The Congress Of Creators.. (1976)

Film-document №7882 7 parts, Duration: 1:02:21 to collection Price category C
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Part 3 digitized in HD 0:09:00

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Makhnach L., Rychkov B.N.


A film about the the XXV Congress of the CPSU, held in Moscow.

Temporary description

City of Moscow. Session XXV Congress of the CPSU in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Speakers: Mikhail Suslov, Brezhnev, V. Grishin, DA Kunayev, VV Scherbitsky, Masherov PM, MS Solomentsev, SF Medunov, J. P. Ryabov, AN Kosygin, BN Ponomarev, heads of delegation of the Communist parties of foreign countries: E. Gierek, H. Husak, N. Ceausescu, J. Kadar, F. Castro, Le Duan, Nguyen Thi Binh, A. Cunha, G. Hall, S. Allende, and others. Visit of foreign delegations of the Moscow Automobile Plant named after Lenin Komsomol, Star City. Laying wreaths at the Lenin Mausoleum. Descent of water ice-breaker "Siberia" at the Leningrad Baltic Shipyard. Assembly of KAMAZ trucks on the assembly line of the Kama Automobile Plant. Construction of the Baikal-Amur Railway. The final meeting of the Congress. MPs sing the "Internationale".

Reel №1

The Kremlin, Moscow - MS., Departure.

Portrait of VI Lenin, the portrait of LI Brezhnev and a quote from his speech, the slogan "Forward to victory of Communism" on the building - MS., PNRM.

Palace of Congresses, the building of the University, hitting the flag - LS.

XXV Congress of the CPSU delegates poet Gamzatov, builder N. Zlobin, veterans of war and labor in the lobby of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses - different.

Framing plans harvesters in the field (from a helicopter), the boat floats on the river (from the movement of the boat), a flock of sheep in the mountains, go schoolgirl, modern building, Lake Riza, port cranes, industrial landscapes, working welders, Weaver and others, remote control , are working - competition winners, the young men are on the field.

Kremlin Chimes - 10 hours - MS., Hitting.

Opening of the XXV Congress of the CPSU in the CDS - Congress opens the General Secretary of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev.

Delegates applauded.

Greeted the guests of the Congress is drawn member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee Secretary MA Suslov (synchronously).

LI Brezhnev delivers a report on the "Report of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the immediate tasks of the Party in the domestic and foreign policy" (synchronous).

Delegates listen, applaud.

Cosmonaut P. Klimuk in the hall.

Reel №2

Continued report LI Brezhnev (synchronously).

Delegates listen, applaud.

Theater and film actor K. Lavrov in the hall.

Framing plans: passing cars, tractors, people go to work, the driver sits in the cab of the truck, working at the controls, a plowed field, pass the bridge builders, miners are on the mine, scientists descend the stairs, behind the control panel.

TTY works - MS., CU., PNRM.

The girl at the information board - CU.

Journalists of different nationalities at work at the teletype, the press center - MS., PNRM.

Foreign newspapers - MS., PNRM.

Interviews provide the correspondents of foreign agencies Dev Murarka - "Forrin Observer News Service", England; Agave Masisi - newspaper "Mainichi", Japan Frank Kupold - "Neue Berliner illyustrirte" GDR correspondent for Radio Mogadishu (Somalia) (all simultaneously in Russian ).

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

At the congress are: first secretary of the Moscow City Party Committee VV Grishin (synchronously), the first secretary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan DA Kuna (synchronously), first secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine V. Shcherbitsky (synchronously).

Delegates at the sidelines of the congress - LS. with a / t, MS.

Delegates received a telegram read, write letters at the desk marked "Mail", talking on the phone in a stall - CU., MS.

Plate with the inscription «XXV Congress of the CPSU. The report of the working people of Sakhalin Region »- CU.

The congress delegates applauded.

Kremlin Palace of Congresses and the Spasskaya Tower (lit evening plan) - LS.

Monument VI Lenin in the Kremlin - MS.

LI Brezhnev, AN Kosygin, NV Podgorny and other government members lay a wreath at the Mausoleum of VI Lenin - different. (Evening plan).


November 7, 1919 VI Lenin with the people in Red Square - LS., MS.

Neva Embankment in Leningrad - LS., PNRM. (Winter).

Smolny - LS.

XXV Congress of the CPSU delegates are Smolny, inspect cabinet of Vladimir Lenin - different.

Desktop Lenin - CU., PNRM.

Moscow River from the ice, PNRM. The Kremlin - MS.

At the congress are: the first secretary of the Polish United Workers' E. Gierek, first secretary of the SED

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel liberation of Saigon: the street fleeing soldiers with the flag, passing tanks with the soldiers, the soldiers waved flags from the balcony, people thrown from the pedestal monument (dictator Thneu) - Various. (1975).

At the XXV Congress of the CPSU Central Committee member serves the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam Ngusn Thi Binh (synchronously in Vietnamese), reports LI Brezhnev greeting the National Front.

The hall pass pioneers with banners; buglers play, the drummers.

TNS and the Pioneers welcome delegates (synchronous), presented with flowers presidium members - different.

The congress delegates applauded.

NV Podgorny addresses pioneers calling (synchronous), Pioneers answered "Always Ready!" (Synchronous).

Castro, Todor Zhivkov, C. Dange, G. Winston, A. Cunha, G. Hall, cosmonaut Alexei Leonov and other delegates in the corridors.

Monument to Yuri Gagarin in Star City (winter) - LS., MS.

The congress delegates visiting Space Museum.

Photo of Yuri Gagarin - CU., PNRM.

Exhibits - mock moon pennant "Apollo", photos of American astronauts - MS., CU.

Hall of the Institute of Atomic Energy Kurchatov - LS., PNRM. (With a / t).

Scientists at the thermonuclear reactor "Tokamak» - MS., CU. (With motion).

President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR AP Alexandrov introduces Czechoslovak delegation headed by Gustav Husak work setting.

Department of the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Automobile - LS.

Young workers at work - MS., CU.

The car drives off the assembly line - MS.

Delegation of the Polish United Workers' Party visited the plant, the employee presents E. Gierek flowers and icon.

Friendship Meeting of Soviet and Cuban youth devoted XXV Congress, in one of the Moscow institute.

The presidium of the first secretary of the Komsomol E. Tyazhelnikov.

Serves Cuban representative.

XXV Congress of the CPSU delegates go to the Palace of Congresses, held in the Palace - LS., MS.

Speakers: the chairman of the National Council of the Communist Party of India Sh Dange (simultaneously in Hindi), General Secretary of the Portuguese Communist Party (synchronous) A. Cunha (in Portuguese).

A. Cunhal speaks at a rally in Portugal - MS.

People chanted, raising their fists - MS., CU.

Rally - LS., MS.

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

At the XXV Congress of the CPSU stands Alves Batista - a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) (simultaneously in Portuguese).

Rally in Angola - MS.

Are soldiers with guns - CU. pl. persons.

At the congress are: Enrico Berlinguer - General Secretary of the Italian Communist Party (simultaneously in Italian), the Be Hall - General Secretary of the Communist Party USA (simultaneously in English), Americo Zorrilla - a member of the political commission and the secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Chile (simultaneously in Spanish ).

Counterrevolutionary coup in Chile: the airplane is flying, exploding house, house is on fire, the soldiers in the street tearing and burning books are with guns, lying dead, overclocking demonstrations, protesters throw stones arrested out of the bus.

L. Corvalan gives an interview.

Secretary of the CPSU BN Ponomarev read out a statement: "Freedom prisoners of imperialism and reaction!".

The congress delegates vote, stand up, applaud.

The hall held by representatives of the Soviet armed forces.

Applauds the presidium.

With a greeting appears division commander of Strategic Missile Forces, Major General Kochemasov (synchronously).

Soldiers swear (synchronously).

Framing plans: Navy ships at sea, hovercraft, military jets in the air, take out the missile out of the hangar, in the woods rocket takes off, fleeing soldiers.

The sculpture "Motherland - Mother" and the memorial at Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd (different shapes) - MS., CU.

Delegates look XXV Congress of the CPSU (of different nationalities) - CU., PNRM.

Inside the walls of the memorial with the names of the characters is a guard of honor - MS., PNRM., LS.

Eternal Flame - hand with a torch - MS.

Reel №6

Kremlin Palace of Congresses, the flags in front of - LS., Departure.

At the XXV Congress of the CPSU makes a report to the President of the Council of Ministers of the USSR AN Kosygin (synchronously).

Delegates stood applauding.

Placards with the inscription: "Oznamenuem XXV Congress of the CPSU new labor successes!» - CU., Departure.

Meeting dedicated to the discovery Union board of honor at ENEA.

Secretary of the CPSU AP Kirilenko serves and passes the ribbon.

Union Hall of Fame: bas VI Lenin, he said: "We have come to the victory of communist labor!"; Gold plates with the names of the best organizations (factories, farms, etc.) - Various.

Pass the protesters.

Congress acts on the foreman of an integrated team of builders of Moscow NA Zlobin (synchronously).

NA Zlobin and other construction workers on site in Zelenograd - MS., LS.

New homes - LS., Departure, PNRM.

Goes prefab - MS.

Building removed from the cab of a crane (with motion) - MS.

Speakers: farm tractor driver "Kharkiv" Kustanai region Donenbaeva KB (Synchronous), turner Baltic Shipyard, Hero of Socialist Labor A. Chuyev (synchronously).

Shipyard Baltic Shipyard in Leningrad - LS. with a / t

The world's largest nuclear-powered icebreaker "Siberia" on the stocks - LS., PNRM.

Meeting in honor of an early descent icebreaker on the water - are working with the slogans, CU. pl. persons.

Icebreaker with the word "Siberia".

Murmansk », PNRM. on the screw - CU.

Brass band plays - MS., CU.

Descent icebreaker water - LS., MS., PNRM.

Workers applaud - MS.

Icebreaker "Siberia" goes to sea - LS.

Reel №7

Assembling machines at the Kama automobile plant, work, young workers in the form marked "Kamaz» - MS., CU., PNRM.

Meeting at the assembly area of ​​the plant to launch the first car "Kamaz", a banner reading "The people and the party are one."

CU. ups of the workers.

Are winners of socialist competition with ribbons over his shoulder - MS.

The first car with the words "KAMAZ number 0000001 XXV Congress of the CPSU» - MS.

Said test driver first "Kamaz" (synchronous).

Passing through the shop first "Kamaz" with the words "Our present work XXV Congress of the CPSU."

"Bon Voyage» - MS., PNRM.

Installation plans for BAM: laying of rails; train rides across the bridge, the people on the train, tree felling, wheeling pipe.

At the XXV Congress of the CPSU are the team leader team of installers, concrete workers BAM LD Kazakov (synchronously), L. Brezhnev (synchronously).

Delegates applaud, sing the "Internationale" (synchronous).

Bust VI Lenin - MS.

Delegates chant slogans (synchronously).

LI Brezhnev waving and applauding.

CU. working plans of the Soviet people.

Moscow, the Palace of Congresses - LS.