Leningrad chronicles 1966 № 5

Film-document №86886 1 part, Duration: 0:09:54 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:54

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Producer LSDF

Director: Stanukinas L.

Operators: Afanasjev G., Gulin V., Ivanov A., Kozirev B., Luchinin O., Mostovoj P., Nikolaev Yu., Obuhovich N., Pavlov A.

Other authors: Vendelovskij V.


The issue is devoted to various aspects of the life of Leningrad and the Leningrad region.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

View of winter Leningrad.

The building of the Tauride Palace.

Delegates of the 17th city Party Conference are going to the meeting.

View of the foyer of the palace before the meeting.

Panorama of the meeting room (from above).

View of the conference Presidium.

The first secretary of the Leningrad City Committee of the CPSU, G. I. Popov, makes a report from the rostrum (synchronously).

The delegates of the conference applaud.

Panorama of the part of the hall of the Tauride Palace during the conference session (synchronously).

Persons of delegates and members of the Presidium.

Popov finishes his speech, the faces of the conference delegates.

View of the hall (from above), the delegates stand up, applaud.

The delegates of the conference speak from the rostrum.

Samples of non-ferrous metal parts.

View of a part of the shop of a steel rolling plant.

Equipment parts made of pressed wood.

Installation of pressed wood parts.

The face of the associate professor of the Forestry Academy Denisenko-the creator of pressed wood for the manufacture of parts.

The process of manufacturing parts from pressed wood.

Production of wooden bushings and gears.

The faces of the workers and Denisenko.

Denisenko demonstrates a detail made of pressed wood.

Samples of parts made of pressed wood.

Winter rural landscape (panorama).

Entrance to the territory of the state farm "Shushary".

Meeting of the management of the state farm.

The director of the state farm raises the issue of the development and improvement of animal husbandry, cheaper feed (synchronously).

The participants of the meeting report on the results of their work in January 1966.

View of the new building of the Moskovsky department store on Moskovsky Prospekt in Leningrad.

Entrance to the department store.

Views and panoramas of trading halls.

Mannequins on display.

Sellers strengthen the price tags on the goods.

Goods for various purposes on the shelves of a department store.

Chandeliers and lamps under the ceiling.

Department of electrical goods.

The head of the section instructs the sellers.

The sellers ' faces.

Sellers disperse to their workplaces.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition of children's drawings in the House of Friendship and Peace with the peoples of foreign countries.

Children in the exhibition halls.

The faces of the children.

Fragments of drawings of children from foreign countries, the faces of visitors.

Entrance to the Theater of the Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography, the poster of the play "Visible Song" prepared by third-year students of the Institute.

A rehearsal of one of the scenes of the play, the faces of the student actors.

The performance of one of the musical miniatures of the performance, a panorama of the auditorium, people applaud.

Types of the Leningrad port.

The icebreaker "Kiev" paves the way for a caravan of ships.

The captain, his assistant and the navigator are in the control room.

Levers of the machine telegraph.

Ice outside the icebreaker.

The icebreaker is on its way.

Icebreaker crew members at their daily work.

The captain's face.

View of a part of a ship caravan going through the ice.

Internal view of the control room.

View of the bow of the icebreaker.

Landscapes of Antarctica.

The wives and children of polar explorers talk to their husbands on the phone, using an installed radio bridge.

Views of winter Leningrad, people descend from the embankment to the crossing of the ice-covered Neva.

People on the streets of winter Leningrad.

Movie posters on the wall of the building.

View of the bridge with griffins.


Popov Georgij Ivanovich -- statesman and politician




Leningrad region



Russian cities and regions; Meeting; Political figures; Industry; Agriculture; Trade; Childhood and youth; Visual Arts; Museums and exhibitions; Sea and river transport
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life; Biography; Policy; Sectors of the economy; Culture and Arts; Transportation