Leningrad chronicles 1991 № 7

Film-document №86890 1 part, Duration: 0:09:33 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:33

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Producer LSDF

Director: I. Sarkisyan

Operators: I. Petrov, L. Rozhin,N. Vinogradskaya

Other authors: G. Sisoev


The issue is devoted to the economic situation of the population of Leningrad and the country as a whole, the characteristic signs of the time (the destruction of architectural monuments, the decline in income of the population, humanitarian aid from abroad, etc.).

Social life | Sectors of the economy

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

View of the Palace of Mars in Leningrad, the Eternal Flame is burning, a woman with a child is standing by the Eternal Flame.

Faces of firefighters, extinguishing the fire.

Panorama of a building wall with broken windows.

Metropolitan John of Leningrad and Ladoga leads the Christmas service, congratulates the parishioners on the holiday.

Telethon "Rebirth" on the TV screen.

Views of Leningrad (top).

The faces of firefighters who fill the fire pit with water.

panorama of a part of the wall of a burning building.

The face of a firefighter.

Panorama of the ashes, firefighters sort out the rubble.

Firefighters fill the fire with water from a hose.

Fragments of the TV show, smoke from the fire rises into the sky, firefighters flood the fire centers.

Panorama of the territory of the enterprise where the fire occurred.

A fragment of the TV show, the performance of the ballet dancer Makarova.

People are waiting in line for humanitarian aid.

Portrait of Gorbachev, filled with boxes of humanitarian aid.

An elderly woman signs for receiving humanitarian aid.

Delivery of humanitarian aid.

The head of the issuing point speaks about the main difficulties of working with the population (synchronously).

Boxes of humanitarian aid from Germany, issuing boxes of humanitarian aid to pensioners.

The pensioner talks about the reasons that made her come for humanitarian aid (synchronously).

A woman goes home, pulling a box of humanitarian aid on a rope in the snow.

The man answers the question about the size of the pension (synchronously).

The elderly woman thanks everyone for sending humanitarian aid.

Fragment of the telethon "Vozrozhdenie", performed by Sobchak A. A.

View of one of the empty historical buildings of Leningrad, surrounded by a fence.

A man on the street collects alms, a view of the building of an Orthodox church.

Workers observe the extinguishing of a fire on the territory of the enterprise.

People on one of the streets.

A man carries a box of humanitarian aid home.

People walk down the street, a woman on crutches begs for alms.

An elderly couple takes boxes of humanitarian aid home on a sled.

A woman on crutches collects alms, a view of the building of the Orthodox cathedral.


Ioann (Snichev Ivan Matveevich) -- bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, religious figure
Makarova Nataliya Romanovna -- ballet dancer, choreographer, actress
Sobchak Anatolij aleksandrovich -- statesman and politician







Disasters; Media
Geography and Nature; Wars, conflicts and disasters; Social life