline USSR - Iran. Agricultural work. Mosque. India. Streets of Delhi. Monuments of architecture. City of Bombay. Unloading of the Soviet ship "Nazim Hikmet. Odessa port. Unloading of ships. India. Metallurgical plant in Bhilai. Heavy engineering works in Hardwar. Leonid Brezhnev's visit to India in November 1973 signed a treaty of peace. Friendship and cooperation.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Metal Works - LS., MS.

Hot rolling shop - MS.

Hearth furnace - CU.

Domna - LS.

Landscapes, peasant leads a camel - LS., MS.

Indian village: women near the houses of the work - MS., LS.

Indian boy Barabadu Ansari Barabadu with his family near the house Barabadu box at work, brothers and sisters Barabadu - MS., CU., PNRM.

Barabadu rides a bicycle - MS., LS.

On the road going car - MS.

Construction of a steel plant in Bokaro - LS.

Crane operator in the cab of a crane, a Soviet specialist talks with Indian workers - MS., CU.

Barabadu Ansari is on a construction site - MS., PNRM.

Construction in Bokaro - LS.

Landscapes Somalia - LS.

Radio station in the capital of the Democratic Republic of Somalia, Mogadishu - MS., PNRM.

Watches - CU.

Radio announcer says (synchronously) - LS.

Radio antenna - CU., PNRM.

Landscapes Somalia: are camels, antelopes running, running elephant, a herd of elephants - MS., LS. (Helicopter).

Meat processing plant in Kismayo: Soviet specialist talks with Somali workers, workers at the conveyor with tin cans, working machine, working machine tools, boxes of canned goods - CU., LS.

Somali village: she is a pitcher on her head, banana plantations, fields of wheat harvesters in the field, combine driving, grain spilling into the bunker harvester - CU., MS., PNRM., LS.

Berbera port, ships in port, loading cattle on a ship: raise camels, sheep are loaded into a hopper and lift into the air to move the ship - LS., PNRM.

Ships in port and at sea - LS.

Mogadishu - LS.

School on the outskirts of Mogadishu, Benadir - LS., MS.

Students outside the school, students in grades in classes - MS.

Lesson of labor leads PhD Edward D. Novozhilov, teacher monitors the electrical circuit assembly, the Somali youth connects wires, lamp lights - CU., MS., PNRM.

Reel №2

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Streets of Mogadishu - LS.

Printer: printing machine works, the workers, machines, used pictures of President Siad Barre, the working of the machine pulls portrait Siad Barre - CU., MS., PNRM.

Soviet photographer, ofsetchik and artist Viktor Vyalkin with Somali assistant working on the first map "Roads Somalia» - MS.

A worker at a printing press, newspapers go from the machine - MS.

Somalis memorize the alphabet, printed in a newspaper - MS.


Construction of the plant in Bokaro - LS., PNRM., MS.

Barabadu Ansari in construction, working under the direction of a Soviet master, hands Barabadu cracking down - different.

Soviet and Indian workers in construction in Bokaro and in one of the shops built - MS.

Gas flare in the oil fields of Iraq "North Rumaila» - MS., PNRM.

Oil tanker "Rumaila" at the shore - MS.

Oil tanks and other structures of fishing - LS., MS.

Newsreel 1972:

Meeting of the Iraqi government on the issue "on the nationalization of the oil concern" Iraq Petroleum Company »- MS.

Iraqis listen to the radio, watching television - MS.

A sign with the company name: "Iraq Petroleum Company» - MS.

The people in the streets, people chanting slogans, shouting demands for the nationalization of the company - LS., MS., PNRM.

Speech on the radio and television of Iraqi President Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr (simultaneously in Arabic) - MS.

The people on the street listening to the President's speech, listen to the radio in the hospital, the people rejoicing in the streets - MS., PNRM.

President AH al-Bakr in the street at the car - MS., PNRM.

Empty corridors and rooms of the Board of - MS., PNRM.

The work of the board after the nationalization of the company, the inscription on the door - LS., MS.

Tanker "Rumaila" under load oil - LS., PNRM.

Oil fields: Soviet and Iraqi experts on the subject - MS.

Refineries installation - MS.

Oil rig, the Soviet and Iraqi specialists from the tower, working rig - MS., LS.

City of Baghdad - LS.

The ancient building, the area of ​​the city - LS., PNRM.

Iraqi President Bakr said about the role and importance of cooperation between the USSR and Iraq (synchronously) - MS.

Reel №3

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City of Baghdad - LS., PNRM.

The streets of Baghdad, passing cars - MS.

Sign and inscription in Arabic "Textile Factory» - CU., PNRM.

Plant shop - LS., PNRM.

Girls at the bench, the man at work, spinning spools of thread - CU.

The confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates - LS., PNRM.

Plaque with an inscription in Arabic by a tree growing on the confluence of two rivers - CU., PNRM.

Children play on the waterfront near the tree - LS., MS., CU.

The emblem of agricultural machinery factory, the factory, the workers go to work, shops factory workers for assembly of tractors - MS., CU.

Soviet and Iraqi engineers in the design office of the plant - MS., CU.

Soviet and Iraqi specialists pictures at the factory building - LS., MS.

The streets of Baghdad - LS., MS.

The construction of the channel Tartar-Euphrates runs bulldozer, excavator removes earth - CU., PNRM., MS., CU.

Construction of the canal - LS., PNRM.

Iraq Petroleum Training Center - LS.

Derrick, a young oil rigs, drill work, lessons oil - MS., CU.


Barabadu Ansari rides a bicycle to work, goes through the entrance of the plant, installation of equipment in the shops of the plant, Soviet and Indian workers in the shop, working welders, plant in Bokaro - CU., MS., LS.


Sphinx - MS., CU.

Helwan Steel - LS., PNRM.

Rolling mill, hot metal bars on the mill, the operators at the controls pitched - different.

Spatter - CU.

Reel №4

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Sphinx, pyramid - MS.

Trucks traveling through the desert to the mine, bucket carries ore, the ore is poured into the body of the truck, drive off-loaded machines - MS.

Soviet and Arab engineers discuss the project further construction of the mine - MS., CU., PNRM.

Construction - LS., PNRM.

A group of Soviet geologists in the desert - LS.

Team leader Viktor Batarbekovich Tsogoev with geologists consider pieces of rock - MS.

Aswan Dam, boiling water - MS., PNRM.

Computer room power, control, Soviet and Arab professionals at the helm, the scheme of distribution of electricity in the country, hands on the console, flashing lights - MS.

Irrigation canal - MS.

Landscapes of Egypt - LS.

A sign with the words in Arabic and Russian: "Mechanized Farm» - MS.

Agricultural machinery on the field, the car handles beds - LS., PNRM.

Field of sunflowers - MS., PNRM.

Shipyard in Alexandria - LS.

Soviet and Arab workers in the construction of the ship, working welders, ship "Ismailia" shipyard - MS.


Barabadu Ansari at the plant - MS.

Equipment installation, PNRM. Construction in Bokaro - MS., LS.


The car goes on a mountain road, enters the tunnel - MS.

Persipolis ancient capital, a wall with a bas-relief, the tomb of Cyrus the formidable - MS., LS.

Shiraz - LS.

A book of poems by the poet Saadi Iranian language - MS.

Tombstone and grave of the poet Hazifa - MS., PNRM., LS.

The car goes on the road, rose gardens along the highway - LS.

Isfahan Steel Works - LS., MS.

On Friendship and Cooperation between the USSR and Iran says the Prime Minister of Iran Dr.

Howeyda (synchronous) - MS.

Reel №5

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Converter shop Isfahan Steel Mill - MS.

Soviet and Iranian experts in the shop, working at the controls - MS., LS.

Steel casting - LS.

Spatter - MS.

Dispatching - LS.

Training center at Isfahan Steel Mill, classes at the training center, a Soviet specialist conducts classes - MS.

Hatchery in the Caspian Sea, built with the technical cooperation of the USSR - LS., Departure.

Jets of water, sturgeon fry in the water, plant workers are experimenting - different.

Landscape Iran - LS.

Astara gas storage station on the border of the USSR, and Iran, which receives Iranian gas for industry Transcaucasia - CU.

Appliances, gas pipeline, gas distribution station - LS., MS.


Dawn over Delhi - LS.

Rural landscape, passing peasants carts - LS.

Tractor in a field, the peasants in the field - LS., CU.

Old buildings in Delhi - MS.

Rickshaws on the streets of Delhi - MS., PNRM.

The bas-relief on the wall of the building - CU., PNRM.

Powered chaser, jugs - CU., MS.

Architectural monuments - LS., PNRM.

Animal sculptures in the streets of Delhi - MS.

Streets and buildings of Delhi - different.

Mumbai - MS.

Unloading of the Soviet ship "Nazim Hikmet," workers at the port, cranes carry loads - MS., LS.

Odessa: Indian ship berth, unloading a ship, working in the port, the boxes labeled "Odessa", "Moscow» - MS., PNRM.

Steel plant in Bhilai - LS., PNRM.


The place where it began construction plant - LS., PNRM.

Ore mined by hand, pig iron - MS., CU., PNRM.

Man scored tablet with the inscription in Russian and Indian languages ​​"It will be the first blast furnace» - CU., PNRM.

Start of construction plant in Bhilai: women wear earth baskets - LS., MS., PNRM.

First iron Bhilai - CU.

Jawaharlal Nehru at the plant in Bhilai - MS.

Steel plant in Bhilai - MS.

Hearth furnace, the Indian steelmaker, the stove - CU.

Soviet and Indian steelworkers at the furnace, take samples of steel - CU., MS.

Soviet steelworker Yuri Kamensky and chief Steelmakers Bhilai Kulvan Singh Nagi in the shop at the stove - CU., MS.

Kamensky and his wife visiting Nagi - MS., CU.

PNRM. on construction sites growing plant Bhilai - LS., MS.

Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Heavy engineering plant in Hardwar - PNRM., LS.

Shop factory - MS.

Indian and Soviet specialists at the bench - CU.

Rotating parts of the camp, equipment for steel plant in Bokaro - MS., PNRM.

Amtrak passenger train passes - LS.

Workers go Bokaro - LS., PNRM.

The plant in Bokaro - LS.

Unloading coke ovens - MS., CU.

Soviet and Indian specialists in the shop of the plant, the chute flowing molten metal - CU., MS., PNRM.

Interview of the Soviet-Indian cooperation gives the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi (synchronously) - MS.

Portrait of LI Brezhnev outside Delhi - LS.

Visit LI Brezhnev to India: LI Brezhnev and Indira Gandhi at the airport - MS., LS.

The signing of a treaty of peace, friendship and cooperation between the USSR and India - LS., MS.

LI Brezhnev and Indira Gandhi exchange documents and handshakes - MS.

Smoking chimneys of the plant - LS.

In the ladle pouring molten metal - MS.

Indian specialist at the stove - MS.

Somali boys and girls - CU., PNRM.

Working in the shop - MS.

Barabadu Ansari and other working Bokaro pass on bicycles - LS.

Girls at the sewing machine in the shop knitting factory - MS., PNRM.

The workers go to work, the girls walking down the street - MS., LS.

The plant in Bokaro, converter, pouring steel - MS.

Boy smiling faces of children - CU.

Pouring metal, sparks fly - CU.