Soviet Strategic.. (1979)

Film-document №8319 3 parts, Duration: 0:30:23 to collection Price category C
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  • 3
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Part 3 digitized in HD 0:10:00

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Rybakova A.

Script writers: Vendelovskiy V.

Operators: Istomin A., Myakishev G.

Text writers: Kapitanovskiy V.


About the history, formation and development of missile troops of strategic assignment.

Temporary description

1h. - Launch of the mine. Officers are working with hardware (news: flying projectiles, Katyusha strikes, the soldiers ran to the Reichstag). They come missile troops, among them General Voznyuk. Rocketeer working on a ballistic missile. Start the first rocket. Missile parade on Red Square. Brezhnev at the site. Construction of underground facilities. 2h. - Jurin Kolosov and talk with students. Classes with cadets on missile technology. Soldiers in combat exercises. Valery Kapustin lays flowers at the monument, he was awarded a diploma. Kapustin has political studies. Construction of hydroelectric power plants. 3h. - The Kremlin. Leonid Brezhnev and Jimmy Carter signed the SALT-2. VF Golubkov - Commander of Missile Forces, at a meeting of council of war. Transportation of missiles. Golubko oversees the maintenance of missiles. Takeoff of the rocket. Speech Ustinov at the parade in Red Square; passing military equipment.

Reel №1

On the history, formation and development of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Landscape with a River - filmed from a helicopter - an outline.

Sunflower - close-up.

The reflection in the water.

Panorama of blooming poppies.

Stumps in the forest, a panorama on the rural landscape - a common, medium, large plans.

Faces of soldiers and officers - close-up.

Soldiers sit in APCs, PNRM. - Close-up.

APCs in the woods - a common, average plans.



Kolosov with other military in the elevator go up to the mine - close-up.

Rocket in the mine - the average plan.

The officers at the controls missile devices - different plans.

Construction of one of the first pieces of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Panorama of missilemen.

Sneaked battle flag.

The officer salutes - a common, medium, large plans.

Black-and-white newsreel footage:

Shoot "Katyusha", shooting guns - a common, average plans.

Brandenburg Gate - the general plan.

Projectile charge soldiers, the inscription on the projectile "in the Reichstag" - the average plan.

Soldiers hoisting the flag over the Reichstag - a common, medium, large plans.

Photos GM Shubnikov - close-up.

Commemorative plaque with the inscription: "built in 1949

Soviet army.

The leaders of the construction engineers: Shubnikov GM; Chernin MB Dubrovsky VG Kamortsev NS "- close-up.

The memorial in Berlin's Treptow Park - the general plan.

Commemorative plaque to fallen soldiers - medium, large plans.

Black-and-white photo - veteran GM Shubnikov.

Black-and-white newsreel footage:

Building a missile city - panorama of the average plan.

Look young rocketeers.

Rocketeers go among them General Voznyuk.

Photo - Sergei Korolev - portrait - close-up.

Black-and-white newsreel footage:

View of the inscription: "18.10.1947" - date of birth of the first Soviet ballistic missile - the average plan.

PNRM. Monument to one ballistic missile - a common, big plans.

Rocketeers working with the equipment - a common, medium, large plans.

Blast-off - a common, average plans.

Overseer of the rocket - a close-up.

Black-and-white newsreel footage:


Parade in Red Square - the overall plan.

On Red Square wheeling intercontinental ballistic missiles - MS.

Black-and-white newsreel footage:

Brezhnev shakes hands missilemen.

Guest pass at the landfill.

Brezhnev is present at the site.

The audience watching the blast-off - different plans.


Colonel Jurin (a veteran of the war, one of the commanders of missile test pieces, now military school teacher) goes to the train - medium, large plans.

Colonel Jurin in the train with cadets - panorama of persons - medium, large plans.

Black-and-white newsreel footage:

Tractor fells trees, torn roots, rocket men to the waist in the water pulling cable, the rain - a common, medium, large plans.

General Voznyuk rides in the car - the average plan.

Welding on site.

Construction of underground facilities.

Construction of a military camp - different plans.


Storey building of modern military camp, a pond with a fountain, work day in the streets of the military camp - a common, average plans.

Residents of the town at a volunteer - medium, large plans.

Reel №2

Cadets do in class - close-up.

Kolosov and Jurin talking with students - close-up.

Passage and Lieutenant Colonel Yurina Kolosov - medium, large plans.

Cadets listen to military instructor, explain the details of rocket designs - a common, medium, large plans.

Lesson, students in a class on rocketry - a common, medium, large plans.

Lesson, students Sambo and other military sports exercises: swimming in the pool in the form and with weapons, classes at the burning house - a common, medium, large plans.

Black-and-white newsreel footage:

Explosion, fire escapes from the pipe, the machine comes with burning tires, people put out the fire - night shots - different plans.

Photo - portrait of young communist engineer Lieutenant Vladimir Basov, posthumously the Order of the Red Star - close-up.


In school, children are the first of September.

Warrior rocketeer welcomes students who are in school, named after V. Basov.

Said rocketeer - simultaneously - a common, medium, large plans.

b / w photos - military pilot B. Kapustin with a young son - close-up.

Color - shot from a helicopter, the

Berlin - the overall plan.

The streets of Berlin, the children at the fountain - medium, large plans.

Lake where the plane fell.

Black-and-white photo - portrait B. Kapustin and Yu Janov - close-up.


Commemorative plaque at the mass grave of Soviet soldiers killed in the Battle of Berlin.

PNRM. with the words: "Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in the battle for freedom and independence of our country, 1941-1945." on the inscription: "Boris Kapustin, Janov Yu" - close-up.

Berliners laying flowers to the monument - a common, big plans.

Monument son Boris Kapustin - cadet Valery Kapustin - medium, large plans.

Valery Kapustin engaged in the library - the overall plan.

Kapustin awarded a diploma from the military-political school - a common, big plans.

Farewell with banner - medium, large plans.

Relatives and friends congratulate the young officers - close-up.

Kapustina mother kisses her son - the average plan.

The holiday ends indicative Stroevo techniques with weapons - a common, big plans.

Kapustin flying the plane - close-up.

The territory of the military unit - the general plan.

Kapustin is political studies - a common, big plans.

Warriors visit the house of Lenin in Shusha - a common, medium, large plans.

Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant - construction - different plans.

Mountain landscape - removed from the movement - the average plan.

Boiling water and hydroelectric power - the general plan, filmed from a helicopter.

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame


The Kremlin, removed from the top point.

Area 50 Years of October - with the top point - the general plan.

Moscow River from the top point.

July 18, 1979 in

Vienna - General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Leonid Brezhnev and President Jimmy Carter signed the treaty between the USSR and the USA on the limitation of strategic arms SALT-2.

On the Soviet side there Gromyko, D. Ustinov, Konstantin Chernenko - different plans.



Kolosov conducts political studies - simultaneously - a common, medium, large plans.

Enlarged meeting of the Military Council.

Says Chief Strategic Missile Forces, Army General Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko - synchronously - medium, large plans.

The motion of the rocket.

Panorama on missiles - in the factory, where they make missiles - medium, large plans.

Transporting missiles - the overall plan.

Rocketeer adjusts the missile, the missile is lowered into the mine - medium, large plans.

Army General VF Tolubko checks overall readiness duty per KP; report to his colonel Borisov, accountable officers - simultaneously - medium, large plans.

Polygon - shoot the cover, the rocket takes off - a common, big plans.

Military ritual intercession on alert.



Kolosov down the line - different plans.

Military band - medium, large plans.

Kolosov colonel and other officers down in the CP.

Officers report the adoption of combat duty - simultaneously - medium, large plans.

Moscow - a parade in Red Square on the 62nd anniversary of the Great October - a common, medium, large plans.

Politburo member and Minister of Defense, Marshal Dmitri Ustinov reads a speech from the podium of the Mausoleum - medium, large plans.

Missiles in Red Square Dmitry Ustinov and Brezhnev salute - medium, large plans.
