Peace to Your Home.. (1975)

Film-document №7669 6 parts, Duration: 0:57:01 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:48

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Vermisheva E.

Script writers: Vermisheva E., Guzanov V.

Operators: Bgancev I.

Composers: Kosmachev I.

Anouncers: Khmara L.

Text writers: Shergova G.


The film is dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (Soviet people's participation in World War II in 1941-1945).

World War II | Victory Day

History | Holidays | Social life

Temporary description

The film is dedicated to 30-year anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany. Laying of wreaths at the graves of unknown soldiers at a memorial cemetery monuments to the dead soldiers in the war. Meetings veterans of WW II and 2-nd World War. Visit Soviet veterans of European cities in the liberation of which they participated. V. Gorelov in cities: Noynbranderburg, Grundzendz (GDR), V. Preladova meeting with former Italian partisans in the town of Monte Fiorino, visiting their former places of battles. Member of the French Resistance movement Azerbaijani A. Jebrail in the plane, flying at a meeting with French brother-soldiers. Veteran War Hero of the Soviet Union, the release party of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, NI Zhuzhoma, awarded the President of the U.S. Silver Star for saving the American landing in the wrong environment. Interview A. Harriman (synchronously), W. Robertson (USA) (synchronously). Leonid Brezhnev's speech at the commemoration of the 30-year anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany (May 9, 1975). Newsreel: official meetings with Leonid Brezhnev, Gerald Ford (Vladivostok, 1974), G. Schmidt (1974), G. Wilson (Moscow, 1975). Newsreel 2-nd World War, the Great Patriotic War.

Reel №1

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The streets of Minsk are pillars war veterans; veterans passing on military vehicles, the people welcomed the veterans and children give them flowers, people throw flowers at his feet veterans march - different.

Veterans march in Kiev and Sevastopol - different.

Newsreel of the war years:

Girls give the soldiers flowers, are soldiers with their families; soldier kisses a boy, welcome pioneers soldiers are officers, the soldiers held a banner - different.

Ruined shop Tractor Plant (Stalingrad), in the shop being repaired tanks - LS., MS.

Soldiers in the trenches, destroyed Volgograd, crawling soldiers - LS., MS.

The boy makes a military pass, pass through the checkpoint of the plant; teenager working at a machine - different.

Soldiers pull children out of the dugout, bear children - LS., MS.

Son of the Regiment S. Aleshkov in class Suvorov Military School, Suvorov Aleshkov with his father - MD Vorobiev - different.

Veterans on the Belarus railway station waiting comrades - different.

AI War Veteran Yakovlev passes on the street in Volgograd - CU.

Tractors are the Volgograd Tractor Factory, factory workshop, tractor on the assembly line, working young people - different., PNRM.

Tank Monument - CU.

Report on the streets of Volgograd - different.

Photo: Tanya Savicheva - CU., S. Aleshkov - CU.

Diary of Tanya Savicheva - CU.

Commemorative plaque, which bears the diary Tanya Savicheva (Piskarevsky) - CU.

Neva, the reflection in the water - different.

Children's drawings of time the siege of Leningrad - CU.

The street is Colonel MD Sparrows, his wife, during the war - a nurse, NA Vorobyov and their adopted son S. Aleshkov - MS., CU.

Lawyer S. Aleshkov in the shop of the plant - MS., CU. (Volgograd).

On the area of ​​Stalingrad in Paris stands a man with children - MS.

Reel №2

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Odessa port - different.

The ships in the harbor - LS., With movement.

Captain Odessa port DC Thomas shows port Cuban guest - Chief Engineer Port of Havana Rebarkavo someone - different.

Photo: M. Thomas - The party of three revolutions - CU.

Odessa Steps, monument uprising on the battleship "Potemkin» - LS., MS.

Raising the flag on the destroyer "Rumbling," the report takes BD Nikolaev - commander "Rumbling" during World War II - Various.

Photos: BF Nikolaev - CU.

Newsreel of the war years, "Rumbling" in the sea, the sea battle, firing anti-aircraft gunners, fell down a plane in the sea - different.

In the Leningrad Naval Museum BD Nikolaev is a tour - MS., CU.

In Leningrad port is American squadron, Soviet officers greet U.S. Rear Admiral Justin Lange, American sailors - different.

In Red Square, former U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union, the head of the U.S. delegation to the celebrations of victory Harriman interviewed - synchronously, CU.

Cannon monument in Kerch - LS.

Boat at the marina - LS.

Fishermen wear clothing; among fishermen - a veteran of World War II N. Bantysh; boat in the sea, at the helm - NI Bantysh - different.

NI Bantysh with his grandson and fellow soldiers are Adzhimushkay catacombs - different.

Reel №3

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Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Komsomol impose "Garland of Glory"; party and government leaders at the grave of the Unknown Soldier: AN Kosygin, L. Brezhnev, NV Podgorny and others, people at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier - different.

Solemn wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial Piskarevsky - different.

Minsk - LS.

Glory Mound near Minsk - LS.

Memorial Khatyn - LS.

Motherland Mamaev Kurgan - LS.

The meeting at the apartment of the Hero of Socialist Labor, the deserved teacher BSSR, the former guerrilla Ariadne Kazei connected with AA Dyachenko (former nurse) - MS., CU.

Partisan monument Marat Kazei - A brother Kazei - CU.

Guerrilla dugout in Luban, the island in the swamps Zaslavl, where during the war created the Minsk Regional Party - MS., PNRM.

Literature Lesson 28 Minsk school is AI Kazei: boy reads a poem about a hero M. Kazee (synchronously in Belarusian) - MS., CU.

School museum exhibits - that belonged to Marat Kazei - CU.

Dnepr, Metro Bridge, steelworkers in the shop of the plant "Zaporizhstal" - different.

Athletes-rowers in boats during training - different.

Newsreel of the war:

Dnieper river crossing battle on the banks of the wounded - different.

Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Zhuzhoma, party organizer hemp plant in Glukhov Sumy region (ibid.

SSR) in the shop of the plant, with working women, at the presentation of letters of plant workers on May Day demonstration - different.

Reel №4

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Paris, Eiffel Tower, the Report on the streets - are different.

Newsreel of the war:

Parisians are building barricades in the streets during the anti-fascist uprising - different.

Resistance fighters - MS., CU.

Memorial wall on the hill Mont Valerie, the inscription on the cross, "Whatever happens, the flame will not go out of the Resistance" in French - CU.

Two trees and a memorial plaque in Montauban (during the war in the trees executed partisans) - Various.

The family of former partisan Rene Sambara hosts and friends on the resistance - different.

Rene Shambarov remembers Armadillo Dzhembrailove Michelle Ahmed, with whom he fought in the squad poppies - synchronously, MS., CU.

Dzhembrailov Ahmed - the chief agronomist village Ahud (Azerbaijan SSR), during the War of Resistance fighter, is on the field - different.

A. Dzhembrailov the plane - CU.

Said the mayor of Nanterre Yves Sudemon (simultaneously in French), CU.

Area of ​​Monte-Florin (Italy) - LS.

War veteran Vladimir Preladov (in the war commanded the Russian battalion of the Italian partisan group) meets with friends - former Italian partisans - different.

Recalls war woman (synchronously in Italian) - CU.

B. Preladov Italian partisans and go through the battle (in the surroundings of Monte-Florin and Modena), sit on the hillside, talking - Various., PNRM.

Italian partisans sing - synchronously, MS., CU.

Reel №5

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On the area of ​​Monte-Florin B. Preladov with Italian friends visiting the exhibition of photographs, posters and children's drawings dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany, and children's drawings - different.

Frankfurt - on - Main - a demonstration of progressive young people and leaders of the Communist Party of Germany, dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the defeat of fascism in Germany are the demonstrators, she hands out leaflets rally in the square: chanting in the stands, listening to people - different., PNRM.

The children gather flowers - MS., CU.

IM Harina passes through the former concentration camp "Auschwitz", is coming to the barracks, where she was in prison, looking out the window, crying - different.

Auschwitz, barbed wire and flowers on a memorial plate - different.

Blooming tulips - MS., CU.

Brest Fortress, Brest Fortress memorial monument - LS., MS., Dugout - MS.

Surging waves, industrial landscape, at the furnace steelmaker, persons scientists, construction, poppies in a field - different.

Russian lesson in a school in Neubrandenburg (synchronously in Russian) - MS., CU.

VN Gorelov (war veteran, a retired colonel, took part in the assault on the city of Neubrandenburg, Grudziadz) runs with the mayor Noybranderburga the streets, visiting the city - MS., CU., With displacement.

VN Burned on the opening of the youth club - LS., MS.

In Grudziadz (former Graudenets) meets with German fellow antifascists - MS.

VN Gorelov and German friends in the house, where in May 1945 VN Gorelov signed the order to cease fire in this area of ​​Germany - MS., CU.

Photo Gorelova - MS.

Reel №6

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Newsreels of World War II:

Storming the Reichstag, hoisting the flag over the Reichstag - LS., MS.

Fight for Novorossiysk - MS.

A meeting of Soviet troops from the allies on the Elbe - MS., CU.

LI Brezhnev speaks - synchronously, MS., CU.

Negotiations LI Brezhnev and U.S. President George

Ford, L. Brezhnev and German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt signed an agreement, in the hall down LI Brezhnev and British Prime Minister Harold Wilson - different.

LI Brezhnev passes with fellow soldiers through the battle in the city of Novorossiysk - different.

Monument in Novorossiysk - CU.

About the meeting on the Elbe says neurosurgeon from LA William Robertson - synchronously, MS.

Soviet and American astronauts, rocket takes off, Earth from space, cropland, forest, monument "Motherland" - different., Top, PNRM. (Mamaev Kurgan).

Movie №0