Leonid Brezhnev - Pages Of Life.. (1982)

Film-document №8650 3 parts, Duration: 0:27:44 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:49

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Gutman I.

Script writers: Gutman I., Itskov I.

Operators: Dobronickiy V.


Reel №1

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LI Brezhnev Photo at your desk in the office.

Types of streets and neighborhoods of Dneprodzerzhinsk.

A tram, people go.

Kind of a metallurgical plant in Dneprodzerzhinsk.

Panorama Factory.

Ilya Yakovlevich Brezhnev Photo - father LI Brezhnev Photos of general form and shops Dnieper Metallurgical Plant in Kamensky.

Photo Brezhnev IJ among the workers and technicians of the plant.

Newsreel 1920: the production process in steel foundries and steelworks.

Photos of parents LI Brezhnev - Ilya Yakovlevich and Natalia Denisovna.

Photo factory workers.

Newsreel of 1919-1921: the destroyed factory buildings.

Blew up a railway bridge.

View of the burned-out city block.

Type of plant stopped, the pipes do not smoke.

Smoking chimneys of the plant.

Working in the blacksmith shop.

Panorama restored in the mid-1920s, industrial enterprise.

View of the destroyed shop.

People at the railway station at the cars.

People boiled water in kettles on the fire.

In the village street people go.

View dilapidated village huts.

The farmer tills the soil plow.

Farmers threshed grain hand flails.

Photos of streets and houses Kursk.

Photo Day demonstration in Kursk.

Photo Brezhnev and his wife Victoria Petrovna.

Photo rally.

Photo of people in the library reading room.

Photos views of the city.

View of the building.

Photo Vladimir Mayakovsky, talking with students.

Newsreel 1920: Mayakovsky read his poems.

Portrait VI Lenin Photos of city streets.

Newsreel, 1929: people go to the collective meeting.

People in the village meeting.

Agitator people read an article about the benefits of the collective farms.

People listen to the speaker.

Agitator acts on the collective farm meeting.

People vote for the creation of a collective farm.

People apply for admission to the farm.

People go behind the tractor during the May Day rally on the farm.

Panorama and metallurgical plant.

Iron smelting iron in the shops of the plant.

Banner, handed them to the plant.

Dzerzhinsky for the implementation of the first five-year plan.

Classes in refresher courses.

Teacher draws a chalk on a blackboard.

Listener writes courses for teacher.

Photos Brezhnev among the students and the students of Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute.

Signature Brezhnev under the orders of one of the plant.

Photos Brezhnev period of study at the institute and the work at the factory.

Photos Brezhnev during his service in the Red Army in the years 1935-1936.

Photos and articles about Brezhnev in the Red Army newspaper.

Newsreel 1937 kinds streets Dneprodzerzhinsk.

Construction of the first five, the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine.

View of the dam the Dnieper.

Festive bow on the construction of Turksib.

Opening of a new irrigation canal in Central Asia.

The coal on the belt.

AG Stakhanov working in the mine.

Stakhanov Brigade comes out of the mine after the establishment of his record.

People applaud Stakhanov.

Stakhanov with a bouquet of flowers.

Face steelworker.

General view of industrial plant (above).

German bombers in flight in June 1941.

Bomb explosions on the ground.

The corpses of children.

Observer-gunners on the roof of their houses in Moscow examining the sky with binoculars.

Soldiers of the Moscow division of the national militia on the march.

Soviet troops are fighting against the Nazi troops.

Il-2 ground attack target.

The Soviet attack aircraft in flight.

Volley rocket launchers.

Infantry and tanks going into the attack with air support.

Rocket artillery firing at the enemy.

Infantry attacks through the forest.

Discounted homes.

Weeping Woman.

People over the bodies of dead relatives.

A child near the fire.

A Soviet officer helps the children to get out of the cellar.

The soldiers put the rescued children on the cart.

Distribution of bread to people in the liberated village.

Women with flowers greeted the Red Army.

Brezhnev during a meeting with fellow countrymen.


Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev - a state politician
Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich - poet, playwright
Alesya G. Stakhanov - Miner-Intermediate


1919-1921 1929 1930s 1937 1941-1944





Industry; Agriculture; World War II; The German invasion of the Soviet Union ("Operation Barbarossa"), cross-border battles; Political figures
Sectors of the economy; History; Biography; Policy

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Seagulls flying over the sea.

Newsreel 1970: Leonid Brezhnev on board a ship during a trip to Little Earth.

Battles for Novorossiisk in 1943.

Black Sea Fleet sailors take delivered munitions.

Anti-aircraft gunners firing at the German aircraft.

Panorama of the sea coast.

German bombers in flight.

The calculation of the anti-aircraft machine gun firing.

The incident plane.

The gunners firing at the enemy.

Fighter bandaging a wounded comrade.

Bullet pierced the party ticket.

Photo Brigadier Commissioner Brezhnev, handing the Red Army Party ticket.

Newsreel 1942-1943 years: the sailors pass awards and documents before leaving on a combat mission.

Marines on the position of the sea battle footage.

Wounded commander continues to command.

Anti-aircraft gunners firing from a machine gun.

German aircraft burns to the ground.

Brezhnev, speaking at a party meeting in the Kharkov region in 1942.

Soldiers and commanders of listening to the Brezhnev.

Brezhnev continues to act.

The soldiers hear Brezhnev.

The soldiers read in the trench battle piece.

Mariners are going to attack.

Panorama battlefield.

Mariners set a Soviet naval flag over the entrance to the factory "Red Proletarian" liberated Novorossiysk.

Sailors and the broken foot of the lighthouse.

Types of Novorossiysk port in 1973.

Eternal Fire.

Brezhnev lays the monument to the defenders of the Little Earth.

Eternal Fire.

Brezhnev among veterans of the defenders of the Little Earth.

Brezhnev talks with veterans, sees his picture on the Victory Parade in Moscow.

Photo Brezhnev, walking at the head of the composite regiment 4 Ukrainian Front on the streets of Moscow.

Newsreel 1945: arrives at the station with the train demobilized soldiers of the Red Army.

People throw flowers in the windows of cars.

After returning home soldiers hug their loved ones.

Photo Brezhnev among relatives and friends.

Newsreel of 1945-1946: panorama of the destroyed factory buildings.

Kind of ruined the Dnieper.

Blew up a railway bridge.

People on the ferry crossing the Dnieper.

The wreckage of the bridge in the water.

The woman opens a window into the intact parts of the destroyed house.

Photo Brezhnev during the reconstruction of the industry in Zaporozhye.

Newsreel 1946: restoration of the Dnieper.

Panorama restored plant "Zaporizhstal".

Restoration of the Dnieper.

People are transported in wheelbarrows and earth are on a stretcher.

Repair of the dam the Dnieper.

Photo Brezhnev period of the First Secretary of Zaporizhzhya Regional Committee of the CPSU (b).

Newsreel 1947, alternating with photos: panorama of the reconstructed plant.

The rally in the factory shop.

Brezhnev, speaking from the rostrum.

The demonstrators applauded Brezhnev.

Brezhnev continued his speech.

The composition of the first post-war production is on the territory of the plant.

Those workers.

Photo Brezhnev.

An article in the newspaper about the early restoration of "Zaporizhstal".

Photos Brezhnev during the first secretary of the Dnipropetrovsk regional committee of the CPSU.

Types of Dnepropetrovsk.

People sit at the fountain.

Newsreel 1947-1950 years: the people on the harvest.

Brezhnev presenting awards to the best workers.

Brezhnev on the construction of the canal.

Types of Chisinau.

Harvesting on the collective farms.

The message text in the newspaper "Pravda" about the early development of virgin lands.

Newsreel 1954-1955 years: the people at the train station in Moscow.

Seeing departing on virgin soil.

Tractor in the snow-covered steppe.

People go on the tractor sleds.

Brezhnev visits the town pervotselinnikov.

Brezhnev talking with people.

Tractor plowing land.

Brezhnev and his entourage are on a plowed field.

Brezhnev checks the depth of the furrow.

Brezhnev and Kunaev DA inspect agricultural machinery during the inspection zernotoka.

Persons working elevator.

Winnowing of grain to mechanized grain storage.

Combines harvesting.


Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev - statesman and political figure
Kunaev Dinmuhamed Akhmedovich - Kazakh Soviet statesman and political figure


1942-1950 1954-1955 1973


Krasnodar region



Political figures; World War II; Industry; Construction; Agriculture; CPSU activity
Biography; Policy; History; Sectors of the economy; Domestic policy

Reel №3

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Newsreel, 1961: Installation of the spacecraft in a vertical position at the start.

View the launch pad at the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

Yuri Gagarin in the suit before the flight.

Start the spacecraft "Vostok".

Gagarin on board the spacecraft.

Salute in honor of the first cosmonaut.

Pipes buglers.

Brezhnev presents award Gagarin in the Kremlin.

Fireworks in the sky over Moscow.

Brezhnev Gagarin hugs and kisses.

People on Red Square celebrating the manned space flight.

Photo Brezhnev at his desk.

Newsreel of the late 1970s: Brezhnev during the launch of the next spacecraft at the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

The spacecraft in flight.

The discovery of hydroelectric power, dedicated to the 26th Congress of the CPSU. Production processes in the shops of metallurgical enterprises.

Those workers.

View of the new residential area.

Type of industrial plant (above).

Work oilfields.

Construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline.

Builders on a railway bridge.

Awarding foremost construction.

General view of the hall during the ceremonial event.

Brezhnev during one of his trips around the country.

Moving train.

People applauded.

A banner with a portrait of Lenin on the locomotive.

The national flag of the USSR flying over the Kremlin.

Brezhnev, speaking from the rostrum of 26 Congress of the CPSU in 1981.

The delegates vote.

The members of the presidium of the congress vote.

General view of the conference room of the congress, all stand.

Brezhnev in meetings with leaders of foreign countries in the Kremlin.

Brezhnev talks with Castro F. W. Jaruzelski and Brezhnev during a meeting in the Kremlin.

Brezhnev talks with the leaders of foreign states.

Finnish President Kekkonen W. Brezhnev met at the car of the train in Helsinki in 1975.

Waving national flag of Finland.

Brezhnev is at the head of the Soviet delegation in Helsinki.

Brezhnev's meeting with de Gaulle, the signing of international agreements.

The signing of the Final Act of Helsinki on security in the heads of delegations.

Brezhnev puts his signature.

Brezhnev applauded.

Residents of Paris welcomed Brezhnev during his visit to France in 1973.

Brezhnev responds to greetings from the car.

Workers greet Brezhnev.

Brezhnev during one of the trips abroad.

Arrival Brezhnev in Egypt.

Riding around the car escort Brezhnev.

People on the streets welcomed Brezhnev.

Brezhnev during a visit to Minsk.

Brezhnev dancing together with artists of national ensemble.

View Square in Havana on the day of arrival Brezhnev in 1974 (above).

People greet Brezhnev at the entrance to Havana.

Havana residents welcome Leonid Brezhnev.

Panorama rally in the square.

Brezhnev welcomed from the rostrum of the residents of Havana.

People are holding the Soviet and Cuban flags.

Opening the Lenin Street in Paris.

Brezhnev among the inhabitants of Paris.

View of the Eiffel Tower.

Brezhnev during a visit to the Louvre.

Paintings on the walls of the Louvre. "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci.

Brezhnev examining paintings, shares his impressions.

Opening of the Moscow Olympics in 1980.

Brezhnev is at the stadium.

View of the stands.

Ravnotsvetnye balloons soar into the sky.

Brezhnev talks with the workers.

Brezhnev during trips around the country and visit industrial enterprises and agriculture.

General view of the conference room 26 Congress of the CPSU. Brezhnev, speaking from the podium, delegates applauded standing.

Photo Brezhnev at his desk in his office in the Kremlin.


Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev - statesman and political figure
Fidel Castro - Cuban statesman and political figure
Wojciech Jaruzelski - Polish statesman and political figure
Kekkonen Urho - Finnish statesman and political figure
Charles De Gaulle - French statesman and politician


1961 1970s 1973-1975 1980-1981





Political figures; Foreign policy; International cooperation; Olympics 80; Congress of the CPSU; Construction; Industry; Agriculture
Biography; Policy; Space; Sport; CPSU activity; Domestic policy; Sectors of the economy