Hearty Thanks.. (1978)

Film-document №8146 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:50 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:50

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Derbysheva L.

Operators: Kuzminskiy S., Filatov I.

Anouncers: Petrov V.

Text writers: Konovalov V.


About the joint space flight of the astronauts of the USSR and the German Democratic Republic, V. Bykovsky and Z. Yen.

International cooperation


Reel №1

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Clouds - LS.

By parachute down cabin with astronauts landing cabin - LS.

Astronauts Bykovskiy and Sigmund Jahn after landing near the cabin surrounded by journalists, doctors, and so on - MS.

Bykovskiy & C Ian left their autographs on the outer wall of the cabin of the spacecraft - CU., PNRM.

Newsreel 1976:

Rocket at launch, stand near the Coast cosmonaut, Vladimir Shatalov, German pilots - Lieutenant Colonel Sigmund Jahn and his backup Colonel Eberhard Kellner - CU., MS., PNRM.

Sigmund Jahn - CU., MS.

Moscow - LS.

Star City - LS., PNRM.

Bykovskiy & C Ian lay flowers at the monument to Yuri Gagarin - MS., CU.

Photo: Yuri Gagarin in a leather flying helmet - CU.

Yuri Gagarin in a spacesuit - CU.

Yuri Gagarin with SP Korolev - CU.

Cosmonauts Feoktistov, A. Leonov, Bykovskiy, Yuri Gagarin, Titov - CU.

Photo: young Bykovskiy, Bykovskiy form pilot Bykovskiy Tereshkova and sit on the bench - CU.

Aksenov and Bykovskiy in the spacecraft "Soyuz-22» - MS., CU.

Bykovskiy and Z. Yen in training on mock-ups of "Soyuz" and the space station "Salyut» - MS., CU., PNRM.

H. Yen and Bykovskiy master MKF6M movie camera - MS., CU.

Theoretical lessons in the classroom: teacher at the blackboard, double Z. Ian E. Kellner in the classroom, the teacher explains something Z. Yen,, teacher engaged with VV Gorbatko and A. Kellner - MS., CU.

Classes Bykovskiy & C Jena in a spaceship in the Cosmonaut Training Center - CU., LS.

The astronauts out of the spacecraft, sitting on the steps of elevation, which is a training cabin - LS., MS., CU.

Press conference Bykovskiy & C Jena before the start - LS.

Bykovskiy & C Ian talk about how they prepared for the flight (synchronous) - LS., MS., CU.

Listen, shoot, journalists write - CU., MS.

Carriage by a rocket launch site - CU.

Astronauts dressed in suits - LS.

German party and government delegation headed by the Minister of National Defense of the GDR at the Baikonur Hoffman: Hoffman talks to astronauts - CU., PNRM.

Astronauts Bykovskiy and Z. Yen in suits before the start: say goodbye to friends, PNRM. the missile - MS., LS., CU.

Flags of the USSR and the GDR at the Baikonur - CU., PNRM.

Space Communications Center, operators at TV screens - LS.

Bykovskiy and Z. Yen in the spacecraft cabin before takeoff - CU.

The launch - LS., MS.

Rocket in the sky - LS., PNRM.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Soviet tanks in Berlin - MS., PNRM.

Soldiers reinforce flag on the Reichstag - CU.

Soviet soldiers are in Berlin, tear flags and signs with the swastika, are German flags - CU.

Soviet tank crew - CU.

PNRM. the destroyed Berlin - LS.

Fields - LS.

Peasants give ground - CU., LS.

Talking German peasants - MS.

German peasant woman and children with a cow and a dog - MS.

Tractor driver of the tractor leaves the field, the peasants in the field - MS., CU.

Tractor rides through the village - CU.

H. Ian speaks to journalists at a press conference - CU.

Listen to journalists - LS.

Newsreel 1949:

The car with the workers passing through the streets of Berlin, the workers held a flag with the inscription: "1949» - MS.

Workers' demonstration in the streets of Berlin in the Day of the Republic - MS., LS.

Reel №2

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Newsreel 1949:

German workers are with banners, is the first president of the German Democratic Republic workers Wilhelm Pieck, the people welcomed B. Peake - CU., MS.

At the rally, advocates youth leader Erich Honecker, applauding people - MS., LS.

Berlin area - LS. (Top point).

Space probe is removed from the earth - LS.

Separated from the launch vehicle side blocks - LS., MS.

Mission Control Center - LS., MS.

Luminous point the "Salyut-6" on the map - CU.

Photo astronauts Kovalenko and A. Ivanchenkov - CU.

On the TV screen, and A. B. Kovalenok Ivanchenkov waiting for the opening hatch, the hatch is opened, the cab station swam Z. Yen - CU.

Bykovskiy kissing Kovalenko and A. Ivanchenkov, astronauts exchange news, hand Ivanchenkov A. Kovalenko and special space issue of the newspaper "Izvestia» - CU.

In the Mission Control Center at the meeting astronauts observed Shatalov, Titov, V. Sevastyanov - CU.

Animation: the newspaper "Izvestia» - CU.

In printing the "News" took a special edition of the newspaper space, worked as a typesetter - CU.

The Kremlin, Moscow - LS., PNRM. (Top).

Star City - MS.

Swan flying over the lake - CU.

Children run to the lake - LS.

Swan swimming, children feeding swans and ducks - LS.

Valentine Bykovskaya gives interviews (synchronously) - CU.

Sons are sitting on the couch Autograph - CU.

Eric Ian gives interviews (synchronously in German) - MS., CU.

Listen Bykovskiy, her sons and Grit Ian - CU.

Grit Ian says (synchronously in Russian) - CU.

Sons laugh Autograph - CU.

Grit Ian Autograph sons and other children with their parents walking to school on September - CU., MS., LS.

Children before school - LS., MS., CU.

Space news conference: V. Kovalenok, Z. Yen and Bykovskiy congratulate children from September (synchronous) - CU., MS.

Clouds, children look at the clouds - CU., PNRM.

First-grader handed the symbolic key to knowledge - MS.

Spinning globe - CU.

Earth from Space - LS.

Camera "MKF-6M» - CU.

Animation: Earth observation from space - CU.

Scientist decodes pictures on multproektore - MS., CU.

The glaciers of the Pamir, Lake Baikal in pictures - LS., MS., CU.

Pictures of the mouth of the river Selenga - CU.

Boreal forests - LS., MS. (The plane).

Pictures river Vilyuy - CU.

Scientists View pictures - CU.

Pictures lay in the machine, the machine transcribe information from space - MS., CU.

The laboratory staff at the computer - CU.

Still images from space - CU.

Dresden - LS.

Building people's enterprise "Carl Zeiss Jena» - CU.

Devices company "Carl Zeiss Jena" camera "MKF-6M» - CU.

Instruments developed in the GDR under the "Intercosmos» - MS., CU.

Reel №3

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Caption: "The Institute for Space Studies» - CU.

Institute staff in laboratories - CU.

Institute staff treated alloy plates, which were in space - CU.

Scientists study alloy Berolina - CU.

The phone numbers flashing - CU.

Moscow - LS.

Hotel «Russia» - CU.

Red Square - MS.

On television announcer announced the landing of astronauts Bykovskiy & C Jena (synchronously) - CU.

German students studying in Moscow, listen to an ad on TV, clap and sing a song (synchronously in German) - LS., CU., MS.

Astronauts go down the ramp, meet and greet with families - MS., CU.

The Kremlin, Moscow - MS.

LI Brezhnev congratulates astronauts - LS., CU.

Bykovskiy and listen to the Ian Z. LI Brezhnev - CU.

LI Brezhnev awarding the Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut Bykovskiy Order of Lenin and cosmonaut GDR Z. Yen Order of Lenin and the "Gold Star" Hero of the Soviet Union - MS.

Astronauts thank LI Brezhnev - MS.

At the award ceremony there Gromyko and Ustinov - CU.

All those present at the ceremony applauded, shoot photographers - MS.

Berlin, Berliners meet and greet astronauts Bykovskiy & C Jena - MS., CU.

General Secretary of the SED, Erich Honecker hands astronauts highest award of the GDR - the Order of Karl Marx awarded the title Hero of the German Democratic Republic - MS., CU.

Shoot photographers - CU.

Meeting in honor of the astronauts on the square in Anklam - LS., PNRM.

Youth chant greeting astronauts greet people - MS., CU.

Newlyweds greet the astronauts and cosmonauts dance with children and youth - MS., CU.

Ian Z. visits his summer part, friends welcome Ian, give him a souvenir - a bear in uniform - MS., CU.

Rural landscape, Rautenkranz village where he was born and raised Sigmund Jahn - LS., MS.

Rustic cabins, river - MS.

Village residents gathered on the banks of the river to meet the astronauts - LS.

Relatives and friends meet Z. Yen, kiss and hug him, Z. Yen greet his teacher - MS., CU.

The home of Ian H. - CU.

H. Yen, Bykovskiy family Z. Yen at the holiday table - MS.

Area of ​​Berlin - LS.

Children at the fountain, pigeons - MS.

People on the streets of Berlin, a pointer to the German "Cosmonauts Alley» - CU.

Astronauts meet with builders - CU.

Children welcome the astronauts, a girl holding a picture Bykovskiy - CU.

Children's drawings on the theme of outer space - CU.

Children receive gifts astronauts - CU., MS.

Monument to Soviet soldiers in Treptow - CU.

Young men with the flags of the monument - CU.

Astronauts at the monument - MS., CU.

Sigmund Jahn says goodbye at the airport with A. Shatalov and Bykovskiy, Bykovskiy waving off the plane, waving Z. Yen - MS., CU.

Movie №0