Zionism before the court of history (Zionism: the verdict makes history). (1982)

Film-document №8664 7 parts, Duration: 1:06:48 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:50

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Uralov O.

Operators: Frez I.


About the reactionary ideology and activity of the Zionists.

Temporary description

City of New York. The American Assembly, in support of Zionism in Israel. Speech by Leon Dulcinea (sinhr.) Old Paris. Says president of the United Jewish Fund Herzl. Jerusalem. Streets. Merchants in the area. Praying at the "Wailing Wall". 1919. Arriving in Palestine Zionist members of the commission headed by H. Weizman. Jewish settlers at work. The former president of the World Zionist Organization, Nahum Goldmann in his office, give interviews. Photos Zionist-attack aircraft, Zeev Jabotinsky. Warsaw ghetto. Order supporting the Jewish police. Jewish prisoners in the barracks. Jewish emigrants sailing to Palestine. The ship berthed. Our people. 1948 British troops leaving Palestine. The actions of terrorist gangs in Palestine: the corpses of people, burning buildings. Advocates Ben-Gurion. 1917 The signing of the Camp David agreement the leaders of 3 countries (USA, Egypt, Israel). The occupying regime in Palestine. Says Chairman of the Executive Committee of Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasser Arafat. The opening ceremony of the Israeli parliament, Knesset. Bureau. Guests and participants of the ceremony. Bookmark the new Jewish settlement. Attempted Mayor B. Jackal. Prime Minister M. Begin at the podium during the awarding of the Nobel Prize. Revision Zionist newspaper "Jewish Chronicle". The building of the British Parliament. Streets of New York. The building is the headquarters of the American Zionist Organization. "Golden Street" in New York. Bank Leumi. Antwerp. Showcase with jewels. The building of the Diamond Exchange. District of New York, where there are former Soviet citizens. Demonstration of the Zionists in the building of the Soviet Mission in New York. Excerpts from the trial record in the case Sharansky. The military training of members of the Jewish Defense League. Visiting Israeli Prime Minister Begin in the United States. Lebanon. Discounted neighborhoods of Beirut after Israeli air attacks. The ruins of houses. Refugees. Palestinian Camp Rashid. Corpses in the streets of the camp. 1982 Israeli aggression against Lebanon: on the road moving Israeli tanks firing machine-gunners, are Israeli soldiers, flying airplanes. Broken appliances. Wounded. Killed. Palestinian soldiers. The head of Palestine Yasser Arafat. Anti-Israeli demonstrations in Paris, Tunis and Israel. Participants movement the Black Panthers. Police disperse protesters. Neighborhood Orthodox in Jerusalem. Demonstration. The building of the UN. Meeting.

Reel №1

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USA, New York City from the top point.

"American Assembly in support of Zionism and Israel": the American flag, singing the chorus.

At the Assembly, Chairperson of the Executive Committee of the World Zionist Organization Leon Dulcinea (simultaneously in English).

Newsreel of the late 19th-century Paris, the people on the streets.

Photos of participants at the first Congress of the World Zionist Organization, the founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl.

Paris - removed from the top point.

Says President of the United Jewish National Fund, Baron Guy de Rothschild (simultaneously in French).

Photo granduncle Rothschild Zionist Edmond de Rothschild.

Newsreel: The city of Jerusalem, the streets, the report of the city.

Pass the clergy of different faiths.

Praying at the Western Wall.

Says the mayor of East Jerusalem Rouhi El-Khatib (simultaneously in Arabic).

Newsreel 1919: Palestine - are members of Zionist Commission headed by the leader of the World Zionist Organization H.Veytsmanom.

The train departs from the committee members of the station, waving mourners.

Land, herds.

Jewish colonists at work in the fields, herding cattle.

said the former president of the World Zionist Organization, Nahum Goldmann (simultaneously in French).

Photos of famous Jewish writer Ahad Ha'am.

Photo: Jews at prayer, Zionist attack Z.Zhabotinsky and members of his group.

Newsreel 1940:

Jews in the Warsaw ghetto (in the street.


Police stop passers-by, stand in line, marching.

Arrested Jews in the barracks, the men and women thrown out of the barracks.

Newsreel 1945-1948: Jews, immigrants traveling by boat, boat mooring, meeting, people go to the shore, hug, cry (in Palestine).

Reel №2

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Newsreel 1948: British troops leave Palestine.

Map of the two Palestinian states (multrabota).

Zionist attack on Palestinian cities, burning oil tanks.

Photos of one of the leaders of terrorist groups, Menachem Begin on the poster.

Held by terrorists.

Houses in the Arab village of Deir Yassin.

Photo: dead villagers.

Refugees are the burning block.

The first Prime Minister of Israel, Ben-Gurion twists barbed wire with the soldiers.

The rise of the Israeli flag.

Ben-Gurion out of the car, runs, stands.

Says N.Goldman (simultaneously in French).

Newsreel: The Israeli aggression on Arab lands - shooting, explosions, and fires.

Girl SOREDE corpses in the street.

Passes Defense Minister Moshe Dayan.

Israeli flag.

D.Karter President, Prime Minister of Israel, and his Egyptian M.Begin A.Sadat signed the document at Camp David.

Says M.Begin (simultaneously in English).

Newsreel: The Israeli soldiers at the door, check the documents of the Arabs.

Car rides with the refugees.

Lights Mosque, people put out the fire.


Says French journalist M.Mono (simultaneously in French).

Arab city, the people at the destroyed house, take out a sick, screaming women.

Israeli soldiers on the streets beating teenagers disperse protesters shoot people.

Antisionistkaya protests.

says the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Yasser Arafat (simultaneously in Arabic).

Reel №3

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Rally, burning torches, playing M.Begin (synchronously).

A special issue of "Life", dedicated to Israel, photo in a magazine.

Photo of Moses Hess.

Newsreel: A demonstration in the street.

The opening ceremony of the Israeli parliament - the Knesset: Madame Rothschild cuts the ribbon.

Knesset building and sculpture.

Says M.Mono (simultaneously in French).

Defense Minister Ariel Sharon at the meeting.

Solemn laying of settlements in the Israeli-occupied territories: M.Begin ceremony, dancing people.

Hebron on Hapadnom Bank: rally, demonstrators, the poster with the portrait of Moshe Kahane, founder of "Jewish Defense League."

wounded in the explosion said Mayor g.

Nablusa B.Shakaa (synchronously).

M.Kahane gives an interview (simultaneously in English).

M.Begin speaks at a rally (simultaneously in Hebrew), the protesters greet him.

Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize M.Beginu Committee (Norway).

Photo: Announcement police tracing M.Begina.

Newsreel: The people at the destroyed building.

Lead and are affected by the explosion of the hotel, where there was a British headquarters, firefighters put out the fire.

Photo Zionist veterans parade.

M.Begin is protected by British police in London, reading a book.

Sculpture of a lion on the bridge.

The building of Parliament.

Said a member of the British Parliament G.Dzhanner (synchronously).

Animation: the book "The Jewish Yearbook."

English flag on the street, the building of the newspaper "Jewish Chronicle."

Reel №4

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Report on the streets of New York.

Headquarters of American Zionist organizations on Park Avenue.

Jewelry store.

Bank building with the Israeli flag.

Photo T.Gertslya.

Holland, the area in Antwerp.

Showcase of jewels.

People enter the building, go to the suitcase.

Photo: Hall "Diamond Exchange", the head of the President's Council G.Oppengeymera.

Building "Diamond Exchange" is the youth in costume.

"Gold Street" in New York, go and talk Jewish merchants.

People walk past the display cases with jewelry.

Russian jewelry and ornament in the window.

Line elevated railway, the traffic light.

Street on the outskirts of New York City, home to immigrants from the Soviet Union.

Report on the streets, advertisements in Russian.

A man reading the "New Russian Word".

Demonstration outside the Soviet mission in New York, the poster "Jewish Defense League", he spoke (simultaneously in English), the participants held a portrait of the Soviet court sentenced A.Scharanskogo.

Photo: documents on the case A.Scharanskogo (multrabota).

Newsreel: Says M.Kahane (simultaneously in English).

Military training of members of "the Jewish Defense League."

Reel №5

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Meeting at the airport in Washington M.Begina.

Capitol with the national flag.

Washington Street, the building of a Jewish organization.

Said a representative of the American Jewish Committee in Washington H.Bukbinder (simultaneously in English).

Building of the White House.

Photos of U.S. Presidents in the book (multrabota).

Says A.Liliental - publicist, editor of "Middle East Perspektivz" (simultaneously in English).

Street in New York.

Photo: there are people with torches, and the Israeli flag.

Foreign newspapers and magazines.

The American flag on the roof.

The pictures on the walls of the cabinet Bukbindera.

M.Begina visit to the U.S.: go M.Begin and Ronald Reagan.

Advertising Israeli weapons.

A group of people with guns shooting (monitor).

A man fires a gun.


Israeli tank rides.

Landing a military plane.

Launch missiles at the site.

Ronald Reagan took to the streets (synchronously), next is M.Begin.

M.Begin speaks with Ronald Reagan (synchronously).

Israeli general says retired Major M.Peled (simultaneously in English).

Military parade in Israel, are soldiers.

Man attaches to the flag of the Order.

Fly planes on parade.

M.Begin on the podium.

Plane on the runway.

Reel №6

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Newsreel 1981: Israeli invasion of Lebanon - flying planes, fires and destruction in Beirut.

The woman with the boy, the woman says (synchronously in Arabic).

Refugees driven stuff on the trolley go by car.

Children are put on the car.

Destroyed houses in southern Lebanon.

Panorama on Camp Rashid girl looking out the window.

Coast Guard camp.

Children playing with guns.

Palestinian old men and women.

Destruction by Israeli tanks.

June 1982: Israeli tanks moving on the highway, soldiers go and shoot the wounded.

Fly planes.

Refugees in the car, on the street.

Israeli armored vehicle passes.

Shooting from the tanks, shells fall into the building.

Burning houses and cars.

The ruined street passing car "first aid", carry the wounded.

Corpses in the streets.

Members of the PLO Yasser Arafat, said (simultaneously in English).

Drove truck with Palestinian soldiers, soldiers are on the street, say goodbye to loved ones.

The overall plan of Beirut.

U.S. diplomat F.Habib out of the building, talking to accompany him.

The corpses of the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila.

Israeli soldiers stand.

Concentration camp.

Posters of Hitler and Begin (multrabota).

Reel №7

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The demonstration in Paris against the Israeli aggression in the Middle East.

Anti-Israeli demonstration in Tunis.

Anti-war demonstration in Israel, said demonstrator (simultaneously in English).

He spoke.

Israeli Communist T.Tubi serves in the Knesset, it is removed from the hall.

The protesters in the square.

Says a former general, antiwar movement M.Peled (simultaneously in English).

Meeting of the Israeli Knesset, speaks M.Begin (simultaneously in Hebrew).

From the audience said the leader of the opposition Labor Party leader Shimon Peres.

Journalists front of the monitor.

Begin and Peres say (on screen) - multrabota.

Said Guy de Rothschild (simultaneously in French).

Protest against social and ethnic discrimination in front of the Knesset, the police hold back demonstrators.

are members of the movement, "Black Panthers."

The police dispersed the demonstrators with batons, are arrested.

said political commentator of "Le Monde" Eric Rouleau (simultaneously in French).

Store in an Israeli city.

Women cry at the funeral of an Israeli soldier.

Fighting men.

Are the police.

Group of Orthodox Jewish prayers.

Report on the area where they live conformists.

Equestrian police dispersed a demonstration Orthodox, beat them.

Photo T.Gertslya his desk.

UN emblem.

The meeting in the hall, the Presidency, the scoreboard.

Empty seats representatives of Israel.

Photo M.Begina, Ben-Gurion and Z.Zhabotinskogo.

The soldiers run to the tanks, rides an Israeli tank.

Burning the Arab quarter of the city.

The torch is lit lamp.

Jews pray at the Wailing Wall.

M.Begin smile, Sharon.

Laying of new Jewish settlements.

M.Kahane goes with a group of reporters.

L.Dultsin performs at the "American Assembly in support of Zionism," goes to the presidium.

UN building (filmed from a helicopter).