Leningrad chronicles 1965 № 5

Film-document №86884 1 part, Duration: 0:09:37 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:38

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Producer LSDF

Director: Yu. Ryabov

Operators: G. Afanasjev, Ya. Grinberg, M. Derdulj, M. Kaplan, B. Kozirev, A. Ksenofontov, S. Maslennikov, A. Pavlov

Other authors: D. Pugachev


The issue is devoted to various aspects of the life of Leningrad and the Leningrad region.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Pre-election meetings and rallies in institutions and enterprises of Leningrad before the elections to local councils.

The faces of the rally participants.

One of the candidates speaks from the podium.

The participants of the meeting applaud.

The face of the candidate for deputy foreman of locksmiths of the Electrosila plant I. D. Antonov.

Antonov at work on the assembly of large-sized electric motors.

Types of an election rally in one of the workshops of the plant, the faces of the workers.

Candidate for deputy director of the plant Mozalevsky A.V. speaks from the rostrum.

The workers vote for the nomination of their candidate.

Professor of the Leningrad Department of the Mathematical Institute, candidate for Deputy Ladyzhenskaya O. I. analyzes popular science literature.

Ladyzhenskaya at her desk makes extracts from special publications.

Ladyzhenskaya's face.

The texts of newspaper publications about the American aggression in Vietnam.

Rally against American aggression in Vietnam at the Russian Diesel plant.

The speaker speaks from the rostrum.

Workers listen to the speakers.

The faces of the participants of the protest rally, the speeches of the speakers.

The participants of the rally applaud.

View of the building of the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute.

Conducting research works by professors and teachers of the Institute to improve the quality of industrial products.

The operation of the equipment, the face of the experimenter.

Carrying out work on the creation of a radio detector in the reliability laboratory.

Laboratory staff take readings of control devices.

The face of a laboratory assistant.

Removing the camera from the installation.

A photograph of a defect detected by a radio detector.

Scientists are working on improving the new device.

Products with detected defects.

Panorama of a part of the rally at the Serafimovsky Cemetery dedicated to the opening of the military memorial.

Panorama of the memorial in honor of the courage and perseverance of Leningrad residents during the siege.

Veterans light the Eternal Flame.

Artillery gives a salute, there are military men with battle flags, the faces of the rally participants.

Newsreel of 1941-1942: people on the streets of besieged Leningrad in the first military winter.

Leningraders are carrying the corpses of their relatives who died of hunger on a sled.

People are standing over a corpse covered with snow.

The Eternal Flame is burning.

Laying wreaths and flowers at the memorial.

Inscriptions on mourning ribbons.

An elderly woman wipes her tears.

View of one of the sculptures of the memorial.

The Eternal Flame is burning.

Jet fighters take off.

A fighter in a training flight.

The flight director at the command post.

The pilots go to their planes.

Pilots sit in the cabins of aircraft.

A fighter plane before takeoff.

The pilot closes the cockpit lamp.

The fighter is taxiing to the runway.

The person of the flight director who gives permission for take-off.

A pair of fighters on duty takes off.

Children of pilots on a walk.

The boy looks at the sky, the fighter is in flight.

One of the pilots is at home in a family circle.

The pilot puts his daughter to bed.

The faces of the father and daughter.

The radio is on the table.

The pilot puts on a helmet with an oxygen mask.

Pilots check with each other the reliability of high-altitude flight suits.

Winter forest landscape.

Professor of the Leningrad Institute of Engineering and Economics V. P. Romanovsky in the forest together with his grandson collects natural material to create crafts from dry branches.

Romanovsky creates another composition of dry branches.

Romanovsky's face.

Figures of a dancer and a monkey made by Romanovsky from dry branches.

View of the hall of the exhibition "Nature and Fantasy".

The works of amateur artists created from natural materials and presented at the exhibition, visitors view the exhibits.

The artist demonstrates his work.

The faces of the visitors.

Figurines presented at the exhibition.

Sports awards and medals won by skier Lyudmila Fedosyuk.

Athletes go the distance during training in Kavgolovo.

Fedosyuk among skiers.

Fedosyuk's face, snow-covered tops of fir trees.

Fedosyuk puts on a bathing cap.

View of the swimming pool.

Fedosyuk jumps into the water from the pedestal.

Fedosyuk on the water path.

Fedosyuk during training on a kayak in the pool.

Fedosyuk gives an interview to a journalist at home, shows off his awards and photos.

The Olympic medal won by Fedosyuk at the 1964 Games in Japan.

Medals won by Fedosyuk.


Mozalevskij anatolij Vasiljevich -- economic, state and political figure
Ladizhenskaya Oljga Aleksandrovna -- mathematician




Leningrad region



Russian cities and regions; Authorities and management; Rallies; Museums and exhibitions; Institutions of science; Monuments; World War II; Beginning of the blockade of Leningrad; Air force; Sport
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; State institutions; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life; Culture and Arts; Science; History; Army; Defense and internal security; Aviation