Leningrad chronicles 1991 № 8

Film-document №86892 1 part, Duration: 0:10:17 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:17

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Producer LSDF

Director: V. Roschin

Operators: N. Vinogradskij, I. Petrov, E. Ranenko

Other authors: M. Podtakuj, A. Papchinskij


The issue tells about two rallies held in Leningrad on February 23, 1991: a traditional rally in honor of the armed forces holiday and a protest rally of the committee "Civil Resistance", the main theme of which was a boycott of the presidential referendum on March 17 on the preservation of the USSR.

Rallies | Domestic policy | Army

Society, social activities and community organizations | Social life | Policy | Defense and internal security

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Panorama of the Palace Square during a rally on February 23, 1991 in honor of the Armed Forces.

A column of demonstrators led by a brass band enters the square.

Military consolidated brass band plays "Farewell of the Slavs", a panorama of the orchestra.

Types of the rally, banners with slogans over the heads of the rally participants.

Panorama of the Palace Square during the rally.

Banners with slogans for the preservation of the USSR and support for the army over the heads of the rally participants.

The faces of the rally participants, conscripts at the rally, the faces of the soldiers.

The speaker speaks from the rostrum in support of the army (synchronously).

The faces of the rally participants, journalist Alexander Nevzorov on the podium.

Participants of the fighting in Afghanistan, dressed in camouflage, at a rally.

Speakers make speeches against the rampant anti-Army hysteria, talk about the difficult living conditions of military personnel, criticize Yeltsin (synchronously).

Types of meetings.

The faces of the soldiers.

Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Lensovet A. A. Shchelkanov speaks from the rostrum.

The participants of the rally behave aggressively towards the film crew, demanding to remove the camera.

Persons of cadets of military schools of Leningrad, participating in the rally.

Physical training on the sports campus of one of the military units, the speaker speaks from the rostrum of the rally, alternates with the types of rally.

Cadets answer the question of the film crew "Why do we need an army?", defend the army from attacks (synchronously).

View of the rally podium.

Views and panorama of the Palace Square during the end of the rally and the beginning of the festivities, people disperse from the square.

Removal of the banner with the slogan from the rostrum-truck, folding banners.

Views and panorama of the rally organized by the" Committee of Civil Resistance " on Palace Square and dedicated to the boycott of the March 17 referendum on the preservation of the USSR.

The speaker speaks at the rally with a speech about the venality of the generals and the leadership of the country and the actual social inequality, calls for voting for Yeltsin (synchronously).

Banners with slogans in support of Yeltsin and for the resignation of Gorbachev.

Participants of the rally chant the name of Yeltsin.

A rider in a pseudo-cossack uniform with a tricolor flag in his hand.

The column of demonstrators leaves through the arch of the General Staff on Nevsky Prospekt.

The faces of the soldiers.

A demonstration in support of Yeltsin is moving along Nevsky Prospekt, types of demonstrations.

Sentry at post No. 1 at the banner of the military unit.

The faces of the soldiers of the first year of service, standing in the ranks on the sports town.


Nevzorov Aleksandr Glebovich -- journalist, TV presenter, public and political figure
Schelkanov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich -- statesman and politician







Russian cities and regions; Demonstrations; Political figures
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life; Biography; Policy